ReadsOmnia - Beyond the Trending Hashtag

ReadsOmnia - Beyond the Trending Hashtag

That feeling of anticipation, entering the bookstore, and all those colourful artworks, staring at you from the bookshelves craving for your attention. Welcome to ReadsOmnia › The Digital Anticipation.

* Spoiler alert - ReadsOmnia creator personal and highly biased views ahead:

Positive anticipation - and the Pulp Fiction trade-off

Back in the days before the Internet streaming of everything, older amongst us will remember with a palpable portion of nostalgia all the excitement related to the ways media like the books, comics, movies or (Hi-Fi Dolby stereo) music were consumed. For many, the process was initiated much before we read, watched or listened to the "long-awaited goodies", and the waiting time involved was, by definition, the positive anticipation.

Nowadays, the impatience to watch the latest Netflix hit-piece episode or listen to the live-streaming Spotify podcast exceeds only the countless form&shapes of entertainment itself struggling to each other for our attention 24-7.

Shared Anticipation - and the Benefits of not Being Locked-down

A wise man said, "Candies are always more delicious while behind the storefront window". It applies in particular to the rest of us, fans of good literature, still hooked to the haptic sensation of holding an actual book in our hands, sniffing between the pages and tidying our bookshelf with pride and joy (and a bit of a prejudice) every once in a while.

And as with mentioned candies, the secret ingredient in finding the next reading masterpiece has always been a good old word of mouth. You would finish reading the great novel, and then it would be one of the prominent conversation topics in any social gathering situation. Depending on the event format, you would share the recommendation with your acquaintances or total strangers. Usually, in return, you would get a bunch of good suggestions for your next must-read book. Not to mention new lifetime friendships or even beyond that. Why not?

As regards word of mouth - it is more and more just words over the broadband internet connections without in-person seeing the mouth that utters it whatsoever. Think about the social implications for a sec.

No Anticipation - just Another Excitement Buster Shot.

So the question is: Are we really enjoying our books, movies or music to the full extent now that it's all readily available? Is there a tangible cost for all that abundance and instant accessibility that we are paying willingly?

Let's think of a viable alternative that reconciles all the good, bad and not-worse aspects of the technology with our still present instinct of being entertained in reasonably digestible chunks. Let us be consumers with positive anticipation again, instead of just being positively consumed all day long by social media and everyday hectic life experiences.

Digital Anticipation - let the ReadsOmnia usher in!

ReadsOmnia was born in the somewhat large and rounded head of a 50 years old freshman as the direct result of these first-hand experiences & prolonged contemplation. Considering the decent lifespan and the fact that he-me was a witness of the times, not to forget my professional connection to the online dystopia by being an Internet marketing & development expert from the very time of conception of these terms, I found myself embroiled in the secret mission.

The mission of ReadsOmnian is to well-serve all of you - passionate readers alike, by bringing the good old word of mouth concept to the digital world you are surrounded with. By using the best of the cutting edge technology and AI to search from all corners of the Internet, every major literature outlet and community forum, let the technology help us meander the digital literature jungle out there, bringing to us only the best of the best to pick - "how, when and where" on our terms.

ReadsOmnia anticipation - what makes it different?

You may say: "nothing new here. I already knew some similar services, so what is the difference?"

We use information from all those services and beyond to moderate the collection of unique fiction and non-fiction titles. Those that matter, that everyone speaks about around the corner, and those on numerous selfies on Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, those that that acclaimed critics would pay you to read, and those that users of other services discuss thoroughly and in great length but never reach to the front pages or get the mainstream recognition.

If you wish to have one source to hold them all for the current state of the new, trending and next must-read fiction and non-fiction titles, go to ReadSomnia and enjoy the offshoots of these facts:

ReadsOmnia - Quick Facts:

  1. An advanced AI algorithm with the comprehensive tracing of the online social interactions, picking up the information against relevant keywords and moderating the results.

  2. We are tracking hundreds of the most prominent Reading Lists collecting information about all new and trending fiction and non-fiction releases.

  3. Following all the official resources; media outlets, global publishers, big internet stores (Amazon, B&N), gathering information about the fresh best sellers and top-of-the-charts titles.

  4. Eavesdropping to the authoritative resources and Influencer blogs and social media accounts for the moderated selection of the most awarded and critically acclaimed literature releases.

  5. Aggregating information from the Community run literature websites and discussion forums - picking up the general readership signals about the new and anticipating worth-reading titles.

  6. Simple but comprehensive search capabilities. A single input field that accepts your query for Author, Title, Genre, Topic, or whatever-related to the point of your interest. The information is instantly extracted in the background from the vast database of related results.

  7. Unique interface with all information presented in a fashionable and well-structured way, easy to consume and navigate. If you enjoy services like Netflix, Hulu or Spotify, you will be on familiar ground. In fact, wouldn't you agree that it was the right time that such a proven user experience translates to the service dedicated to books and literature?

  8. Social Media Integration - you can share the information with others, and you can reach us at any time just by hitting the right social media button on every ReadsOmnia page.

  9. Community - well, speaking of positive anticipation, that is one I am striving for with ReadsOmnia, in the sincere hope that you will join our vision, hang out with us and spread the word.

  10. Place for you to participate.