Alice in Wonderland Collection: All Four Books - book cover
  • Publisher : CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1st edition
  • Published : 05 Apr 2016
  • Pages : 236
  • ISBN-10 : 1530917565
  • ISBN-13 : 9781530917563
  • Language : English

Alice in Wonderland Collection: All Four Books

Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland books have delighted readers across the globe for over a hundred years. Alice in Wonderland Collection – All Four Books presents the two most famous Alice books – Alice in Wonderland and Alice Through the Looking Glass – as well as the Alice-related fantasy verse The Hunting of the Snark and, for Alice aficionados, a digitized copy of Alice's Adventures Underground, the shorter, original Alice in Wonderland manuscript which Carroll wrote for his friends and family before they encouraged him to expand the book and send it to a publisher.

"Begin at the beginning," the King said, very gravely, "and go on till you come to the end: then stop."

- Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland.

Readers Top Reviews

SpillaneKSurbcru o
This is a terrible product. It’s one book and flimsy, poor quality and not respectable enough for a gift. Disappointed. I recommend you do not buy this product.
Domingos Paulo
Primeiramente, é importante ressaltar que não se tratam de 4 livros. São os 2 livros das aventuras de Alice (Alice no País das Maravilhas e Alice Através do Espelho). O que é chamado de livro 3 na verdade é uma espécie de conto descrito em forma de poesia do autor do livro, mas não envolve Alice e não achei nada interessante. O que é chamado de livro 4 na verdade é uma edição alternativa do livro 1. Tirando estes detalhes, a estória já é bastante conhecida. Lewis Carroll é um autor de uma imaginação incomparável. Ainda acho estranho uma estória como essa ser voltada para crianças. É tudo tão maluco e complexo, mas ao mesmo tempo extremamente divertido e perspicaz. Foi a primeira vez que pude ler o original em inglês, e gostei muito. É um livro fantástico, para se ler e reler várias vezes e viajar junto com o autor e a pequena Alice. Leitura mais que recomendada. Só não dei 5 estrelas pelos 2 últimos "livros" não adicionarem nada a estória de Alice.
anonymous reader
The classic Alice in Wonderland tale is told here along with three other wonderful stories. When I began this book I knew of the first Alice book, by had not read any of the other wonderful stories. The book also contained photos of Lewis Carroll and his friends, and letters from him for children. A wonderful read that people will read again and again for years to come.
Books, Vertigo and T
Follow Alice down the rabbit hole and through the looking glass as she encounters many marvelous creatures in world full of incredible adventure! This is a tale that never tires and will continue to be shared for years to come. This was an E book purchase, and one of the best I have made. I was pleasantly surprised with how well this was formatted. I am a huge fan of the Alice in Wonderland collection, and this set is complete with all four books. I was thrilled that Alice Underground (the original manuscript) was included. The classic illustrations only add more charm to what has been an endearing classic for years. I would absolutely love to have this set in hardback.
Cardina Naveira
Is more than incredible if you appreciate the good literature and of course Lewis Carroll is one of the greatest.

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