All In: A Vision for Living Fully Every Day - book cover
Christian Living
  • Publisher : Convergent Books
  • Published : 07 Feb 2023
  • Pages : 144
  • ISBN-10 : 0593238362
  • ISBN-13 : 9780593238363
  • Language : English

All In: A Vision for Living Fully Every Day

All In is an inspirational, practical guide to dreaming big and developing a vision for living each day to the fullest, inspired by popular principles from Mallory Ervin's bestseller Living Fully

We all want a big life. One that fulfills our heart's desires and brings us joy. But for so many of us that kind of life has always felt just out of reach-until now. Popular podcast host and lifestyle entrepreneur Mallory Ervin knows that your potential can be realized and that your best life is closer than you think. She's done it in her own life, and with All In, she wants to show you how to build the life you were meant to live, too.

All In expands on the life-changing principles from Mallory's bestselling first book, Living Fully, and helps you apply them so you can live the life you've always dreamed of. You'll get Mallory's step-by-step guide to casting a vision for your life-one that's personalized to your own hopes and desires. Beautifully designed and filled with stories, prompts, takeaways, and tips for developing your own vision board, All In guides you through the six steps to turn your dream life into reality:

• Know what you want. Don't be afraid to dream big.
• Manifest your desires. Focus on what you want, today and in the future.
• Abolish "fine." Stop settling for less.
• Prioritize. Let the right attitude elevate your desires.
• Live with joy in the everyday. Find big happiness in the little things.
• Pivot. Life's curveballs don't have to keep you from living life to the fullest.

Both inspirational and practical, All In encourages you to envision a life you never thought possible-and equips you to make it happen!

Readers Top Reviews

Carly PriceCarly
I love this book so much!! Coming from a girl who loves everything’s pink and hearts but more importantly than the adorable layout is the words inside! I love how she gives such heartfelt insight and then you have time for your own reflection! Anyone finding their joy or inspiring more and looking for a way to help narrow down your dreams… get this! 💓
anna potterCarly
My copy of “All In” arrived today and I had a chance to read the introduction and thumb through some of the pages, (toddler mom life) and I couldn’t be more excited to get into the book! I’ve been a long time follower of Mallory, and her idea of living fully came into my life in a time when I needed it the most. If you are a podcast listener, 10/10 recommended listening to her podcast “Living Fully with Mallory Ervin”. SO thankful for Mallory and the light she brings to my world.
Kymberli Madajann
I bought this book for my 35 yr. old daughter for V-day :) Yes, I am that kind of Momma. As soon as she saw it she said, "Oh my goodness, I was going to buy this for myself!" I LOVE Mallory and follow her crazy life on Insta social so I was excited to get this book. I even started reading the first couple of chapters!
Stephanie BoggsKy
Thank you for writing such an encouraging book. I read all the time, but not often books like yours. I mostly read just for entertainment. I’m following you on Instagram and really enjoy your page. You always encourage and I love seeing your home and your family. Also, I love that you are from Kentucky as I am, too. Thanks for being so encouraging, entertaining and open. I look forward to reading more of your books! Stephanie
Allison MazerStep
WOW, WOW, WOW! What an incredible book! I’ve been searching and searching for a purposeful life for myself and could never quite figure out how to go about it. I’m a stay at home mom of 5 and grandmother of 4 and an very grateful but missing something if that makes sense. A lack of contribution, an empty nest, just added to it. I pray over it, of course, but this book finally hit the nail on the head. Visioning and working on what I want for my life has always been right in front of me but I didn’t see it until I read Mallory’s book and started to apply the tools she graciously laid out. It’s a must read.

Short Excerpt Teaser

More Than Wishful Thinking

Chances are, you've heard someone casually talking about visualizing, or manifesting, something into their lives. It's one of those concepts people like to throw around a lot, and depending on who you're talking to, it can mean a variety of different things. I also know that people can write off visualization as a woo-woo practice that doesn't really have much bearing on your life. I suppose some people consider manifesting something they don't really understand or have access to. But for me? Manifesting has been literally life-changing, and deeply rooted in my life since I was a child. And it's something that I want to help you bring into your own life. You deserve to live fully, and you deserve to have good things in your life, even if they might feel like big, audacious goals. I want you to feel empowered here and excited about naming those things you want in your life. I want to help you make tangible plans every day to manifest them. I'm going to help you create a tool to do just that, and I know it's going to change your life like it's changed mine.

Now don't worry, we aren't talking about spells and magic here. Absolutely not. When I talk about manifesting, about visualization,

I'm talking about clearly articulating what it is you want and placing that visual representation of it in a space (or a vision board) where you see it often and bring it outward from your subconscious.

If you don't write visualization off as hocus-pocus, it can help you bring a pretty spectacular life to fruition. Visualization is a powerful practice that has recently become more rooted in the science of neuroplasticity-which is the ability the brain has to change. Dr. Tara Swart is a friend of mine who has also been a pioneer in applying visualization to what science understands of neuroplasticity. In the pages that follow, I'll be using some of my tried-and-true techniques that have worked for me to help guide you along your journey to propel you into living fully.

I invite you to leave your skepticism at the door and try to be open to this. As with anything, your mind-set plays a huge part in how successful a new practice will be in your life. If you're going to start visualizing the life you want and begin manifesting these things into your life, you can't just simply say, "I want a new car." Like I said, this isn't magic, and visualization isn't as easy as making a wish. You've got to be confident enough to truly envision yourself receiving those things you're trying to manifest in your life.

You have to believe that you are worthy to receive and live the life you desire.

You have to believe to your core that you are worthy of the achievements and experiences you so desperately want in your life.

Shake off that impostor syndrome, shush that negative voice in your head telling you this nonsense, and tell yourself that your dreams, goals, and desires are valid and worth fighting for.

If you go into this as a skeptic trying to disprove everything, or if you approach visualizing with a lack of confidence, your success is going to be impacted. However, if you open your mind and your heart, decide to trust the process, and have the confidence that you can achieve the things you are visualizing for your life, you're going to experience a lot more success as you walk this journey. In the pages that follow, you'll set clear intentions and goals in your life, and you'll create your own vision board to help you begin living fully every day. But this is all going to be a pointless exercise for you if you're not all in. So, if you're ready to take a step of faith with me, let's get started.

Like any journey, you can't set out successfully if you don't know where you're going, and it's exactly the same with visualization. Visualization begins with deciding what you want in your life. This is the piece a lot of people don't take the time to do. But it's not an option-you have to do this step and do it well. Now, I know if we were sitting at a table together talking through this, your first instinct might be to give me a broad answer. I want to be happy. I want to own my own business. I want to have a stronger family. I want to be healthier. Don't get me wrong, these are all great things to want, but you have to get a little more specific so you can actually have a VISION for living fully. Reaching these goals and desires is so broad, that getting to the point of happier, healthier, or business owner could look wildly different from day to day. So, when we're working to visualize and manifest things into our lives, we've got to get specific.

Go back to page xvii and look at what you wrote down. I want you to use those answers to begin to real...