Besieged: Book Nine: Stories from The Iron Druid Chronicles - book cover
Action & Adventure
  • Publisher : Del Rey
  • Published : 13 Sep 2022
  • Pages : 272
  • ISBN-10 : 0593500180
  • ISBN-13 : 9780593500187
  • Language : English

Besieged: Book Nine: Stories from The Iron Druid Chronicles

In the ninth installment in Kevin Hearne's New York Times bestselling Iron Druid Chronicles, the ancient gods are still wreaking havoc today in this hilarious, action-packed collection of original short stories featuring Atticus O'Sullivan.

In ancient Egypt, Atticus agrees to raid a secret chamber underneath the library of Alexandria, dodging deadly traps, only to learn that on-site security includes two members of the Egyptian pantheon.

At a Kansas carnival, fun and games turn to murder and mayhem, thanks to soul-snatching demons and flesh-craving ghouls luring visitors into an all-too-real house of horrors.

In olde England, striking up a friendship with William Shakespeare lands both Atticus and the Bard in boiling hot water with a trio of infamous witches.

During the Gold Rush, the avatar of greed himself turns the streets of San Francisco red with blood and upsets the elemental Sequoia. Atticus may have to fight fire with fire if he's going to restore balance.

More, you say? Indeed there is-including bogeymen, vampire hordes, wrathful wraiths, and even a journey to the realm of the dead. Prepare to be besieged with ten tantalizing tales-not to be missed, never to be forgotten.

Don't miss any of The Iron Druid Chronicles:

Editorial Reviews

Praise for The Iron Druid Chronicles

"[Kevin] Hearne is a terrific storyteller with a great snarky wit. . . . Neil Gaiman's American Gods meets Jim Butcher's Harry Dresden."-SFFWorld

"[The Iron Druid books] are clever, fast-paced and a good escape."-Boing Boing

"Hearne understands the two main necessities of good fantasy stories: for all the wisecracks and action, he never loses sight of delivering a sense of wonder to his readers, and he understands that magic use always comes with a price. Highly recommended."-The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction

"Superb . . . plenty of quips and zap-pow-bang fighting."-Publishers Weekly (starred review)

"Celtic mythology and an ancient Druid with modern attitude mix it up in the Arizona desert in this witty new fantasy series."-Kelly Meding, author of Chimera

"[Atticus is] a strong modern hero with a long history and the wit to survive in the twenty-first century. . . . A snappy narrative voice . . . a savvy urban fantasy adventure."-Library Journal

"A page-turning and often laugh-out-loud funny caper through a mix of the modern and the mythic."-Ari Marmell, author of The Warlord's Legacy

"Outrageously fun."-The Plain Dealer

"Kevin Hearne breathes new life into old myths, creating a world both eerily familiar and startlingly original."-Nicole Peeler, author of Tempest Rising

Readers Top Reviews

Just a collection of short stories from other books that I own. I wish that it had been made clear on the preorder that it was just a collation of other content and nothing new/original. I honestly feel a bit scammed
What a book. Kept me on edge . Utterly fantastic. Have read all of the Druids series. Every one Brilliant.
I like Kevin Hearne books.but I did make a mistake with this one. I saw his name and thought it was the next episode of the Iron Druid series. I didn't read the preview and I should have so I was very disappointed when I realised it was only short stories filling in gaps. However, since I have to wait for him to finish writing the next book in the series it will do to be going on with. Like I said I really like Kevin Hearne books and I really liked this one as well..
E. Scher Kelly M
I would not have expected to find myself giving the book only three stars. When I first stumbled onto the series about a year ago I gobbled up the entire set in about a month. Yet I find myself somewhat dissatisfied with this book. First, and this is not actually Kevin's fault, I was expecting the next sequel, not a collection of short stories. I did not deduct a star for that, nor did it prevent me from enjoying the book in an overall sense. Having said that, I do have two criticisms. First, it felt a little phoned in. It would be valid to criticize me for making that criticism under the old saying that if I think I can do better I should try it myself. My point is not that Kevin is a bad author it is in fact the opposite. I just did not feel that this book was quite up to the craftsmanship I had gotten used to. The second is more concerning because I would not like to see it become a habit… I don't mind winning author expresses view points through his characters because it can be a very interesting way of exploring new ideas that hadn't occurred to me. Having said that, I thought Kevin was a little heavy handed with the political stuff in this book. To be clear I am drawing a distinction between expressing few points that come from a particular philosophical place and the expression of politics in a very naked sense. There were some places in this book where I actually felt personally insulted. That's strictly an emotional reaction, not an intellectual one but I cannot and will not pretend that I didn't feel like I was being slapped in the face more than once. I am not the fierce druid's father and I do not like being made to feel as if I am. I look forward to Kevins next book and I just hope that he's not quite as angry when he writes it.
I usually avoid short stories like a ONS, to me they are all glitz and glamour but end up shallow, tawdry, and leave me feeling wanting and looking for absolution. However, i took a chance, and I really enjoyed "Besieged." It just worked and let me revisit Oberon, Atticus and crew.... I get it, short stories are like the gym for Authors, they can try out new story lines, or revisit ones that an editor wrongfully, mercilessly, evicted from a previous novel. Now that I think of it, they are probably a useful tool editors use to appease the ego of the author and maybe make a few dollars on side, plus keep fans like me interested in a series.. (Please Mr. Hearne comment if I am even close to this guess) Either way, I so prefer, and i hate to use this word because it is so overused, "Epic" story. You know the story with multiple plot lines, deep characters, that keep me intrigued for days as I savor every word and then neatly ties said plot lines together in 300-350 pages, all for under $5.99 e-book, $9.99 paperback. Yeah, I know I'm asking for a lot.. but sadly that is the market these days. Thanks Amazon?!? 'd be good under at 950 pages and not really care about the price. Not that I'm snobby, just a good story to me is truly priceless. I guess really what I'm saying is I really like the, "Iron Druid" series, would love to see more of them and I truly do appreciate the effort.

Short Excerpt Teaser

The Eye of Horus

Atticus shares this story early on during Granuaile's training period, in between Tricked and the novella Two Ravens and One Crow.

I am often reminded how a small fire underneath a vast sky can bind people together like nothing else. For all that we are social creatures, we are too often shoved into solitary confinement by circumstance. The color of our skin isn't like everyone else's, or our language is different, or our religion isn't the one that gets us invited to dinner by the neighbors. That last one has kept me alone for a long, long time. There are no more Druids walking the earth, unless you count the various neo-pagan versions, who are all operating on nineteenth-century reconstructions.

And despite the fact that I have an apprentice, I suspect she won't be the same sort of Druid that I am-I mean believing in the old Irish gods as I do, paying them respect and offering them prayers, observing the holidays and the rites as the Irish used to do in the days before the invasion of the Christians. Gaia doesn't require belief in any deity to be bound to her: She merely requires a highly trained mind and unswerving devotion to her protection. With Granuaile I think there is a willingness to see the divine, to acknowledge and appreciate both its wonder and terror, but a stubborn resistance to worshipping it.

But she liked staring into campfires well enough. Fires were warm cups of non-thinking serenity after the daily rigors of training. I had been exhausting her mentally with languages and headspace exercises and then physically with the martial arts. By the time the sun sank behind the baked sandstone cliffs of the Navajo Nation each day, she was ready to lose herself in the yellow and orange flickers of flame. And quiz me about my past.

"Ugh," she said, flopping on the ground by our fire pit and popping open a bottle of beer with a hiss and clink as the top fell to the ground. "What a day. Wish I could just upload kung fu like Neo instead of learning it the slow way." She leaned back against a rock padded with a bedroll and took a swig, winced at some ache or soreness in her muscles, then said, "Tell me about the old days, Atticus, when you were wee and had to walk both ways uphill in feces because no one had toilets."

"You seriously want to hear about that?"

"Well, I'd like to hear about some old shit, but it doesn't need to include actual shit, if that helps. I'm tired, damn it. Just tell me a story."

Oberon said through our mental link. He was stretched out by the fire, lying across my feet, belly up for easy rubbing. Granuaile couldn't hear him, but she could follow along because I spoke my part of the conversation aloud.

"What's that, Oberon?"

"Oh, you mean Bast. Yes, I remember. Hard to forget something like that."

"You already know why she was mad. She wanted me to return the book of her cult's mysteries that I had stolen long ago."

"Oh, I see. Heh! Yes, I suppose that would be a good story for the night. Wow, this is going way back to the third century. I was still haunting Europe at the time."

"Wait, Atticus, hold on," Granuaile said. "Is this going to take a while?"

"I'm not sure. Is there some hurry?"

"I don't want to interrupt you in the middle of it. I should answer the call of nature first."

"Good call, then. We'll reconvene after a few words from nature."

Some hiding places are better than others. The ones with friendly company are the best, and by friendly I mean people who don't particularly care about your background or what your tattoos mean. They just want a name to call you by, a sense that you'll pull your own weight and contribute to the group's survival, and maybe the occasional joke or roll in the hay. I miss the days of easy anonymity, when I could just make up a name when I got to a village and stay there as long as I could keep from using any magic that would give my position away to the Fae. I met new friends, made myself useful, and disappeared for years at a time.

That didn't mean I was impossible to find. The Morrigan could find me pretty much anytime she wanted. On this particular occasion, she found me hanging out with the Visigoths in what is now the southern tip of modern-day Moldova, since I was doing my best to avoid the Roman Empire. She lighted in a tree as I was collecting deadwood for the night's fire, and her eyes glowed red to demonstrate that she wasn't the average crow. I looked around. It was just me out there.

"Hi, Morrigan. Looks like the coast is clear. You need to tell me something?"

She flew down to the ground and shifted to her human form, the red coals in her eyes dying out. "Hello, Siodhachan. Yes, I a...