Blindside (Michael Bennett, 12) - book cover
Thrillers & Suspense
  • Publisher : Little, Brown and Company; First Printing edition
  • Published : 24 Feb 2020
  • Pages : 384
  • ISBN-10 : 0316420336
  • ISBN-13 : 9780316420334
  • Language : English

Blindside (Michael Bennett, 12)

When New York City's Mayor is desperate to find his missing daughter, Detective Michael Bennett steps in to help the Mayor and strike a deal to save his son in prison. Bennett and the mayor have always had a tense relationship, but now the mayor sees in Bennett a discreet investigator with family worries of his own. Just one father helping another. The detective leaps into the case and sources lead him to a homicide in the Bronx. The victim has ties to a sophisticated hacking operation—and also to the mayor's missing daughter, Natalie, a twenty-one-year-old computer prodigy. The murder is part of a serial killing spree, one with national security implications. And suddenly Bennett is at the center of a dangerous triangle anchored by NYPD, FBI, and a transnational criminal organization. Michael Bennett has always been an honorable man, but sometimes—when the lives of innocents are at stake—honor has to take a back seat. Survival comes first.

Readers Top Reviews

This book had me gripped from start to finish and it was good to read about the Bennett family again. Really did not like Henry and he was too full of himself and glad Natalie left. I was so happy when the family got Brian back. Looking forward to the next book.
Thank you for restoring my faith in JP books. Recently gave up on a JP novel, The Chef, very disappointing. Now I’m back on track with a Michael Bennett Thriller “Blind Side”....can’t put it down. Excellent read. James O. Born is a great co author. Thank you.
M. Kayegeoff church
I am an avid James Patterson fan but was not happy with the way this Michael Bennett book was written. Bit of a different style which I didn’t like and rather predictable and weak in parts. Disappointed to say the least.
Michael Bennett story. Sometimes I’ve found that when Mr. Patterson writes with other authors the novel isn’t as good. But here,the story was brilliant. Bennett is an NYPD detective and he comes across as a happy family man, good at his job, dedictaed and ready to risk his life. But all in a very realistic way. We learn about his fascinating private life and his relationships with colleagues.