Book of Questions: Revised and Updated - book cover
Puzzles & Games
  • Publisher : Workman Publishing; Revised ed. edition
  • Published : 10 Sep 2013
  • Pages : 312
  • ISBN-10 : 0761177310
  • ISBN-13 : 9780761177319
  • Language : English

Book of Questions: Revised and Updated

The phenomenon returns! Originally published in 1987, The Book of Questions, a New York Times bestseller, has been completely revised and updated to incorporate the myriad cultural shifts and hot-button issues of the past twenty-five years, making it current and even more appealing.

This is a book for personal growth, a tool for deepening relationships, a lively conversation starter for the family dinner table, a fun way to pass the time in the car. It poses over 300 questions that invite people to explore the most fascinating of subjects: themselves and how they really feel about the world.

The revised edition includes more than 100 all-new questions that delve into such topics as the disappearing border between man and machine―How would you react if you learned that a sad and beautiful poem that touched you deeply had been written by a computer? The challenges of being a parent―Would you completely rewrite your child's college-application essays if it would help him get into a better school? The never-endingly interesting topic of sex―Would you be willing to give up sex for a year if you knew it would give you a much deeper sense of peace than you now have? And of course the meaning of it all―If you were handed an envelope with the date of your death inside, and you knew you could do nothing to alter your fate, would you look?

The Book of Questions may be the only publication that challenges―and even changes―the way you view the world, without offering a single opinion of its own.

Readers Top Reviews

Timtrek102True Horro
I am a firm believer that this book should be on every coffee table in the country. Too many times you see a family with everyone glued to devices. Open up some moral dialogue people.
Christine Abraham
The Book of Questions: Revised and Updated by Gregory Stock is exactly what I expected and meets my needs perfectly! As a women's Ministry Director, I often create icebreaker questions for small groups. This book has some awesome ideas for building relationships, sharing and connecting hearts. It would also be useful for blogging topics, or dinner conversations with family and friends. Here are some sample questions: #073 Would you have one of your fingers surgically removed if it somehow guaranteed you immunity from all major diseases? #088 How often do you step back and reflect on where you are headed? Would less or more self-reflection be good for you? #120 Would you accept 2 million dollars to leave the country and never set foot in it again? What would be the minimum amount to seriously tempt you to take this step? You can't go wrong with this from 290 different questions!
When I was young, my parents had this book and used to (gently) demand that we "play" this book from time to time. It was always thought provoking and always an ice breaker. Fast forward to when I moved into my own apartment in college: they were delighted to dump many of their well-worn possessions--including this book--into my lap. I used this book many a time with new and old friends to get to know them better, both in college, in my 20s and beyond. It's a great after dinner activity at a dinner party when the conversation has lulled, because everybody gets to know a lot about everybody else and everybody seems to like it. The questions, a mix of "what would you do in this situation" and "what's more important to you: x or y?" and other psychological questions, are thought provoking and entertaining. Of course, there's no right or wrong answer and every time I've used the book, people have seemed to enjoy it quite a bit. I recently ordered this revised version and was really happy with the changes. First, there are more questions: 291, up from 217. Next, and perhaps more importantly, the "follow up" questions that some of the questions had have been moved from the back of the book to a light blue font below the relevant questions. This way, you don't have to clumsily flip back and forth and find the question number. It's a small change but a definite improvement. Finally, and most importantly, the questions are fresher, updated for today. In sum, if you already have The Book of Questions, I highly recommend buying the revised and updated version, and if you don't already haven't the Book of Questions, I highly recommend buying this revised and updated version and trying it out with your spouse, your family, your friends--it's a great way to get to know people and quite fun!
The book of questions is an interesting little book with plenty of thought provoking questions; some, questions that you may not think about otherwise. The book has 291 questions (some have sub-questions, so to speak) covering a range of topics. The most interesting aspect of this book is, since your answer to a given question can change even from one day to the next, this book is sure to keep you engaged for a long time. I am enjoying working my way through the questions little by little; learning things about myself and my thoughts/beliefs in the process.
I thought this would be a book full of silly questions but was the exact opposite. Some are absurd but most will cause you to consider your current position in life and encourage change.

Short Excerpt Teaser

Which sex do you think has it easier in our culture? Have you ever wished you were of the opposite sex? Knowing you had a 50 percent chance of winning and would be paid 10 times the amount of your bet if you won, what fraction of what you now own would you be willing to wager?

Would you rather spend a month on vacation with your parents or put in overtime at your current job for four weeks without extra compensation?