Clarity & Connection - book cover
  • Publisher : Andrews McMeel Publishing
  • Published : 27 Apr 2021
  • Pages : 256
  • ISBN-10 : 1524860484
  • ISBN-13 : 9781524860486
  • Language : English

Clarity & Connection


From the celebrated author of Inward comes a new collection of poetry and short prose focused on understanding how past wounds impact our present relationships.

In Clarity & Connection, Yung Pueblo describes how intense emotions accumulate in our subconscious and condition us to act and react in certain ways. In his characteristically spare, poetic style, he guides readers through the excavation and release of the past that is required for growth.

To be read on its own or as a complement to Inward, Yung Pueblo's second work is a powerful resource for those invested in the work of personal transformation, building self-awareness, and deepening their connection with others. 

Readers Top Reviews

When going through a particularly challenging time in my life, I discovered Yung Pueblo. I was on a path of healing old traumas, going inward and becoming a better version of myself. His first book Inward I carried everywhere with me. I used it as a part of my meditation practice. It was transformative. I gifted this book to several friends. As soon as I learned he had another book, I immediately preordered it for my girlfriend and me. Once again, I am learning so much. I carry it everywhere now. These books are for everyone, at every stage in life/healing/awareness.
Lisa L.
I've only read the first few pages and I can tell that I will already appreciate this book.
Yung Pueblo’s words are truly soul medicine! I own “Inward” (and strongly recommend purchasing this book as well) and it truly changed my life. Therefore, I knew I had to buy this book as well. Let me tell you... this is without a doubt such an important book. If you’re new to healing, or a veteran, this book will be a catalyst either way. It is written meditation, words of transformation and an evolution portal in text form. I cannot express my gratitude enough. I simply do not have the words. Pueblo’s work is like no other. Do yourself a favor and make the investment!
Dr. Caitlin Faas
Modern poetry with ancient wisdom - yung pueblo has done it again in this second book. I use this book as part of my meditation practice. I read one or two pages and contemplate them for my own life.
This is a rare work written by a living sage. Highly accessible, yet deeply moving and profound, this book is a priceless companion for all of us interested in strengthening our personal spiritual practices and enriching our interpersonal relationships with insight and love. It is clear that the author is not just telling us what he thinks, but sharing pearls of wisdom gained through his own practice, received after countless hours of serious meditation. There are many advanced meditators out there, but Yung Pueblo stands out precisely because he is able to share his insights, without artifice or pretension, for the benefit of everyone. Each page is like a deep breath of fresh air. This is an essential work in my collection. Very highly recommended.

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