Credence - book cover
  • Publisher : Independently published
  • Published : 13 Jan 2020
  • Pages : 485
  • ISBN-10 : 1660089050
  • ISBN-13 : 9781660089055
  • Language : English


From New York Times bestselling author, Penelope Douglas, comes a new standalone!Three of them, one of her, and a remote cabin in the woods. Let the hot, winter nights ensue...Tiernan de Haas doesn't care about anything anymore. The only child of a film producer and his starlet wife, she's grown up with wealth and privilege but not love or guidance. Shipped off to boarding schools from an early age, it was still impossible to escape the loneliness and carve out a life of her own. The shadow of her parents' fame followed her everywhere. And when they suddenly pass away, she knows she should be devastated. But has anything really changed? She's always been alone, hasn't she?Jake Van der Berg, her father's stepbrother and her only living relative, assumes guardianship of Tiernan who is still two months shy of eighteen. Sent to live with him and his two sons, Noah and Kaleb, in the mountains of Colorado, Tiernan soon learns that these men now have a say in what she chooses to care and not care about anymore. As the three of them take her under their wing, teach her to work and survive in the remote woods far away from the rest of the world, she slowly finds her place among them. And as a part of them. She also realizes that lines blur and rules become easy to break when no one else is watching. One of them has her. The other one wants her. But he…He's going to keep her.*Credence is a full length, stand-alone romance suitable for readers 18+.

Readers Top Reviews

One HAS her, one WANTS her but HE... he will KEEP her . This will be a very polarising book but as I've learnt with this genre, all the best ones are right? . This book will have very hard limits for some people and I totally respect that, there was even a small part of me at one point that thought "is this for me?" I felt like I should have been shocked at what I was reading, but I have no shame in admitting that I absolutely wasn't. I LOVED it . The relationships between the characters were mesmerising. The Van Der Berg men are presented to us in all their glory, living a life of seclusion up in the mountains of Chapel Peak. They are as rugged and handsome as the landscape they inhabit and haven't had a woman live with them for years, that is until their orphaned step niece/cousin Tiernan De Haas is sent to live with them. Penelope really is the Queen of setting the scene. Holding back just the smallest slithers of information which allows you to use your mind to fill in blanks which for me as a reader, makes the experience so powerful . The🔥...oh lordy it was spicy!! 🥵 Pure exhilarating, pushing you right to the edge of your comfort zone and your seat steam! This was only my second time of dipping into the whole "reverse harem" world and while it ticks alot of taboo boxes it also doesn't at the same time. It's so hard to describe without HUGE spoilers. This book made me feel so many emotions - lust turned to ugly tears and heart fluttering sighs turned into heart breaking sobs . The FEELS of this book are what will consume you. If you are willing to creep just that little bit outside of your comfort zone, if you're looking for a dark, jaw dropping, passionate, explosive and explorative story. Then open your mind, head to the mountains and try this one
Books Know No Age
Gosh, I have had this book sitting on my kindle for longer then I would like to admit and now I have finally read it im questioning what the hell took me so long. I loved every page and then some. Credence really is a heartbreakingly good book about belief in finding ones self and the ability to be more then the label that is surrounding you. The story is truly about the growth of being surrounded by love and how love can change you for the better. Penelope truly is an amazing writer and she has a way of captivating her audience with her stories, Her character developments are always amazing and how she thinks of the back stories astounds me, she gives each character a story that reflects there character and makes there personality understandable. Jake, Noah and Kaleb where missing something and Tiernan was missing alot and they could only provide what was missing to each other, the process was muddled along the way but they definitely got there and I'm glad that my suspicion was proved correct, I didn't realise how much I needed that until the end. I had heard this book was dark and full of taboo and if I'm honest it isn't, I can't even say it was close to any of the milder stuff I have read. Purely Perfect
Terri T.Books Kn
Wow, just wow. This book has just consumed me for 2 days, every time I had to put it down I really didn't want to. Everything about this book was perfect, addictive, erotic, the tension and anticipation was like thick fog laying all around me, trying to breathe because I'm holding my breathe waiting for the next scene to play out; yes Penelope Douglas has hit this one out of the ball park once again. Tiernan has gone to live with her step Uncle and his two sons in Chapel Peak Colorado way up in the mountains. Her Mother and Father have both died in the most tragic of circumstances and she is left on her own. Although both her parents might have been present physically in her life they were really not the slightest bit interested in interacting with their daughter in any way. She was like a ghost who just existed in the background. When she goes to Chapel Peak it's a big culture shock; coming from money with many privileges Tiernan has never gone without anything except love and attention. These characters were some of the best I have read, everything was so vivid, the scenery description of where her Uncle lives was breathtaking; at times I felt I was standing on the mountain with them, looking at the peak, experiencing the smells of the mountain and the pine trees it was that good. Of course the writing was outstanding and with the taboo element that was so beautifully written it was just perfection. Each of the characters have their own problems to deal with, past events in their lives haunting them still, but with Tiernan's arrival things start to change, it's like she is their special angel sent to heal them. It's a slow burn but so so good and then it hits you full on - WHAM, and I was lost and consumed by this magnificent story. I can't leave this review without mentioning that this book contained some of the hottest sex I have ever read and I have read lots let me tell you. Literally ladies you will need to change your panties, go stock upon the batteries for BOB because whew, your gonna need them. It is not so much the content of the sex but how Penelope Douglas has written it. She does have a special knack of describing the heat so erotically. The first book I ever read by this author was Corrupt and I still think about the shower scene near the end of that book even now. What can I say. Complicated characters that I fell in love with, perfect location with endless descriptive that transported me to that mountain and made me yearn to be there, a brilliant story with a taboo element - yes I was in heaven. Do yourself a favour and go and meet the Van Der Burg men; Jake, Noah and Kaleb an let them immerse themselves a little into your head, then they will creep into your heart without you even knowing and I guarantee you will be thinking about these men and Tiernan and this unforgettable story for a long ti...
Sarah - Kindle
This should have come with a warning it was a reverse harem erotica book. This was in no way a romance. Spoilers ahead. She sleeps with the dad and both the sons. The one son she ends up with basically rapes her and hits her. It was gross. I won’t read this author again and I had read everything before this.

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