Feel Your Way Through: A Book of Poetry (Ballantine Books) - book cover
  • Publisher : Ballantine Books
  • Published : 16 Nov 2021
  • Pages : 144
  • ISBN-10 : 0593497082
  • ISBN-13 : 9780593497081
  • Language : English

Feel Your Way Through: A Book of Poetry (Ballantine Books)

NATIONAL BESTSELLER • The personal and poignant debut poetry collection from the award-winning singer, songwriter, and producer revolves around the emotions, struggles, and experiences of finding your voice and confidence as a woman.
"I've realized that some feelings can't be turned into a song . . . so I've started writing poems. Just like my songs, they are personal and honest. Just like my songs, they have hooks and rhymes. Just like my songs, they talk about what it's like to be twenty-something trying to navigate a wildly beautiful and broken world."
Deeply emotional and candid, Feel Your Way Through explores the challenges and celebrates the experiences faced by Kelsea Ballerini as she navigates the twists and turns of growing into a woman today. In this book of original poetry, Ballerini addresses themes of family, relationships, body image, self-love, sexuality, and the lessons of youth. Her poems speak to the often harsh, and sometimes beautiful, onset of womanhood. Honest, humble, and ultimately hopeful, this collection reveals a new dimension of Ballerini's artistry and talent.

Short Excerpt Teaser


Never Burn the Book

our life is a story, albeit cliché
full of fairytale and fantasy hooks
firework feelings
turned burns beyond healing
but never burn the book

novelty moments all coming up roses
then the kings turn into the crooks
but there's healing in timing
so just keep on writing
and never burn the book

adventures abundant but stuck in redundant
small towns and homebody nooks
but now isn't later
there's much more blank paper
so never burn the book

all growing older and brushing less shoulders
with what-ifs of chances untook
the chapters seem sober
but the story's not over
so never burn the book

we can refont the title and repaint the cover
revise the way that it looks
but your life on these pages
is one for the ages
so never burn the book