For Such a Time as This: My Faith Journey through the White House and Beyond - book cover
Politics & Government
  • Publisher : Post Hill Press
  • Published : 07 Dec 2021
  • Pages : 256
  • ISBN-10 : 1637582358
  • ISBN-13 : 9781637582350
  • Language : English

For Such a Time as This: My Faith Journey through the White House and Beyond

Kayleigh McEnany describes her path to the White House podium, bringing the reader behind the scenes in the world's most powerful building and illuminating how faith got her through.

If you would have told me that in the year 2020 I would stand at the White House podium and communicate with the American people as COVID-19 ravaged the globe and violent protests beset the nation, I would have told you that you were crazy. But Jesus Christ had this very plan for my life.

From White House intern to White House press secretary, from production assistant to national television host, from Catholic all-girls high school to Harvard Law School, God has guided my path through uncharted territory. In For Such a Time as This, I will chronicle my journey to the White House and offer never-before-told anecdotes about what really happened within the Trump administration. You will experience some of the most high stakes moments in the West Wing right alongside me as I reveal how faith got me through.

Readers Top Reviews

christopher green
This is a very detailed chapter 1 review that offers recommendation in deciding to buy and read the book. This is not an example of jumping to conclusions. In books, the first chapter often sets the stage for the entire book. Positives & Strengths of the Chapter This chapter opens up with one of Martin Luther King’s greatest quotes “We must learn to live together as brothers or we will perish together as fools”. I will return to her use of that quote later. Mrs. McEnany engages in a very personal and deeply revealing emotional appeal regarding how she felt and how she had to handle one of the tragic events of our generation: The Killing of George Floyd, and the riots that occurred afterward. She potently talks about how she and her family had received threats, and detailed how she and her family had to address them. It really gave me a huge sense of what a press secretary goes through in the job. I knew being press secretary was likely an emotionally difficult and taxing job. But, Mrs. McEnany details this intimately. You will be able to have an understanding for her anxiety and fear that she writes about on that. This surge of empathy that Mrs. McEnany causes made me think about some of the other press secretaries who worked during the Trump administration. Did they go through similar or the same issues? Did they go through the same barrage of insults, personal attacks and threats? Most likely. But, I also thought about the current press secretary- Jen Psaki. No doubt she had been receiving personal attacks and maybe threats as well. Anyone who states “who cares about Jen Psaki, she currently works for the worst President ever” is doing exactly what Mrs. McEnany also attempts to address in this chapter- the problem of partisan disposition. If you are willing to have empathy and support for McEnany during her time as press secretary, why can’t that same courtesy be given to Psaki? Why can’t the same be given to all of the secretaries who worked in the Trump administration, and for those who will work that difficult role for now on? I will be the first to hold myself accountable. I also criticized Mrs. McEnany when she was in the role. She words in this chapter had me not only see and understand the other side, it made me re-evaluate myself. I trust it will do the same for others regarding the poison of “partisan disposition”, both for liberals and Trump supporters alike. Not surprisingly, Mrs. McEnany defends former President Trump about how he handled it. She refutes strongly the media’s claims about how Trump felt about the killing. While those explanations were of no surprise to me, it reminds me of how important it is to read and listen to other points of view regarding important events and everything in general. One of my favorite classical liberals is John Stuart Mill. Oh course ...
In her book, the author delineates a candid perspective about her tenure as the White House Press Secretary, stating verifiable facts in an engaging and conversational style infused with humor and inspiration. Very enjoyable.
linda galella
the last 9.5 months of the Trump Presidency. I have read and reviewed so many political books the last few years and almost didn’t bother with this one; what more could possibly be said? Kayleigh McEnany’s “For Such a Time as This” is an unique combination of autobiography, motivation/inspiration and political record correcting. At times it feels like having a conversation with a good friend over a cup of coffee and other times it feels like an highly exacting jurist is setting the record straight prior to a critical decision being made. Kayleigh writes in an affable, flowing style and is very open with her personal information. She shares all of the victories, fears and foibles that have formed the foundation of her very successful life in politics and television broadcasting, currently. Family and faith are her anchors and they are foremost in this volume. All of the major events that occurred while Kayleigh was WH Press Secretary are spoken about in this book: the church incident, Floyd, COVID, disparaging veterans, the campaign trail, debates, and more. She has a unique position to report the facts of how these items were falsely reported or squashed and now shown to be completely different. There’s nothing inflammatory, just factual accounting. While I’m happy to have read this book, it does tend to less informative on the political aspects she was part of than I was expecting. Rather than seeing all the thank you notes in the acknowledgement, it would have been more interesting to read about those relationships. Maybe she’s planning another book📚
Luis C
Hey, think what you may, she’s one smart cookie. I don’t agree with anyone 100% - hello- but I love hearing different perspectives and this is an interesting one. Make of it what you will. I did.
Coral Ballard
I received Kayleigh,s book a few hours ago, I love it. I'm a conservative have been all my life I'm enjoying the true facts which i've never doubted, also what i have is a warmth of Christianity from her book. I know people have it, I don't and wish I did and maybe my everyday would be different! My children and Grandchildren do. Going forward i'm on a mission. God works in mysterious ways, he has never given up on me.

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