Hamlet (Baker Street Readers) - book cover
Arts, Music & Photography
  • Publisher : Baker Street Press
  • Published : 26 Aug 2021
  • Pages : 64
  • ISBN-10 : 1912464314
  • ISBN-13 : 9781912464319
  • Language : English

Hamlet (Baker Street Readers)

Great reads for all ages! The world's greatest classic stories come to life in these expert retellings. Baker Street Readers give an enchanting taste of the original tales, quoting best-known lines and most memorable moments, all supported with wonderfully witty (and sometimes scary!) illustrations.

Readers Top Reviews

A. HeckA. HeckNas
Esta é uma avaliação da edição Hamlet: Revised Edition, The Arden Shakespeare. Da obra em si, só digo que é recomendadíssima. Uma das grandes tragédias de Shakespeare, a preferida de muitos. Não é à toa que praticamente todo mundo conhece pelo menos uma citação da peça. Essa é uma edição do Segundo Quarto de Hamlet, ou seja, da maior versão da peça, e no primeiro apêndice estão os trechos que aparecem exclusivamente no Primeiro Folio (outra versão). É a edição mais completa e ideal para quem quer ler Shakespeare em inglês. Tem muitas notas explicativas, no geral elas ocupam mais da metade de cada página. Só a introdução tem umas 150 páginas e traz bastante informação útil, assim como os apêndices, abordando o lado teatral e o literário, além de adaptações da obra. São tantas explicações, algumas bem aprofundadas, que talvez quem queira apenas ler a peça "pura" não vá gostar. Antes de comprar, leve em conta que metade das mais de 600 páginas dessa edição é de textos de apoio, sem contar o espaço que as notas ocupam. Mesmo assim, posso dizer que nenhum esclarecimento é inútil e que acabei lendo com muito interesse até os apêndices que pensei que seriam um pouco maçantes. É bom que o nível de idioma do leitor seja de intermediário a avançado, mas não é preciso ter medo do inglês arcaico, as notas avisam quando o sentido de uma palavra mudou ou qual a sua forma atual e explicam o significado de expressões da época.
RichRobert ‘Bob’
I bought this edition as I'm building a hardback library and wanted to see if this collection was worth buying in full. Well... no. Emphatically: "No". Product features: - Dissappointingly small (it's a pocket-sized edition). As well as being diminutive it has a very cluttered layout and is not easy to read. And the binding is so tight (and the thickness so slim) that it's perpetually on the threshold of tearing apart like a chicken wing - Pages have the same thickness and touch as Rizla papers. And yet have a really gaudy "gold" edge. (Style guide: the collectors plates in your nan's front room.) It's hard to figure who this edition is aimed at. Not students, as it's a pain to read. Not collectors, as it's too budget and unattractive. I can only fathom that there's a niche market for people who *have* to carry small copies of Shakespeare in their bum pocket. That's unlikely to be you. With regret: avoid.
So I bought this book a month ago but I put it on my book shelf for a while and haven’t gotten around to reading it but when I did the English was hard to understand and the side notes weren’t helping much so I decided to come back to amazon to see if any of the side notes helped anyone else (they didn’t) then I saw one what I thought was a “fake review” of someone showing multiple books with pages falling out I assumed maybe they were just destructive and it was a lie because I had already gotten through Act.1 with no problem then at the end of reading act 2 I could tell one of the pages looked weird so I turned it and the whole next page fell out of the book and 2 other pages were coming apart from the bridge of the book. Its a waste to have a book that’s gonna just fall apart and have missing pages.
Nick KoepkeNick K
I purchased these texts for my students, and several of them have told me about the pages falling out. They are in different sections of the text, so it's not just the same for everyone. I'm embarrassed of this and the fact that I've purchased these, given them as gifts, and now the binding of the book (after 4 days of use) is starting to fall apart. It's terrible and pathetic. My students feel cheated out of money because the product they bought isn't holding together, and again after four days.