• Publisher : G Publishing
  • Published : 15 May 2015
  • Pages : 712
  • ISBN-10 : 0986237957
  • ISBN-13 : 9780986237959
  • Language : English


The book "Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America" touches on subjects too controversial for most authors to reveal to the people. This book will expose the truths that have been hidden by the powers that be in America. Since the European and Arab slave traders stepped foot into Africa, blacks have been told lies about their heritage. This was all by Satan's design for he is the father of lies. There is an old stereotypical expression that says "If you want to hide something from a Black person, put it in a book." Well, this is THE BOOK that ALL Black people must read! Since biblical times, there has been a satanic agenda to destroy God's Chosen People. This agenda still exists today and is carried on by man in many forms. Satan knows who God's Chosen People are, but for centuries we have been blind to this knowledge even though it's been right in front of our face. After many years of research, the time has finally come for ALL Black people to know the truth. Inside Hebrews To Negroes you will find the answers to all the burning questions you have wanted ask your parents, teachers and pastors for years. It has been said that the mind has a strong drive to correct itself over a period of time if it can touch some substantial ORIGINAL historical base about itself. This time period is ending and the truth is being exposed! Is this signs of the End Times? The bible says in the last days that knowledge will increase. It also says "In the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:" Knowledge is the TRUTH and Satan's time is running out. Don't be left behind. Find out what's really going on behind the scenes as it relates to BLACK AMERICA then and now. Afterwards you be the judge as to who God's Chosen People really are and who Satan's army is really after. AT THE END OF READING THIS BOOK, I GUARANTEE YOU WON'T REGRET IT.

Readers Top Reviews

Still in the beginning of the chapter so far a lot of knowledge and information is being untapped. A great read thus far.
Amazing , well researched and written in a understandable and thought provoking demeanour. It is not a theory book in my opinion. It provides historical reasons and research to counter any questions. If more people would read a different side to history; it would improve their thinking and outlook towards life and opportunities. Cant wait to purchase the other two editions. although I would prefer to read on kindle but, Im aware of the best reason to own paper book copies.
Kindle CharleneB
I totally loved this book and as the writer said I too questioned why we as a black race sufffered so much. I asked The Father for guidance and was lead to this book. I read this book every moment I could. I would definitely declare that my eyes were opened by the insightful knowledge this book contained. I’m currently reading book 2 and have the same excitement and hunger for enlightenment as I did for book 1. May Yahshuah richly bless🙏🏿
B3playerKindle C
I heard Paul Mooney and Dick Gregory, two of the twentieth centuries most outspoken and prolific political and comedic minds say the same thing about this thing we all have heard said before. It is often a talking point in presidential or Senate and Congressional races in any given election year and its this thing called the "American Dream". Mooney and Gregory both said there is a reason why they have always called it the "American Dream" and why they refer to it as a dream, and that is because the only way they can get people to believe in it, is if they keep you sleeping, because if you ever wake up, you will see that its is all a lie and it will always be a lie. This book is not for the faint of heart nor those who don't want their version of history challenge, changed, or retold. This book will make you think. It will make you question the reasons as to why the truth has been hidden in plain sight and in most cases, simply stolen and retold to make those who had nothing to do with key events, inventions, travels, you name it, to be the sole proprietors and adventurers they were not. There is a common thread in the scientific world that continues to be uncovered on a daily basis and that is Black has always been there and it can never be erased, or diluted because it is the original, all others are the copy. Even when they have tried to exterminate, and redistribute the black gene, eradicate black genius, and destroy black intelligence, subjugate the black mind and will, it has and always will rise from the disgrace of poverty and the shadows of inequality because originality can never be destroyed, it can never be erased, and it can never be denied it's ability to grow, expand, create, and conquer in any situation and that is what you will read about in this book. Are you read for Hebrews to Negroes:Wake Up Black America?
They want us to stay stuck on stupid, things are okay if were calling each other out of our names and operating on some low level type stuff our women are out of control, as well as our children, our men operate on too much of an emotional level and lack discipline. What they don't want is our people coming into the light and uniting with one another on some common enemy type stuff and having knowledge of self. This book is the light that will point us in the right direction and that's really what all this fuss is about in the media we see, everyone profits from our ignorance and to our demise. Us cooning and baffooning is a billion dollar industry so whenever someone particularly one of their elites breaks ranks they have to make an example of them as they did on the plantations back during antebellum. In order for us to continue operating the way we do as a people you have to "keep us in the dark" by erasing our history, and through doing this we become whatever they tell us we are because we have no connection to our history or who we are. This is a long book I would highly recommend buying it just to have in the event you eventually get around to reading it and i say that because we live in a time where the truth is a very expensive commodity in a place full of lies. Its like Kyrie quoted "if you want to hide something from a n, put it in a book" well this is that book hence the animosity towards it.

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