Hold the Line: The Insurrection and One Cop's Battle for America's Soul - book cover
Politics & Government
  • Publisher : Atria Books
  • Published : 11 Oct 2022
  • Pages : 256
  • ISBN-10 : 1668007193
  • ISBN-13 : 9781668007198
  • Language : English

Hold the Line: The Insurrection and One Cop's Battle for America's Soul

An urgent warning about the growing threat to our democracy from a twenty-year police veteran and former Trump supporter who nearly lost his life during the insurrection of January 6th.

When Michael Fanone self-deployed to the Capitol on January 6, 2021, he had no idea his life was about to change. When he got to the front of the line, he urged his fellow officers to hold it against the growing crowd of insurrectionists-until he found himself pulled into the mob, tased until he had a heart attack, and viciously beaten with a Blue Lives Matter flag as shouts to kill him rang out.

Now, Fanone is ready to tell the full story of that fateful day, along with exploring our country's most critical issues as someone who has had firsthand experience with many of them. A self-described redneck who voted for Trump in 2016, Fanone's closest friend was an informant-a Black, transgender, HIV-positive woman who has helped him mature and rethink his methods as a police officer. With his unique insight as an undercover detective and intense desire to do the right thing no matter the cost, Fanone provides a nuanced look into everything from policing to race to politics in a way that is accessible across all party lines.

Determined to make sure no one forgets what happened at the Capitol on January 6th, Fanone has written a timely call to action for anyone who wants to preserve our democracy for future generations.

Editorial Reviews

"Officer Michael Fanone is an American hero who courageously answered his nation's call on January 6th to protect the Capitol, the Congress and the Constitution against a terrorist insurrection. In his new memoir, Hold the Line, Officer Fanone shares his powerful story of that terrible day at the Capitol, when he faced unimaginable horror and brutality that left him with indelible trauma and physical scars. This timely book offers a stark message for this uncertain moment, making crystal clear the urgency and importance of defending our precious democracy."-Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the United States House of Representatives

"I wish Hold The Line would be required reading for every American. Mike Fanone is a rare voice and witness to the ongoing crippling of our Constitution. His courage in battle on January 6th is matched only by his relentless commitment to tell this story from the inside. Mike's seemingly tough-hewn melody of character and words catch us by surprise in their straight-shooting clarity and knowledge. If bravery could be taught, Mike would be one helluva a professor." -Sean Penn, Academy Award-winning actor, author, and activist

"Dedicated, profane, and quick-witted, it's clear Fanone strikes fear among the Republican legislators whom he protected that frightening day. Kevin McCarthy comes in for a shellacking early on, so weak that he effectively admitted, "I can't control my fringe members." Adds Fanone, "In public, McCarthy praised the police. Behind closed doors, he didn't really give a shit." [Fanone] is unafraid to name names-from Trump, who, after three hours, sent a Tweet to the rioters to ask for an end to the violence (Fanone: "Too little, too late, asshole"), to "the MAGA-hat-wearing loser who electrocuted me with a stun gun." Fanone's closing thoughts on police reform will be of interest to activists everywhere. Justifiably angry and an important addition to the growing literature surrounding the chaotic last days of the Trump regime."-Kirkus

"I admire Officer Fanone and consider him a brother in arms, especially in defense of democracy. His experience resonates with me deeply-a plainspoken and direct public servant who didn't flinch when challenged with his life on the line. You don't have to guess where we stand: for our country." -Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) Alexander Vindman, former National Security Council staff, and New York Times bes...

Readers Top Reviews

Wow! Powerful book. I read the story in one sitting, enthralled and unable to put it down. Officer Fanone, who voted for Trump in 2016, sets the table for Jan 6, then describes the first-hand experience of self-deploying to the Capitol before getting pulled from his police line and tased repeatedly. Towards the end of the book he describes the aftermath - the obfuscation or straight up denial of the violence he experienced. Raw, honest, and pulling no punches, Fanone takes everybody on. He knows what happened, has the scars to prove it, and continues to demand accountability. Very few politicians come out looking good, but some prove to be feckless cowards - eliciting more than a few F bombs from Fanone... …and from me. Reading on a plane wearing headphones, a few scenes in the book made me cuss out loud, which startled me and definitely surprised the other passengers. I whole-heartedly recommend this book. The word ‘hero' gets thrown around way too often, and Fanone has come out and said: I’m not your hero. But I don’t know what else to call a human who puts himself directly in harm’s way and fights nearly to his death in order to protect the symbol of American democracy and all of the people working inside. Officer Fanone lost his job five years before he could earn his pension. I was glad to buy the book as a ’thank you’ for his sacrifice and to help him get on his feet, financially. That I really enjoyed the book turned out to be icing on the cake. Michael Fanone is a good man in a town where there are not many.
When did we become a nation so broken, so divided, so hellbent on persecuting people who tell the truth? Oh wait, I guess we have a history there don't we? This book is a sit-down and read-to-the-end book from a truth-teller. I am a police officer who was assaulted in-the-line-of-duty. Hands are weapons. The strangulation of another is a crime. The assault of police officers using multiple kinds of violence on January 6th, the American Insurrection, was criminal. Do not allow the truth-tellers to be silenced. Michael Fanone, unfortunately, faced the "Thin Blue Line" of backlash for being one of the truth-tellers after this horrendous attack encouraged by an outgoing U.S. President. His book points out so many of the systemic failings in law enforcement, including retaliation within. Our democracy is in peril. It has been teetering there for a while. Fanone recounts his law enforcement career from start to finish, with refreshing growth and insight. His epilogue is powerful. He retired 5-years early from his full pension. The value he could have provided the MPD for going forward was lost when they turned their backs as he became an important storyteller for American history on that hideous day. Officer Fanone, you are an American hero. You went in, and sadly, so many of the powers that be did not have your back. In every sense, you did what every citizen expects an officer to do in a crisis. You protected and served, and then you were judged, criticized, and ridiculed by the great divide in the USA. It is a thankless job. Know that half of that divide stands with you, even when it feels so empty - we are there Officer Fanone. I am ordering many more of these books to make sure they get out in my community as a point of resource and reference going forward. There is power in numbers - we will hold the line. Donald Trump committed treason, as did his zombie followers. They must all be held accountable. Jail.every.single.last.one.of.them and throw.away.the.keys.