Jackie & Me - book cover
  • Publisher : Algonquin Books
  • Published : 14 Jun 2022
  • Pages : 352
  • ISBN-10 : 1643750356
  • ISBN-13 : 9781643750354
  • Language : English

Jackie & Me


In 1951, former debutante Jacqueline Bouvier is hard at work as the Inquiring Camera Girl for a Washington newspaper. Her mission in life is "not to be a housewife," but when she meets the charismatic congressman Jack Kennedy at a Georgetown party, her resolution begins to falter. Soon the two are flirting over secret phone calls, cocktails, and dinner dates, and as Jackie is drawn deeper into the Kennedy orbit, and as Jack himself grows increasingly elusive and absent, she begins to question what life at his side would mean. For answers, she turns to his best friend and confidant, Lem Billings, a closeted gay man who has made the Kennedy family his own, and who has been instructed by them to seal the deal with Jack's new girl. But as he gets to know her, a deep and touching friendship emerges, leaving him with painfully divided alliances and a troubling dilemma: Is this the marriage she deserves?

Narrated by an older Lem as he looks back at his own role in a complicated alliance, this is a courtship story full of longing and of suspense, of what-ifs and possible wrong turns. It is a surprising look at Jackie before she was that Jackie. And in best-selling author Louis Bayard's witty and deeply empathetic telling, Jackie & Me is a page-turning story of friendship, love, sacrifice, and betrayal- and a fresh take on two iconic American figures.

Editorial Reviews

"Absolutely irresistible."
-Kim Hubbard, People (Best Books of Summer 2022)

"What a pleasure . . . Bayard is such an exuberant storyteller . . . This stylish, sexy, nostalgic story will linger like Jackie's signature scent of Pall Malls and Chateau Krigler 12. It's a complicated bouquet of bitter and sweet."
-Elisabeth Egan, The New York Times Book Review

"A delight…a poignant, late-summer-afternoon kind of novel. ...a story perfectly tuned to our ongoing fascination with the Kennedy marriage - and a novel, like Jackie herself, with charm to spare."
-The Washington Post

"Lem Billings was John F. Kennedy's prep school roommate and a close friend. He was also gay. This captivating work of historical fiction offers an intimate look into Lem's relationships with the charismatic young senator and the budding journalist Jacqueline Bouvier, whom JFK enlists Lem to vet."
-People (Book of the Week)

"The charms of Bayard's delightful new novel about Jackie Kennedy aren't only found in its historical context but also in its intelligent, witty tone and poignant dissection of friendship, class and betrayal. The outcome is surprisingly affecting, and Bayard's gamble of embarking on a well-known path from an unusual perspective pays off handsomely."
-Connie Ogle, Minneapolis Star-Tribune

"Narrator Lem is reminiscent of The Great Gatsby's Nick Carraway … Jackie, she's pure delight … Romance with bite: the perfect escapism for today's anxious times."
-Kirkus Reviews (starred review)

"Here he brings a poignant empathy, persuasive intimacy, and nuanced imagination to his interpretation of a relatively unexamined chapter in Kennedy lore."
-Booklist (starred review)

"Bayard (Courting Mr. Lincoln) offers an enchanting narrative of John F. Kennedy Jr. and Jacqueline Bouvier…delightfully ...

Readers Top Reviews

Peggy T
Well written but kind of a sad story about Jackie Bouvier right before she married JFK, told through the eyes of Lem who is a hanger-on friend of JFK. Lem has a pretty sad life also. I found the book a bit depressing and I think I am long over the Kennedy mystique
S. Corman
What I remember of Jack and Jackie Kennedy are the Camelot years. It was a time when they were the occupants of the White House and they were the glamorous, golden couple that everyone envied. Men wanted to be Jack. Women wanted to be with Jack (and teen-aged me was one of them) and at the same time wanted to be and/or look like Jackie. Later on, we would learn of the escapades of our hero; all the women coming through the back door. And we would wonder why? After all, he had Jackie! "Jackie and Me", opens the door to the one sided romance. One can understand why she was attracted to him and he to her. But why did it go so far? Why did they ever marry? She knew who he was before they tied the knot. And as for him, did he ever really love her? Was he capable of loving anybody? Mr. Bayard's book was terrific; allowing us a glimpse into the lives of two historical figures who barely know one another, and that the world glorified even though they didn't know them either. His writing kept me glued to the pages, wanting more and more of the story. I loved this book and truly recommend it. It was a delicious read.
Kari Meek
What an eloquently written novel of one of the country’s most captivating couples. It is a historical fiction that tells of the time of their meeting and friendship with a fresh perspective & outlook given from Jack’s longtime pal, “Lem”. You get to see a bond grow between Jackie and Lem and see the long initial timeline in the courting of Jackie and Jack Kennedy. And see another love grow for Jackie as well but kept hidden from the couple. You watch the drama of Jackie meeting the Kennedy’s, unrequited love, betrayals and the ties of friendship that hold a heart together and bind the lines of friendship.
Sandra Iler Kirkland
This is the story of Jackie Bouvier and Jack Kennedy's courtship as related through the eyes of Jack's best friend, Lem. Jack and Lem went to boarding school together and formed a lifelong friendship; Lem being more or less adopted by the entire Kennedy clan. Jackie was working as an on the street photographer and columnist. Jack was known for his war record and as an up and coming politician. Jackie and Jack met at the start of his Senate campaign. Knowing that his time would be totally consumed by that, Jack asks Lem to be Jackie's friend so that she didn't drift away and meet someone else. Lem was glad to do that as he and Jackie had hit it off immediately. They went to museums, discussed books, and Lem interpreted Jack and his mixed signals to Jackie. Jack even had Lem explain how a marriage to him would be; he expected to retain his ability to see other women as he wanted. Jack was basically marrying because his father thought it was necessary to do so in order to be electable. Jackie was marrying for love and because it was the next thing in life a woman did. It was a tragedy waiting to happen. This is such a charming book. Readers will fall in love with Lem and find it totally believable that he won the heart of both Jackie and all the Kennedy clan. Lem is loyal and delightful, always willing to step in and do what is needed. Jackie is shown as such an interesting woman, full of plans for her future but caught in a love that didn't show much sign of being one that would nurture her. This book is recommended for readers of literary fiction and anyone who needs a book to warm their heart.
Grateful Diva
It takes time and maturity to become a global icon. Jackie and Me shows us who Jackie Bouvier was before she became a legend. Lem Billings and his perspective adds another important view to this relationship to allow readers to think about whether or not this marriage was a good idea. Bayard does a wonderful job in pulling all of it off. Highly recommmended.

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