Jingle All the Way: A Novel - book cover
  • Publisher : Ballantine Books
  • Published : 28 Sep 2021
  • Pages : 288
  • ISBN-10 : 1984818775
  • ISBN-13 : 9781984818775
  • Language : English

Jingle All the Way: A Novel

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Love can transform even the best-laid plans in this heartfelt Christmas novel from the queen of Christmas stories, Debbie Macomber.

Trapped in the middle of five siblings, Everly Lancaster always had big dreams. Now a top real-estate executive, Everly finds her work is her life, leaving no space for anything (or anyone) else. Sensing her stress, Everly’s boss insists she take December off. At first, a month away seems crazy—how will the company survive without her? But Everly’s mother convinces her otherwise. She deserves a vacation—plus, when she returns, she’ll have no excuse to skip family Christmas like she did last year.

But after her vengeful assistant books a guided cruise in the Amazon instead of the luxury beach vacation she expected, Everly is horrified to realize that she’s about to spend the next two weeks trapped—with no Wi-Fi!—in the rain forest. Not even Asher Adams, the ship’s charming naturalist, can convince Everly that the trip will be unforgettable. Slowly but surely, she realizes he is right: the sights are spectacular. And with each passing day, Everly’s relationship with Asher deepens, forcing her to take a long, hard look at her priorities.

Everly and Asher begin to see magic in the possibility of a life together. But as the cruise nears its end, and Everly’s family Christmas approaches, both must decide if love is worth the risk. A merry surprise may be in store in Debbie Macomber’s newest holiday delight.

Readers Top Reviews

Suffolk BrowserLizRM
A lovely story that takes you on a high and then you have a steep drop. Asher and Daisy’s story keeps you wanting to know more. Fabulous scenery painting and some funny bits. A great read.
kat robson
I love debbie macombers books and cant wait for her Christmas book. This books start with workaholic every also known as Daisy and she's never getting a rest so her assistant books her on a cruise. Every thinks she doing a cruise around Brazil but is she? It takes all her time and energy to make the cruise and once onboard she reqlises its not the cruise for her. Beaches/ sunbathing bikinis etc but not its everything such as the forest cruise with no Mod cons such as showers or WiFi and every hates it. The majority of this book is based around the cruise and the naturalist talker is who she bonds with onboard. Everly has more accidents then you can believe and when the tour ends she heads to her family in Chicago. This is where it starts to be christmassy, family traditions etc and she miserable and single and the man she wanted didn't want her. Can she make it through Christmas playing happy families. A good read, but not what I needed as I wanted the magical sense of a christmas book. Great story though
lyn k n2bksMs. The
Didn’t find this as entertaining as her past novels.
What a sweet holiday read this was. Everly, aka Daisy, is the quintessential workaholic. Pressed to take a one month vacation from her job in Chicago, she learns more than she expected about herself. Asher is a wanderer of sorts. He is a guide on river cruises. He cannot see himself living in a city. He wants nature and wide open spaces around him. It is on one of his river cruises in Brazil that he and Daisy meet. They have an instant connection but they are from two different worlds. How can they circumvent this? Do they even have a chance? I loved this short story and highly recommend you add it to your holiday reads.
Carissa LindseyLisa
It makes me sick to look at this rating. Especially on a Debbie Macomber book, but it was just that bad. Not at all like her usual Christmas books. This book is based mostly in the Amazon Rainforest. That should tell you something right there. There was absolutely no mention of snow throughout the whole book. Also talk about Christmas was at a minimum which is also unlike Debbie Macomber. The book seemed like it was a bit rushed. Like she was hurrying to make a deadline. I was so disappointed! I always look forward to her Christmas book every year and this was such a disappointment. The premise of the book was the main character being overworked and needing a break. So, her assistant out of revenge books her on an Amazon River “Cruise.” All the main character knows is that she is going on a cruise. She is in for a big surprise. Along the way she starts to have fun. After being sick for most of the first part of the cruise and having the ship’s naturalist nurse her back to health she finally begins to enjoy herself. Still no mention of snow or Christmas. It ends pretty predictably with a fight and then a make up. With an epilogue set 3 years in the future and not at all around Christmas time. Once again this book was a huge disappointment.

Short Excerpt Teaser

Chapter One

Everly Lancaster was ready to explode. Her assistant, Annette, the very one Jack Campbell, her business partner and CEO, had highly recommended she hire, who also happened to be his niece, had made yet another crucial mistake. One in a long list of costly errors. This time, however, this Gen Z, spoiled, irresponsible, entitled young woman had gone too far.

Annette Howington had mortified Everly in front of five hundred real estate brokers.

"It's really not that big a deal," Annette insisted, smiling as if to suggest this had all been a small misunderstanding. "You did fine without your speech."

The award banquet held in the posh Ritz-Carlton Hotel, half a block off Chicago's Magnificent Mile, honored the top brokers for the online real estate company Easy Home. As Everly stepped onto the podium to deliver her carefully crafted speech, she discovered that her empty-headed assistant had downloaded the wrong talk and graphics. As a result, Everly had been forced to stumble through what she remembered of it. To her acute embarrassment, she'd sounded ill prepared, fumbling over words and names.

Everly was always at the top of her game. She did not stand up before a crowded banquet room and make a fool of herself.

"Not that big a deal?" Everly repeated, after the banquet. Annette had tried to escape without Everly noticing. No such luck. Everly had the assistant in her sights, and no way was she letting Annette sneak out.

"This is the last straw," Everly said, managing to keep her anger under control. "I've given you every opportunity. I'm afraid I'm going to have to let you go."

"You're firing me?" Annette asked in utter disbelief. "But I'm doing the best I can." For emphasis, she added a loud sniffle. "You've never liked me. From the day I started you've been demanding and critical." Her eyes filled with tears as if that would be enough to convince Everly to change her mind. She sniffled again for extra measure, her shoulders making dramatic shudders.

No way was Everly going to allow Annette to turn this on her. "Your best isn't good enough. You don't possess the skills I need in an assistant. The first thing Monday morning I'll explain to your uncle that you will no longer be working with me or Easy Home." Everly couldn't think of a single position this ditzy girl could handle in the entire company. She'd even managed to mess up answering the phone on more than one occasion.

Annette's tears evaporated and a cocky expression came over her. "Uncle Jack won't let you fire me. I'm his favorite niece."

Everly gritted her teeth. "We'll see about that."

With a confident flair, Annette whirled around and stormed straight to her mother, who stood in the rear of the ballroom, waiting for her daughter. Everly watched as Annette burst into tears and pointed at Everly. A horrified look came over Louise Campbell as she started to weave her way around the tables toward Everly.

Bring it on, sister, Everly thought, more than prepared to face this tiger mom. Before that happened, however, Everly was waylaid by one of the brokers with a question. When they finished speaking, both Annette and her mother were nowhere to be seen.

Everly had a reputation to protect. She'd worked hard to make Easy Home the success that it was. What Annette said about Jack defending her was a worry, but nothing she couldn't handle.

The problem was Jack and his easygoing, everything-will-take-care-of-itself attitude. They'd met in college while getting their business degrees. Jack was the creative mastermind. Everly possessed the business savvy and drive to take his idea of an online real estate company for Chicago and put it in motion. Six years ago they'd formed a partnership, and, working side by side, the concept had grown at a furious rate. With Everly at the helm, overseeing the everyday operations, Jack was content to rest on his laurels after handling the media-facing and investors. Basically, he left the running of the company to Everly. And she'd let him.

First thing Monday morning, Everly approached Jack in his office. "We need to talk about Annette."

Jack barely glanced up from his in-office putting green, where he stood, gauging the distance between the golf ball and the hole.

When he didn't respond, Everly said, "I've given her every opportunity, Jack. I'm letting her go."

Jack, ever willing to overlook his niece's complete lack of professionalism, sighed loudly. "I know. I know. And I appreciate the way you've taken her under your wing. This is my sister's girl and it means the world to Annette to have the chance to learn from you. You realize she idolizes you."

Then God help her if the young woman intentionally had it out for h...