Love Bites: An Argeneau Novel (An Argeneau Novel, 2) - book cover
Thrillers & Suspense
  • Publisher : Avon; Reprint edition
  • Published : 11 Apr 2023
  • Pages : 368
  • ISBN-10 : 0062019740
  • ISBN-13 : 9780062019745
  • Language : English

Love Bites: An Argeneau Novel (An Argeneau Novel, 2)

Book two in the nationally bestselling Argeneau Vampire series, where true love is good from the first bite to the last!

Etienne Argeneau's three hundred years of bachelorhood were at an end. Either that, or he'd be forever alone. He could only turn one human in his lifetime, and most of his kind created a life mate. If he turned this stranger...But what choice did he have? The beautiful coroner had saved his life. To save hers, he would make her immortal.

Rachel Garrett awoke surprised. All she'd wanted was to get off the night shift in the morgue; now here she was staggering to her feet naked and in a strange place. But everything would be all right. She'd just make like a bat out of-Then she saw the man of her dreams emerging from his...coffin? And the look in his bright silver eyes said they'd be spending a lot of time together. She just hoped he tasted as good as he looked.

Editorial Reviews

"Mile High with a Vampire is a love story with a perfectly imperfect paranormal couple and a few horror film style thrills thrown in." - Fresh Fiction

"Sands delivers a rip-roaring adventure with plenty of steamy interludes in a story that should make fans of even the most virulent anti-vampire readers. It's hard to resist her witty dialogue, off-the-wall scenarios, sexy moments, and tongue-in-cheek sense of humor, all of which combine for a deliciously fun romp in this absolutely bonkers read." - Entertainment Weekly on Vampires Like it Hot

"Yet another exciting and charming installment in Lynsay Sands' long-running Argeneau series...You can just imagine the drama, the action, and of course the laughs that Sands is known for." - Harlequin Junkie on Immortal Angel

"Paranormal romance fans will definitely enjoy this tale of immortal love and devotion." - Library Journal on Immortal Born

"Her trademark humor and genuine characters...keep her series fresh and her readers hooked." - Publishers Weekly on Immortal Nights

"Sexy, complex romance... The Argeneau series continues to surprise, intrigue, and entertain." - Kirkus Reviews on Immortal Angel

"A romcom with a kickass vampire heroine, a sensitive mortal hottie, and a little danger thrown in!" - Fresh Fiction on Immortal Angel

"The romance between Santo and Pet is compelling... the usual combination of Argeneau vampire mythology, incendiary sex, touches of humor, and generally interesting storytelling." - Kirkus Reviews on The Trouble with Vampires

"Sands' newest Argeneau title features her typical combination of pathos and humor while introducing another set of characters readers will likely meet again: the ...

Readers Top Reviews

Kindle MeeraSFMiche
I bought this book after having picked up "Under a Vampire Moon" on holiday earlier this year. I really enjoyed that book, but unfortunately it was thrown away to save on suitcase weight on the flight home. On researching and finding the whole series of books when I came home, I thought Love Bites was the first in the series and was going to start at the beginning and work my way through, but now know I've jumped in at book 2!!! However, I did enjoy it, the book didn't disappoint and I will eventually be looking to read through the series, although at one book a month it might take some time!!
C. Manning
Etienne Argeneau has a problem. Pudge, a fan of his game Blood Lust, has become obsessed, realised Etienne is a vampire and keeps trying to kill him. After being run down and shot, Etienne is blown up and ends up in the morgue being examined by reluctant nightshift ME Dr Rachel Garrett. But when Pudge tries to behead Etienne Rachel gets in the way and ends up mortally wounded so Etienne returns the favour and saves her life in return...although with the realities of being a vampire, Rachel may not be willing to thank him. This is the second book in the Argeneau/Rogue Hunter series (after 
Etienne Argeneau has a stalker who has shot him near the heart which was then the 1st time he met Rachel Garrett, the ME; he was brought in as a corpse. The 2nd time that he met Rachel was after his stalker tried to blow him up with his car & he was brought to the morgue again; but this time Rachel was killed by his stalker when she tried to save his life, so he turned her to save her life. & now the fun really begins as he & his family try to convince her that she's not a "blood sucking demon". Etienne as he can't read her mind or sway her in anyway knows that she's his life mate & tries to woo her on many occasions. His cousin Thomas helps out a couple of times in this book. Etienne's stalker also shows up to do some more damage to Etienne & Rachel, but you will have to read the book to find out what happens. This book has a good vs bad vibe, lots of sex scenes & vampires in it & I was hooked & stayed up late to finish this book. Side note: This book was a re-read for me however, I had never written a review before & because this series has been on my mind I am now re-reading & giving a review. I haven't read this series in ages & I have most if not all in paperback so I'll be giving my kindle a break for awhile.
Deborah Macgillivray
Lynsay Sands’ hit SINGLE WHITE VAMPIRE was the first in her series of books about a modern day dysfunctional vampire family the Argeneaus. Love Bites is the second and takes up the story of Etienne, Lucern’s younger brother. (These are the books that Lucern has been writing that everyone thinks are just vampire romances!) Rachel Garrett has been bouncing between chill and fever and it had nothing to do with the dead man on the table before her. She works in a hospital morgue, after all, so seeing dead bodies were a just part of a work. It was the flu. She needed to be in bed resting, but the caseload was stacking up so there was no time to pamper herself. Only to find a dead body handsome, well that MIGHT be attributed to the flu. But after, when she jokingly apologizes for having to cut away the expensive slacks and the corpse replies, she feels entirely justified in fainting. After a week’s recovery, she is back on the job when they bring in another body, this one totally burned from a car explosion. As Rachel begins to remove his possessions and tag the body, she is puzzled when the body seems less charred, and then the blackened flesh begins to desquamate, sort of like a snake shedding its skin. Worse, she detects a heartbeat. Just as her mind is trying to adjust to this bizarre situation, an ax-wielding madman rushing into the room screaming for her to get away from the body that is was a vampire. She’s horrified when she sees this nutcase is going to cut off the head of the man - who may not be dead. Not giving a thought, she jumps in front of him as he brings the ax down. Too late Rachel understands her stupid mistake. Etienne awakes to find Rachel dying. Though they are governed by rules about turning people into vampires, you may turn a mate into a life partner, so Etienne repays her heroic saving of his life by saving hers by making Rachel a vampire. His mother and brother arrive on the scene and take Etienne and Rachel home. When Rachel awakens, she is in a lot of pain, nude, and strapped to a bed, with an IV giving her blood. She is surprised to find the horrid ax wound is healing, leaving only a tiny scar and even nearly fades before her eyes. Trying to find some answers to the zillions questions flooding her mind, she wraps the sheet around her and ventures forth only to find a coffin in a darkened room. For the second time in her life she nearly faints, as the occupant of the coffin sits up and begins talking to her. Thus begins the rocky romance of Etienne Argeneau and Rachel Garrett. Etienne figures once Rachel understands it was the only way to save her life, she will quickly adjust to her new state, after all her body is in a better state that it ever was - and hey no split ends!! First problem is Rachel gets most of her vampire lore from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, so she is not exactly...
Love Bites by Lynsay Sands Book #2: Argeneau Series Source: Purchase (Print and Audible) My Rating: 4½/5 stars After more than 300 years of living, Etienne Argeneau finally has some new entertainment. He has a Pudge. More specifically, Pudge is a completely disturbed human who has decided, in sad, his muddled mind that he must kill Etienne. After 300 years, Etienne is willing to play along until he or his family can come up with a way to safely dispose of the disturbed man. And then Etienne lands himself in the morgue . . . . twice! Rachel Garrett considers herself to be a rational woman of science, but when the corpse of the seriously hot man appears in her morgue, twice, it’s time to start questioning some things. Since a person can’t die twice, there must be an explanation. Thankfully, that explanation comes in two forms: 1) the first time he “died” was just a hallucination brought on by the flu; 2) the second time he “died” was because something called Pudge blew him up. But, what the hell is a Pudge and why was he going on and on about the dead man being a vampire and why are all the crispy burned bits flaking off? When Rachel eventually comes to, she has a metric ton of questions. One would think, after 300+ years of life, Etienne would be far better at answering questions. He is not, and it takes about 30 seconds for him to convince Rachel she is in the midst of a dream. A very long, very heavily populated, weirdly erotic dream, that involves Etienne’s mother . . . . wait, what? Since no one’s mother should ever appear in a wet dream, Etienne’s mother and sister take over and have a serious conversation with Rachel about her new life situation. Though Rachel is justifiably freaked out by her situation, she’s learning to cope with it with Etienne’s help. Though Rachel frustrates Etienne, she also challenges him and brings to life thoughts and feelings he has firmly tucked away for many a long and lonely decade. She’s sexy and smart, funny and capable, and willing to put in the hard work needed to adjust to her new life. She also loves his video game 😊 As if the new life training wheels weren’t enough, Rachel and Etienne also have to deal with the continued presence of Pudge. Dealing with Pudge is a necessity and as Rachel and Etienne soon find out, it is a necessity that will have to be dealt with sooner rather than later. Pudge has plans . . . . The Bottom Line: I liked this installment of the Argeneau series even better than the first! Rachel is hilarious in her determination to believe she is caught up in a dream, and Etienne’s “stupidity” after 300+ years of life is stunning. His poor mother 😊 There are so many funny, sexy, silly moments in this book that I couldn’t take my headphones off. Yeah, I listened to this one cover to cover, so to speak, in a single sitting...

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