Making Big Happen: Applying The Make Big Happen System to Grow Big - book cover
Management & Leadership
  • Publisher : Advantage Media Group
  • Published : 11 Jan 2022
  • Pages : 360
  • ISBN-10 : 1642253278
  • ISBN-13 : 9781642253276
  • Language : English

Making Big Happen: Applying The Make Big Happen System to Grow Big

Most books that teach you how to build and grow a business are organized around the functional areas of business, such as people, finance, operations, and marketing. Those things are important and necessary-no question- but what is missing is an overarching methodology that systematically reels in every aspect of building and growing a successful company and creates a repeatable process to execute on the activities that will lead to BIG growth in your company. In his first book, Make BIG Happen, Mark Moses outlined the four questions that formed the foundation of CEO Coaching International, an executive coaching firm that has helped over 875 companies reach extraordinary revenue and EBITDA growth. Now, in Making BIG Happen, CEO Coaching International's proven set of best practices have been translated into a simple three-step process, supported by over 30 tools, to show leaders how to achieve extraordinary business growth.

Editorial Reviews

After a decade of using the MAKE BIG HAPPEN SYSTEM, my team has accomplished results we never dreamed were possible. At one point in the journey of our business I stepped down as CEO, and my replacement decided against using the system. Results plummeted and I was soon brought back in. With the MAKE BIG HAPPEN SYSTEM, we've grown the business from $70 million to nearly $2 billion in sales and have had two successful exits so far. It has given me the confidence that I can run any company in the world. I truly hope you will take the time to learn this system. It will change your business and your life for the better.

By using the MAKE BIG HAPPEN SYSTEM, in less than seven years we've grown our company from a $6 million business that represented a mere fraction of our dreams, to a public corporation now trading on the Nasdaq at over $3 billion in value.

My business was a TechStars start-up when I first met CEO Coaching International. While working with my coach, we were backed by Launch Capital and NXT Ventures, closed a $6.5 million round of funding, and grew like crazy. By implementing the MAKE BIG HAPPEN SYSTEM methodology, our platform exploded from 1,000 users to 500,000, and revenue grew 13x in less than two years. Ultimately we were able to sell to a multinational retail giant at an extraordinary valuation.

It was a terrific journey taking my business from $0 to $120 million. By using the MAKE BIG HAPPEN SYSTEM, we reduced our annual attrition from 19 percent to 3 percent, resulting in a $50 million increase in annual sales in two years and a significantly higher exit to a large private equity firm.

We're pleased to have over a dozen of our portfolio companies using the MAKE BIG HAPPEN SYSTEM, having seen firsthand that firms coached by CEO Coaching International realize extraordinary growth in revenue and EBITDA. Working with them has been hugely impactful for our CEOs in growing their businesses. I would recommend to any CEO to learn the MAKE BIG HAPPEN SYSTEM, and to any private equity firm leader to adopt this methodology with their CEOs.

Building my business has been a wild ride, and without a doubt I wouldn't be where I am today without CEO Coaching International. Using the MAKE BIG HAPPEN SYSTEM we were able to sell the company for a nine-figure sum at a 32x multiple of EBITDA.

CEO Coaching International has helped us grow our business from $1 billion to almost $20 billion in assets under management. After our recent investment from Bain Capital, Carson Group is now valued at $1.1 billion. T...