Neither Settler nor Native: The Making and Unmaking of Permanent Minorities - book cover
Politics & Government
  • Publisher : Belknap Press: An Imprint of Harvard University Press
  • Published : 30 Nov 2020
  • Pages : 416
  • ISBN-10 : 0674987322
  • ISBN-13 : 9780674987326
  • Language : English

Neither Settler nor Native: The Making and Unmaking of Permanent Minorities

Making the radical argument that the nation-state was born of colonialism, this book calls us to rethink political violence and reimagine political community beyond majorities and minorities.

In this genealogy of political modernity, Mahmood Mamdani argues that the nation-state and the colonial state created each other. In case after case around the globe―from the New World to South Africa, Israel to Germany to Sudan―the colonial state and the nation-state have been mutually constructed through the politicization of a religious or ethnic majority at the expense of an equally manufactured minority.

The model emerged in North America, where genocide and internment on reservations created both a permanent native underclass and the physical and ideological spaces in which new immigrant identities crystallized as a settler nation. In Europe, this template would be used by the Nazis to address the Jewish Question, and after the fall of the Third Reich, by the Allies to redraw the boundaries of Eastern Europe's nation-states, cleansing them of their minorities. After Nuremberg the template was used to preserve the idea of the Jews as a separate nation. By establishing Israel through the minoritization of Palestinian Arabs, Zionist settlers followed the North American example. The result has been another cycle of violence.

Neither Settler nor Native offers a vision for arresting this historical process. Mamdani rejects the "criminal" solution attempted at Nuremberg, which held individual perpetrators responsible without questioning Nazism as a political project and thus the violence of the nation-state itself. Instead, political violence demands political solutions: not criminal justice for perpetrators but a rethinking of the political community for all survivors―victims, perpetrators, bystanders, beneficiaries―based on common residence and the commitment to build a common future without the permanent political identities of settler and native. Mamdani points to the anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa as an unfinished project, seeking a state without a nation.

Editorial Reviews

"Demonstrates how a broad rethinking of political issues becomes possible when Western ideals and practices are examined from the vantage point of Asia and Africa."Pankaj Mishra, New York Review of Books

"Over half a century, Mamdani has carved out a reputation as a forceful and articulate critic of political modernity's supposed peace-bringing qualities…Neither Settler nor Native is [his] most comprehensive exploration yet of the subject of majority–minority relations. In a comparative analysis of five countries…he locates the origin story of contemporary postcolonial political violence far back in history."Francis Wade, The Baffler

"Mamdani makes a compelling case… Although the book's scope is ambitious…it has a clear starting point: the invention of indirect rule as a technique of modern colonial governance…Mamdani draws on the details of his case studies to formulate some broad lessons for decolonizing politics today―most importantly, disaggregating the nation from the state and creating more inclusive forms of democratic politics in the wake of identity-based strife."Hari Ramesh, Boston Review

"Provocative, elegantly written…with the aim of understanding the sources of the extreme violence that has plagued so many postcolonial societies."Fara Dabhoiwala, New York Review of Books

"This book compels the reader to rethink the origin and development of the nation-state and its replication as inseparable from European colonialism, beginning with the establishment of the Spanish state through racialized ethnic cleansing and the 1492 deportations of Jews and Moors. In elegant prose with no wasted words or jargon, this original and brilliant work argues that the United States created the template for settler-colonialism, providing the model upon which the South African apartheid regime and the Israeli state were patterned, a model also used by the Nazi regime that adopted US race theory and catastrophic ethnic cleansing. The book provides not only profound historical analysis but also deeply researched descriptions of the current US and Israeli regimes of settler-colonialism and more."Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, author of An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States

"Brilliant! A deeply learned account of the origins of our modern world. Situating the beginnings of the nation-state in the settler-colonial practice of creating permanent minorities, Mamdani illustrates how this damaging political logic continues into our own era, resulting far too often in today's extraordinary political violence. Through his own elegant contrarianism, Mamdani rejects t...

Readers Top Reviews

Brian Dedora
The depth of scholarship and far reaching conclusions on those populations whose agency has been taken from them asks some serious questions and then speaks to them. If this area of study is of any interest and so it should be then read this book.
Really enjoy Mahmood Mamdani's writing. This needs to be read!