Phantom Game (A GhostWalker Novel) - book cover
  • Publisher : Berkley
  • Published : 23 Aug 2022
  • Pages : 448
  • ISBN-10 : 0593439104
  • ISBN-13 : 9780593439104
  • Language : English

Phantom Game (A GhostWalker Novel)

Two predators collide with unbridled passion in this intoxicating GhostWalker novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Christine Feehan.
Jonas "Smoke" Harper has watched his brothers find their perfect mates, never imagining he'd actually meet someone who complements every part of him-even the monster that lurks within. But his instant connection with Camellia goes far beyond wanting the intelligent, beautiful, and lethal woman in his bed. They are two parts of a whole, linked to each other and to a larger network that exists everywhere around them.
Camellia has lived on her own for a long time, relying on her unique psychic abilities to keep her safe. She knows that Jonas was literally made for her, and that makes their addictive connection more dangerous than a thousand enhanced super soldiers. Once the larger threat looming over them is dealt with she's going to get far away as fast as she can. Life has taught her that the only one she can truly trust is herself.
Jonas can sense Camellia is going to run-and the hunter inside doesn't want to let go. Not when he knows how good they'll be together. So he'll just have to use all of his considerable skills to convince her to stay....

Readers Top Reviews

B. EddeMary Heron
In the continuing saga of the Ghostwalkers, Ms Feehan takes us back to Team One. Jonas Harper, has a cauldron of predatory animal DNA that he has to tightly control at all times making him believe he is a monster that no woman could ever live with. Camellia Mist, is one of the original female orphans experimented on in order to creat the Ghostwalkers. Her DNA is connected with the mysterious Middlemist Red Camellia giving her a connection to all the flora and fauna surrounding her. A sense of impending danger sends Jonas and fellow Ghostwalkers, Jeff and Kyle up the mountain where they stumble into Camellia’s home since her escape from Whitney, where her illusions are designed to protect her from the outside world. Also sensing danger from her plant informants she attempts to trap the 3 of them. Unbeknownst to Jonas and Camilla they have been ‘paired’ by Whitney to be the perfect couple, when Jonas eludes her illusions, they meet and Sparks fly. Camellia’s inherent lack of trust, cemented by a perceived betrayal by her sister orphan Marigold, wife of a team two member, makes her hesitant to work with Jonas especially when he insults her DNA makeup which to his surprise and horror he shares on top of the predatory animal stew he was given when he became a Ghostwalker. He, on the other hand, recognizes her as his woman and despite critical mistakes works throughout the story to make sure she doesn’t run again. The danger that led to their meeting is frightening real and despite the past betrayals and Camellia’s inherent distrust of anyone connected to Whitney, Jonas, Camellia, Jeff and Kyle form a connection that is the best part of this book. Betrayals are a big part of this story and as you read there are parts that will just make you weep. In true Feehan fashion after you wipe your tears you will be laughing at the comic dialogue between the characters. To me, one of the best parts of this story is the mysterious Middlemist Red Camellia. The research needed to add this critical piece of the story is mind boggling. I always learn something when reading a Feehan book and the possibilities presented about how this plant works give you a whole new outlook on the plants that surround us in real life. Another well constructed story with action, camaraderie, family and friendship.
DebraB. EddeMary
Just like all her books this one kept me up reading I just couldn’t put it down. Loved the interaction with the other characters and how they helped each other
Kindle DebraB. E
As always Christine Feehan sucked you into this amazing and terrifying world of possibilities. I just wish she would stop with " my women" saying. And just use their names. They are there own person not just linked by the men.. That is just my thing also..
Sweet CarolineKin
I have read so many of this author's books, and keep going back for more. This book has become my very favorite! I love how Christine created Cami and how she intertwined her life with the plants and animals, as well as Mother Earth, and the way she lived. I loved how Cami and Jonas came together too!
Maureen GianinioS
The Ghost Walker Series, a Military Science Fiction Romance series that has evolved through each book...making you love the Protagonists and despise the Antagonists, each book focused on one couple and fellow Ghostwalkers, and the families they are making. Each face their own conflicts and enemies...but the underlying Antagonist of the series is the most Diabolical villain I've ever read! Although these books are wonderful read as a series, Christine Feehan does an amazing job weaving the information needed into the story so they can be read as a standalone. . Phantom Game, Book 18, is the story of Jonas "Smoke" Harper and Camellia. After meeting members of all 4 Teams of Whitney’s Military psychically and physically enhanced Ghostwalkers and seeing many reach their Happily Ever After, We're returning to Team One and the Original 12 female orphans. Back to the revelations of Dr Peter Whitney’s Diabolical DNA enhancements in his ends justify the means narcissistic sociopathic mind! Of course, Whitney's female experiments are the ideal partners for these Ghostwalkers and he made sure they were selectively even more so, pairing them. He wants to guarantee genetic matches reproduce. Luckily for the stories, love needs more than pheromones, and people are more than their DNA enhancements. . Both Camellia and Jonas are dealing with betrayal and loss. The betrayal Camellia encountered made her retreat, hide from people and lost her trust in anyone but herself, fearful they would hurt her again. Jonas’ betrayal broke his trust in himself difficult accepting his skills and strength of character, feared he would hurt those he cared about, lose the control he so desperately used to function. . A Beautiful love store revolves around this, acceptance of each other. They come to see each other as the entire amazing person they are. Both grow as individuals and as a couple. Cami learns that betrayal is only as horrid as the motivation behind it. She needed to remember Whitney set them up for dammed if you do dammed if you don’t scenarios to break trust. She is the beauty whose gifts heal and sooth the savage beast. He is the one who can protect her, give her a home and family. As their relationship grows, she learns trust outside the world she built can happen. Jonas learns the strength in who he is, with her guidance he can learn to trust himself, he is not the monster he thinks Whitney turned him into. He can control his enhancements and use them all to his advantage. As all is discovered they realize they are a perfect team and can rely on and trust each other above anyone else. The romance is strong and paced well! . As Jonas and Camellia build a wonderful love story working through betrayals of the past, whispered betrayal in the present, we are kept on the edge of our seat. The danger approaching the compound Home of Team One an...

Short Excerpt Teaser


The mountains rose up, climbing higher and higher, towering all around, the peaks reaching for the clouds. All along the mountainsides and in the valleys between, red cedar, whitebark pine and spruce trees vied for space. This was true forest, two million acres of actual wilderness, most of it, left to the animals that were native to the area. Grizzlies, black bears, mountain lions, moose, timber wolves, mountain goats, elk, bighorn sheep and mule deer all made the vast forest home, along with a range of smaller animals.

Jonas "Smoke" Harper, Dr. Kyle Forbes and Jeff Hollister, three of the genetically and psychically enhanced members of GhostWalker Team One, continued along the nearly nonexistent game trail they'd been traveling for the past three hours.

"You still getting that bad feeling in your gut, Jonas?" Jeff asked.

Jonas scanned the dense forest with narrowed eyes, maintaining his purposefully relaxed gait while keeping his hand close to his weapon. "Yep."

Kyle sighed. "You sure it isn't just a stitch in your side?"


"You did notice that the higher we climb, the more bear scat we're coming across," Jeff said.


"Just thought I'd point that out." A small grin lit Jeff's face.

"I'm not sure he actually knows how to talk, Jeff," Kyle said. "Ryland did warn us. Said if we volunteered to come with him, we'd hear nothing but grunts for days."

"Wait." Smile fading, Jeff halted abruptly and glared at his companions. "You volunteered? Ryland ordered me to come with you two. Said I had to protect your asses."

Jonas and Kyle stopped as well, and Jonas took the opportunity to study Jeff without appearing to do so. It had been a couple of years since Jeff had recovered from a stroke that would have put any normal soldier out of commission for good. Jeff had fought his way back.

Jeff, like most men in the government's GhostWalker program, wasn't anyone's definition of a normal soldier anymore. These men were, instead, the products of a military experiment that hadn't quite gone as expected. They had gone into the program volunteering for psychic enhancements with the expectation of being of more use to their country, but along with removing filters in their brains, Dr. Peter Whitney had also performed experimental gene coding on them. That part they had not signed up for.

Worse, the first of Whitney's gene-coding experiments had been illegally performed on young orphan girls, with disastrous results. Those initial failures hadn't stopped Whitney though. Instead, he'd forged ahead with similar gene modifications on the soldiers, believing that grown men could better handle the pressures of the enhancements than the female children had. Team One had lost several of the men in their unit, and Jeff had suffered a brain bleed and stroke. He was fully recovered, but the entire team tended to watch over him, Jonas especially.

The survivors of Whitney's experiments were all admittedly stronger, and they now possessed some very incredible abilities, but those benefits had come at a steep price. They were all continuing to learn just how steep that price could be. Lily Whitney-Miller, Peter Whitney's adopted daughter, who was now married to their team leader, Captain Ryland Miller, had given them all exercises to do to strengthen the barricades in their minds. That allowed the ones who had been wide open to be able to be in public without an "anchor"-one who drew emotion and psychic overload from them-at least for short periods of time.

Jeff looked good to Jonas, but still, he glanced at Kyle just to make certain. Kyle would be better at making an assessment. If the doc thought Jeff needed a break, he'd find an excuse to take one. Jeff never shirked the physical therapy designed to strengthen the weaker side of his body or the mental exercises to strengthen the barriers in his brain. He stayed in therapy the brain surgeon recommended to ensure the psychic talents he used didn't bring on another bleed. He was one of the hardest-working GhostWalkers Jonas knew-and that was saying a lot.

Their unit, G...