Someone Perfect (The Westcott Series) - book cover
  • Publisher : Berkley
  • Published : 30 Nov 2021
  • Pages : 432
  • ISBN-10 : 0593335309
  • ISBN-13 : 9780593335307
  • Language : English

Someone Perfect (The Westcott Series)

Sometimes, just one person can pull a whole family apart. And sometimes, it just takes one person to pull it back together. For fans of Bridgerton, New York Times bestselling Regency Romance author Mary Balogh shows how love truly conquers all in this new Westcott family novel.

As a young man, Justin Wiley was banished by his father for mysterious reasons, but now his father is dead, and Justin has been Earl of Brandon for six years. A dark, dour man, he nonetheless takes it as his responsibility to care for his half-sister Maria when her mother dies. He travels to her home to fetch her back to the family seat at Everleigh Park.

Although she adored him once, Maria now loathes Justin, and her friend Lady Estelle Lamarr can see immediately how his very name upsets her. When Justin arrives and invites Estelle and her brother to accompany Maria to Everleigh Park to help with her distress, she begrudgingly agrees for Maria's sake.

As family secrets unravel in Maria's homecoming, Justin, too, uncovers his desire for a countess. And, while he may believe he's found an obvious candidate in the beautiful 25-year-old Lady Estelle, she is most certain that they could never make a match...

Editorial Reviews

Praise for the novels of Mary Balogh

"One of the best!"-Julia Quinn

"Balogh is today's superstar heir to the marvelous legacy of Georgette Heyer, (except a lot steamier!)"-Susan Elizabeth Phillips

"With her brilliant, beautiful and emotionally intense writing Mary Balogh sets the gold standard in historical romance."-Jayne Ann Krentz

"When it comes to historical romance, Mary Balogh is one of my favorites!"-Eloisa James

"A superb author whose narrative voice comments on the characters and events of her novel in an ironic tone reminiscent of Jane Austen."-Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

"Mary Balogh just keeps getting better and better…interesting characters and great stories to tell...well worth your time."-The Atlanta Journal-Constitution 

"I loved this book. I read it in one sitting and it made me smile a lot and cry a little."-Smart Bitches, Trashy Books

Readers Top Reviews

Regency Belle
Enjoyed this book. Mary Balogh never fails to write from the heart. Creating memorable characters who are not always perfect but show us a great deal about love and family relationships.
normally a fanFrance
I have read and loved practically all MB’s books. Once I start I have to read till the end because the story is so absorbing. Not this book. I am only half way through but find my attention wandering. There are so many relatives that clutter the plot with their mindless chatter plus endless descriptions of the mansion and its rooms. Can only give three stars so far though when I finish the book maybe this will improve. Hope so. Will be back if this happens. Have now finished the book but afraid I still give it three stars. The story did not keep my attention and I felt the couple fell in love so unexpectedly and quickly. And oh all those names at the wedding! This is only my subjective opinion and maybe others will will enjoy it more, I hope so.
Anne Mammy
Having read all the Westcott series, I was eagerly looking forward to this last instalment. It's not perfect by any means. Mary of course has the difficult task of keeping on board those readers who are familiar with the Westcotts and those for whom it is their first encounter with the family. As well as that there are all the branches of the Brandons to become familiar with. It does get a bit overwhelming. The book improves as the story develops and the main characters are at last embedded in the story. Of course, this is not the sort of book which will keep you in suspense for the next development, it's all very predictable, but I really did like Ricky. Mary's depiction of a simple minded boy is warm and compassionate. So a good read overall, even if there are a few flaws. No one is perfect! I wonder if we'll get a book centred around Bertrand? I hope so!
C. A.East End Lady
I was so looking forward to this book, which I had preordered months ago. But for a good 50% of the book, the story is told inside the main characters’ heads, which makes it ponderously slow. I was craving an active scene, with dialogue exchanges and where something actually happened. As others have said, there were so many pages of description but almost none of the hero and heroine. In fact, I had no idea what anyone looked like. Not a single character…well, Captain, the dog was described. Apparently the hero was big and ugly, the heroine had dark hair, slim legs and was beautiful. I could never picture them in the story, a huge flaw that kept me at arm’s length and outside the story. The only thing drawing me forward was the hero’s secret. Then in comes a cast of thousands. They did, however, by the time they showed up, add to the conflict-limp story. Very late in the book, there were some lovely moments, when Estelle and Justin were first facing their mutual love and the arrival of great secondaries of Ricky and Wes. It is difficult to rate this extremely uneven and slow book. I can say I will never reread this one, and it is not one I would recommend. But it is Balogh, and at her weakest, which this book surely is, she is better than most of the Regency romance authors out there. She gets an extra star.
Élodie Nicoli
Will the shadows of his past be too dark for her imaginary bright future … You know what, I was frightened when I accepted this arc, I had heard so much about the author, she has written so many well regarded books, what if I do not like it? What if it is like with Gone With The Wind, my older sister praised the story as being awesome the best romance book she had ever read, and hated it, I was unable to like Scarlet, it was not the romance I have been sold. So here I am, shaking as I open this book. First thing I noticed is the author has a very personal style with lengthy descriptions and aplenty of details, as a fast reader, I had to adapt my pace and it slowed me a bit, but this is not the kind of read to be devoured, it must be savored. Plus as my first read, I have had nothing to compare to, not like other more acknowledged readers, so my opinion is only based on this tale of the return into the light of the wronged hero after years of absence. Of course beginning with the 9th book in a series is evidently not the best option, so I did hope to not be too lost with the many characters. Thus I studied intensely the family tree and read the other books blurbs to gasp at minima who was who. Luckily the heroine is a far removed relative of the main family and the hero has no connection with them, so I thought. Yet I felt at time like the hero’s sister, lost among the party’s crowd, so many names and connections … But I am happy to say, while obviously it would be best to read the series in order, it is not for the need of more insights for this story but for the pure enjoyment of the storytelling. I loved the twins together, they are good and kind persons, and as Estella drew this unattainable portrait of the perfect suitor in her mind, so flawless he might not even exist in a fiction, or if breathing he would be as her bother told her very dull. I wondered then who would be the opposite of this ideal picture. Yet while asking for the perfect someone, she judged Justin at first sight, basing her opinion of him on their first unexpected encounter and his awkwardness afterwards plus the gossips instead of facts. Having her own history of abandonment, she might have forgotten her father, yet she first faults Justin for his own, but soon she comes to see past his discomfort, sensing there is so much more to this man than he first let transpire, why did he left. Justin is aloof, lonely and lost, at his wit-end with his sister so what can be misunderstood for haughtiness is wariness of others. Yet he is such a good fellow, protecting again and again, even if it means to be hated, his sister from the harsh truth. His secret is easy to figure out as tongues loosen. Still he is too good a man to soil someone else reputation, especially one who can’t defend oneself. It is a light and shadow court...

Short Excerpt Teaser



England was not renowned for long runs of perfect summer days. This year so far even brief runs had been in lamentably short supply. It seemed something of a miracle, then, when the morning had dawned with the promise of being yet another lovely day. The second in a row.


By the middle of the afternoon, the sky was a deep indigo blue and cloudless. The air was hot without being oppressive-the merest hint of a breeze saw to that. It also caused the leaves to flutter on the trees and the water to ripple on the river. The grass on both sides of the river was green and lush after all the rain, and liberally strewn with daisies, buttercups, and clover. Birds trilled from among the thick foliage of the trees, though it was not always easy to see them. Unseen insects whirred and chirped in the grass.


So much life. So much beauty.


Lady Estelle Lamarr had been walking along the riverbank, but she stopped in order to fill all her senses with the perfection of the moment, wild nature at its most profuse and benign. Even the old single-arched stone bridge farther along seemed to be an integral part of the scene rather than a man-made intrusion upon it, just as a bird's nest or an anthill or a beaver dam would be. There surely could not possibly be anything to surpass the loveliness of the English countryside on a summer day. How very privileged she was to live here.


Yesterday she had fretted a little at being kept at home on a similar day by the impending departure of her uncle and aunt and cousin, who had all been staying at Elm Court for the past three weeks. Although Aunt Jane had talked of leaving early, by eight o'clock at the latest, it was actually after three in the afternoon by the time their carriage rolled out of sight down the drive and the chance to enjoy the outdoors had been virtually at an end.


First Uncle Charles had lingered over breakfast as though he had all day, deep in conversation with Bertrand, Estelle's twin brother. Then Ellen, their cousin, had decided she really ought to send a quick note to her betrothed to explain that their return home would be delayed because her mama had decided they must call upon friends who lived not far off their intended route, and those friends were bound to invite them to stay for a few days. The conversation finally at an end and Ellen's letter written, Aunt Jane had been hopeful of a midmorning start. But that hope was dashed when the vicar arrived from the village and was positively delighted to find that he had come in time to send the travelers on their way with a blessing.


The Reverend John Mott, a deeply pious man, was a longtime acquaintance of Aunt Jane's and a great favorite of hers. At her urging, the blessing had developed into extended prayers and scripture readings in the sitting room and had been succeeded by a lengthy discussion, initiated by Aunt Jane, about the deteriorating moral fiber of the nation, especially its heedless youth. And since by then noon was fast approaching, Estelle had invited the vicar to join them all for a light luncheon that she had guessed-correctly-their cook was already preparing with feverish haste for six people instead of the two she had been planning for.


After the dishes had been cleared from the table and their second cup of coffee had been poured, the conversation had turned to a discussion of the uncertain future of the monarchy, since King George IV was in perennial ill health and the only heir closely related to him was a young girl, Victoria, daughter of the Duke of Kent. The other royal dukes had been prolific in the production of children, it was true, but not, unfortunately, of the legitimate variety. It was all quite scandalous, in Aunt Jane's opinion.


The carriage had been outside the door at three o'clock, had been fully loaded with its three passengers by quarter past, and had finally rolled on its way at half past, all the last-minute thanks and well-wishes and reminders to do this and be sure to avoid doing that having been called out the window. By Aunt Jane, of course.


"So much for a perfect summer day," Estelle had said, turning to her brother-but with a twinkle in her eye. For of course she was exceedingly fond of her relatives and had actually enjoyed the day as it unfolded.


"All in a good cause," Bertrand had said. "We will miss them. There will be other lovely days to spend outdoors."


And sure enough, along had come the unexpected gift of today.


When she had left the house earlier, Estelle had intended to walk all the way to Prospect Hall to call upon Maria Wiley. The heat was giving he...