Stolen Youth: How Radicals Are Erasing Innocence and Indoctrinating a Generation - book cover
Politics & Government
  • Publisher : DW Books
  • Published : 07 Mar 2023
  • Pages : 304
  • ISBN-10 : 1956007083
  • ISBN-13 : 9781956007084
  • Language : English

Stolen Youth: How Radicals Are Erasing Innocence and Indoctrinating a Generation

The kids are not alright. 

The Left is waging an all-out battle on the American family, particularly the youngest members. If they can make our children miserable, lead them to question every building block of society, and rebuild their entire concept of reality, then the Left and their woke indoctrinators will consider that a victory.

But we can't let them win.

As concerned parents and American citizens, we have to understand what' truly going on before we can do something about it. Stolen Youth provides an urgent deep dive into issues surrounding the current woke indoctrination happening in politics, education, medicine, mental health, entertainment, and culture.

These issues may seem subtle, insidious, and hard to make sense of, but armed with the information provided in this book, we now have a framework from which to fight. While we may simply be trying to parent our children well and create a healthy and happy home environment, this is no longer enough.

We must now go on the offense to protect our kids, and this book sheds a bright light on the reason why. We can no longer afford to stay ignorant. Our children's lives and the survival of our families are at stake.

"A win is a family who is free."

Stolen Youth outlines how to fight for our children's freedom-and win.

Editorial Reviews

"Children can no longer trust their teachers, doctors, or the societal structures that claim to protect them. This isn't accidental. Stolen Youth pulls back the curtain of this pervasive ideology and arms parents with the information necessary to protect their children."Matt Walsh

"Bethany Mandel and Karol Markowicz expose the rot that's spreading through America's schools. Their brilliant new book shines a light on the disaster of American education-and provides a vision for families to escape it. A must-read for parents, citizens, and policymakers."

Christopher Rufo

"Mandel and Markowicz have written an indispensable field guide for parents, laying out the unique challenges of this cultural moment and equipping them to protect their families."

Abigail Shrier

Readers Top Reviews

The authors do a deep dive into the cultural shift from traditional values to the indoctrination tactics being used on our children to undermine the family. Their fine attention to detail regarding dates, organizations and tactics has made this a very helpful book for parents and grandparents to peruse their children’s reading materials. School assignments, library reading material as well as other social media sources have all adopted the “woke” agenda. Beware!!
Megan Spitzer r
I really liked the lay out of the book. The first part (history) was a little dry but you could tell the research that went into was very thorough. I am partial to Bethany's writing so I felt like those chapters flew by. I think the most helpful part was how they ended the book with actual actionable things for parents to do. This isn't just some gloom and doom book. They give you the tools and hope to keep your kids safe, sane, and happy.
As a parent, if you stay up on current events, this book will not be news. However, if you're too busy making ends meet to spare a lot of screen time, and if you have children, you should make the effort to come up to speed because your kid's well-being depends on it. And, that's not an overstatement. This book thoroughly lays out all of the fronts that are being waged against your children. It describes, in extremes, two options to win the war. And it provides a solid overlaying principle to child-rearing: Raise children that are resilient, not fragile. Pro tip: If you're a grandparent, with young grand kids, take this book as an opportunity to help out your own children that may be in the "making ends meet" group. Read it yourself, as I did, and share the major points over an old-fashioned Sunday family dinner.
Nerdy Readerjimbo
Mandel and Markowicz present a compelling narrative of the many ways that our children and childhood innocence itself are under attack. Children were first sacrificed en masse to protect adults, having their ability to interact as human beings removed by law through mask mandates. Emotional attunement, normal speech development, and other crucial parts of development were stolen. Now they are being indoctrinated in schools, having their natural boundaries shattered by adults they're meant to trust and respect introducing sexual concepts. Beyond these horrible violations of childhood, the indoctrination is damaging in the grand scheme: children are not equipped to sit around thinking about how they think, or analyzing how they see themselves and the world. The leftist agenda to program children by doing this is an agenda to do horrifying damage in the name of a perceived "greater good." It's nonsense (a word chosen to avoid having this review rejected by Amazon; the word I want to use starts with "bull") and this book does a fabulous job of making the case that we can and must fight to protect kids if we want our country to have a future.
Luciana FerrandNe
I was glad I purchased this book and learned about many institutions are so involved in 'indoctrinating OUR children'. That's exactly what is happening in our country. I have the privilege to be able send my child to a Christian private school so I have a peace of mind that he won't receive these type of education. And in regards of some of the negative reviews posted I strongly disagree with all of them, I believe everybody should KNOW what the school system is trying to propagate and make a concise decision to send or not the child to public school. Some of the review even mention "this book shouldn't be read" - I do not follow this advice. As an individual in a free country, everybody should read whatever they believe is informative and make their own conclusion.