Taste: My Life Through Food - book cover
Leaders & Notable People
  • Publisher : Gallery Books
  • Published : 05 Oct 2021
  • Pages : 304
  • ISBN-10 : 1982168013
  • ISBN-13 : 9781982168018
  • Language : English

Taste: My Life Through Food


From award-winning actor and food obsessive Stanley Tucci comes an intimate and charming memoir of life in and out of the kitchen.

Stanley Tucci grew up in an Italian American family that spent every night around the kitchen table. He shared the magic of those meals with us in The Tucci Cookbook and The Tucci Table, and now he takes us beyond the savory recipes and into the compelling stories behind them.​

Taste is a reflection on the intersection of food and life, filled with anecdotes about his growing up in Westchester, New York; preparing for and shooting the foodie films Big Night and Julie & Julia; falling in love over dinner; and teaming up with his wife to create meals for a multitude of children. Each morsel of this gastronomic journey through good times and bad, five-star meals and burned dishes, is as heartfelt and delicious as the last.

Written with Stanley’s signature wry humor, Taste is for fans of Bill Buford, Gabrielle Hamilton, and Ruth Reichl—and anyone who knows the power of a home-cooked meal.

Editorial Reviews

"Through food and scenes of family life, Stanley Tucci shares both his personal story and his celebration of all-things taste. With tales from peanut butter sandwiches to lobster in Maine, with recipes from the perfect Negroni to his wife's roast potatoes, he draws us to his table. Come hungry for the food, the cocktails, the gossip and the fun. Just never, ever, cut up your spaghetti."  –Yotam Ottolenghi

"An instant classic, Stanley Tucci's TASTE is as captivating, simple, charming and insanely moreish as the best Italian food. Take it to bed with you and you will fall asleep dreaming you're in Italy. But take it to the kitchen and you will find yourself using it as often as a pan or a peeler." –Stephen Fry

"A delicious story of appetite, family and pasta. A serious amount of pasta. In this gloriously written memoir, the ever tasteful Stanley Tucci invites us to his table and feeds us all the good stuff." –Jay Rayner

"It's impossible to read this without becoming ravenous!" –Nigella Lawson

"Our relationship with fire and food has shaped us as human beings, it connects us in a unique way, to ourselves, the people we love and this beautiful planet we live on. It is a wonderful story of and told by a wonderful man through his food memories. It is as infectious as it is delicious, as funny as it is insightful. The only reason to put this book down, is to go cook and eat from it." Heston Blumenthal

 "Funny, heart-breaking, fascinating, intimate and beautifully-written." –Kate Mosse

"This superb book…Taste enriches the reader and establishes Tucci as one of the wisest and most generous personalities of our time." - Roger Lewis, Daily Mail

"The man, the myth, The Devil Wears Prada legend Stanley Tucci has blessed our hungry souls with a food memoir to feed our mounting appetite for the actor and cook's wit, warmth and, let's face it: tight polo shirts. He divulges some of his most treasured memories and stories behind favourite recipes - prepare to feel bereaved when it's over."-Joanna Taylor, Evening Standard

Readers Top Reviews

Stanley Tucci is an American treasure. I love this book. I read every word.
R. Patrick Baugh
Stories about his life, recipes, more recipes, what’s not to love? Tucci is a born storyteller, so the book is a quick, delightful read, but you’ll especially want to save it for the recipes!
michael reid hunter
This is one of the most enjoyable and mouthwatering books I have read in years! A bit of a reset was needed after Chapter 14 "The Martini"! Lovingly written, Tucci's appreciation of his ancestral home, family traditions, and food dances out of the page. What a joyful and compelling read! Bravo!!
A casual but captivating memoir by this most interesting man. His life, his opinions and his recipes are nicely interwoven. Having heard many interviews with Stanley Tucci and watched his tv show on Italy, it is very much in his authentic voice. Just wish they’d included an index to the recipes which are buried throughout the book. Incredible account of his recent cancer treatment - what an ordeal. If you’re reading this, Mr. Tucci, sending my very best for a healthy, happy future filled with good food!
I truly wonderful book! Grant it, I am only a third of the way in so far but I honestly love it. The recipes are solid and the story is enticing. This is truly beautifully balanced book that can be described as either “narrative cookbook” or a “memoir of meals.” I am truly enjoying every aspect of this and cannot wait to get my hands on his other books. Highly recommend for something unique for that foodie or film fan in your life.