The 6:20 Man - book cover
Action & Adventure
  • Publisher : Grand Central Publishing; Large type / Large print edition
  • Published : 26 Jul 2022
  • Pages : 672
  • ISBN-10 : 1538719886
  • ISBN-13 : 9781538719886
  • Language : English

The 6:20 Man

An edge-of-your-seat new standalone thriller from #1&#160;<i>New York Times&#160;</i>bestselling author David Baldacci.&#160;

Readers Top Reviews

Chile ChicaCarolynKa
As always, a David Baldacci book is good but I have some minor complaints. The biggest one is a glaring editing error, in the Kindle version anyway. Slight Spoiler alert. When Travis temporarily exchanges his phone for the bad guy’s, with help from the bad guy’s girlfriend, he uses it to gain entrance to a floor of the building to install a tiny camera. Then he checks the app he installed to see the camera view before he leaves, but he didn’t have his own phone at that moment, and the app wouldn’t have been on the bad guy’s phone. So, that was an oversight I think. My other sour note was the woman he ended up with - seemed like a shallow character. But that’s minor and just my opinion. If she appears in future Travis stories maybe she’ll grow on me.
Simon T. Knox
The 6:20 Man introduces a reluctant hero, that can barely see the future through his own pain. Yet given an ultimatum he found redemption. As always a great story that was captivating and impossible to put down. Great character development and I look forward to the further adventures.
Bird Lady
Page turner Hard to guess the ending This installment much improved over his last try Back in his fan club.
Cynthia J. Kelley
Bless. Baldacci’s heart. He has given us another hero if not heroes. That’s hard work creating new characters from whole cloth for us to root on. Thank you! And dear reader if you have ever read a Baldacci book hang on for a bumpy ride.
Enjoyed all the twists and turns and did not even come close to the ending. Baldacci has written another good one. Can’t wait for the next!

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