The Cellist: A Novel (Gabriel Allon, 21) - book cover
Action & Adventure
  • Publisher : Harper
  • Published : 24 May 2022
  • Pages : 496
  • ISBN-10 : 0062835092
  • ISBN-13 : 9780062835093
  • Language : English

The Cellist: A Novel (Gabriel Allon, 21)

#1 New York Times Bestseller

"The pace of The Cel­list never slack­ens as its ac­tion vol­leys from Zurich to Tel Aviv to Paris and be­yond. Mr. Silva tells his story with zest, wit and su­perb tim­ing, and he en­gi­neers enough sur­prises to star­tle even the most at­ten­tive reader." -Wall Street Journal

Viktor Orlov had a long-standing appointment with death. Once Russia's richest man, he now resides in exile in London, where he is waging a crusade against the kleptocrats who have seized control of the Kremlin. His mansion is protected by armed bodyguards. Yet somehow, on a rainy summer evening, in the midst of a global pandemic, Russia's vengeful president finally manages to cross Orlov's name off his kill list.

Before him was the receiver from his landline telephone, a half-drunk glass of red wine, and a stack of documents.…

The documents are contaminated with a deadly nerve agent. The Metropolitan Police determine that they were delivered by one of Orlov's employees, a prominent investigative reporter. And when the reporter vanishes hours after the killing, MI6 concludes she is a Moscow Center assassin who penetrated the billionaire's formidable defenses. But Gabriel Allon believes his friends in British intelligence are dangerously mistaken. His search for the truth will take him to Geneva, where a private intelligence service is plotting an act of violence that will plunge an already divided America into chaos. Only Allon, with the help of a brilliant young woman employed by the world's dirtiest bank, can stop it….

Editorial Reviews

"The pace of The Cel­list never slack­ens as its ac­tion vol­leys from Zurich to Tel Aviv to Paris and be­yond. Mr. Silva tells his story with zest, wit and su­perb tim­ing, and he en­gi­neers enough sur­prises to star­tle even the most at­ten­tive reader." -- Wall Street Journal

"Expertly crafted …. The best spy story of the year." -- Bob Woodward

"This book has a twist that is sure to give you chills." -- Today Show

"Few reading experiences bring me more joy than opening up the new Gabriel Allon novel every summer." -- CrimeReads

"Akin to a diabolical game of chess, The Cellist is a sophisticated voyage through the world of concert halls, art museums, lavish receptions and the occasional chase scene-all delivered with Silva's crafty dry wit and innuendo." --

Readers Top Reviews

Ian Fleming
This would have been a really good book if he hadn't spoiled it with the Covid 19 propaganda. Clearly he's making it clear what his political views are and that shouldn't be happening in fiction novels. I've enjoyed most of Silvas books but gradually these books about the super hero Allon are becoming a bit repetitive and tiresome. Maybe he should try writing something like his first book The Unlikely Spy.

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