The Future Is Yours: A Novel - book cover
Action & Adventure
  • Publisher : Del Rey
  • Published : 08 Mar 2022
  • Pages : 352
  • ISBN-10 : 0593158237
  • ISBN-13 : 9780593158234
  • Language : English

The Future Is Yours: A Novel

Two best friends create a computer that can predict the future. But what they can't predict is how it will tear their friendship-and society-apart.

"A fantastic page-turner and a future classic."-Peter Clines, New York Times bestselling author of Paradox Bound


If you had the chance to look one year into the future, would you?

For Ben Boyce and Adhi Chaudry, the answer is unequivocally yes. And they're betting everything that you'll say yes, too. Welcome to The Future: a computer that connects to the internet one year from now, so you can see who you'll be dating, where you'll be working, even whether or not you'll be alive in the year to come. By forming a startup to deliver this revolutionary technology to the world, Ben and Adhi have made their wildest, most impossible dream a reality. Once Silicon Valley outsiders, they're now its hottest commodity. 

The device can predict everything perfectly-from stock market spikes and sports scores to political scandals and corporate takeovers-allowing them to chase down success and fame while staying one step ahead of the competition. But the future their device foretells is not the bright one they imagined.

Ambition. Greed. Jealousy. And, perhaps, an apocalypse. The question is . . . can they stop it?

Told through emails, texts, transcripts, and blog posts, this bleeding-edge tech thriller chronicles the costs of innovation and asks how far you'd go to protect the ones you love-even from themselves.

Editorial Reviews

"An impossibly addictive brainteaser wrapped in a buttery popcorn kernel. One of the most engaging literary experiments since House of Leaves, The Future Is Yours played with my mind as often as it played with its own form. I finished this book in fewer minutes than there were pages."-Aneesh Chaganty, director and co-writer of Searching and Run

"Let me tell you about your future: You're going to love this book. A fascinating premise, brilliantly executed. The Future Is Yours is a thrilling sci-fi adventure you simply can't put down and a masterful modern take on the epistolary novel."-Sylvain Neuvel, author of the Themis Files series and A History of What Comes Next

"Frey has written an engaging epistolary novel about the dangers of futurecasting and the pitfalls of friendship. If we see our future, are we doomed to fulfill it? And if we fight it, what are the costs? It's a great read."-David S. Goyer, screenwriter of Batman Begins and showrunner of Foundation

"The Future Is Yours is an addictive puzzle box and a deeply human story about friendship and ambition. Do yourself a favor before you start this book: Get comfortable, turn off your phone, and clear your schedule. You won't want to get up until it's done."-Rob Hart, author of The Warehouse

"Tightly braided . . . Sci-fi fans are sure to be entertained."-Publishers Weekly

"The Future Is Yours is a fast-paced, highly engaging story, with characters you can't help but grow attached to. It's a quick read, funny, and perfect for those looking for a good techno/Sci-Fi story."-Cinelinx

"An addictive read that kept me transfixed throughout . . . I wish every book I picked up was so entertaining."-The BiblioSanctum

Readers Top Reviews

Daniel C. Tust
Engaging, interesting but not annoying format. Doesn't explore philosophical implications as deeply as I'd like, but a fun and interesting thriller.
Kindle Daniel
Fantastic way to tell a story. Read it in 2 days. I devoured the pages as if the secret to immortality were within their pages. This is one writer to keep your eye on. Fantastic.
Christopher A Kel
I've read 5 or 6 hundred books on my kindle since I got it, I normally give it however many stars and move on to the next. A book has to be extraordinarily good orb bad to motivate me to go back onto Amazon and find it and write a review, I doubt that I've written 10. Very different, the entire story is told through a history of correspondence, no 1st, 2nd, or 3rd person narrative. Some might find it offputting. but it worked for me. Your results may vary. 😉
mbx1Christopher A
Science fiction is, in its purist form, a 'what if' genre. 'What if aliens invaded the earth?' 'What is someone built a spaceship'? Lots of familiar ground there. But then there are the more original stories. Like 'What if someone invented a lie-detector so small you could wear it like a wristwatch'. Or in the case of 'The Future is Yours' what if someone invented a machine that let you read the news a year in advance? It's a great hook and really grabs the readers interest. The author really develops this idea well, considers all the possibilities and comes up with just a cracking good story. Highly recommended!
Kimberlie L.mbx1C
I have enough books, at my age, that I can read every single day and never have to read any book for a second time. This book I will read a second time, and a third, and a fourth, once some time passes. It kept me entranced because it is so uncredibly good! Normally while reading any book, I'll jot down some notes and thoughts throughout the story, and when I'm finished reading it I'll add more and merge it all together for my review. Not with this book ... it would not let me focus on anything else, not even for a minute, because one hundred percent of my reading time was spent reading. No time for notes, just turn the page and see what happens next. I love it when a book is that good, but my review suffers because I didn't spend as much time on it. I absolutely loved the format, everything feels more real. The characters are solid, I could picture each one of them. The ending is a shock, and I wouldn't want it any other way. I am heavy into speculative fiction that is Black Mirror-ish and this book definitely is. Do not pass this one up!

Short Excerpt Teaser

Chapter 1


From: Ben Boyce

To: Ben Boyce, Adhvan Chaudry

My Dudes,

IT WORKS! Seriously. You did it.

This is so weird-I'm sending this on Feb 28, 2022, knowing that I'll receive it (already DID receive it) on Feb 28, 2021. Pretty trippy, right?

So listen up, Past Ben . . . First of all, high-five! You were right to believe this whole time-in yourself, in Adhi, in all of it. Your dream of becoming the first Black CEO to launch a billion-dollar company is gonna come true . . . and I can say that with certainty, because for me, IT ALREADY DID.

And Adhi. Bro. You're the brilliance that makes it possible. I always said you'd do something to change the world and I was right. It's crazy-you're sitting across the room as I write this, but I still remember your face the day you read it. Pick up your jaw and keep reading.

Now, I know you're both about to flip out and start using the Prototype to look up everything you can, so lemme just save you a little suspense.

1: Stanford's season is gonna be terrible, so just detach yourselves from that shitshow right away and save yourselves the heartache.

2: Stock tips–wise, yeah, of course, you COULD get into some foolproof investments today. But I promise you'll be better off not mucking around with all that, cause the main thing you gotta do is invest in your motherf***in SELVES.

I just wanna take this moment to say: everything is gonna be fine. The Prototype works (obviously). And whatever happens, don't trip. Not about money or respect or prestige, any of it. Just pop that cork and enjoy the best shitty champagne of your life, I remember it well. From here on out-trust the process, enjoy the ride, and most of all, stick together.

Sincerely and eternally your friend,

Ben from the future

Excerpt from Transcript of Congressional Hearing-December 1, 2021

SEN. GREG WALDEN (D-OR): The Committees on the Judiciary and Commerce, Science, and Technology will come to order. We welcome everyone to today's hearing on the new commercial venture known as "The Future," and the potential legal, ethical, and policy ramifications of its technology.

Though not unprecedented, this hearing is a unique opportunity to anticipate and address serious social consequences of a new consumer technology. This legislative body has a history of playing distant catch-up to new innovation, as evidenced by last year's hearings about social media and privacy issues. The hope is that we can be ahead of the curve-especially in light of the recent whistleblower leak, which seems to suggest that this technology may pose an existential threat to our nation and our people.

BOYCE: Mr. Chairman, I object to characterizing it as-

SEN. GREG WALDEN (D-OR): You have not been invited to speak yet, Mr. Boyce. And regardless of your objections, we have seen data, from your own company, which many reputable scientists interpret to mean that we are on a course toward the obliteration of civilization as we know it, on a time horizon of less than two years. Now if that's not an existential threat-

BOYCE: I just think it's irresponsible to call it that, without proper consideration of all the factors.

SEN. GREG WALDEN (D-OR): Do not lecture me on irresponsible, Mr. Boyce. And if you will not adhere to parliamentary rules of decorum, you will be charged with Contempt. Understood?

BOYCE: . . . Understood.

SEN. GREG WALDEN (D-OR): Good. Now, the members of this body have called two witnesses, the founders of the company called The Future: Mr. Benjamin Boyce and Mr. Adhvan Chaudry. However, let the record show, at the time of this hearing, only Mr. Boyce has appeared before the committee. Mr. Boyce, can you answer for the absence of your colleague?

BOYCE: No, I cannot. And I'm worried. If Adhi's not here, clearly something is wrong, and it would be best if we can adjourn for now.

SEN. GREG WALDEN (D-OR): This is not a meeting held at your convenience. You are answering a subpoena before forty-four members of Congress. Since one of you has failed to appear, a warrant will be issued for the arrest of Mr. Chaudry, and he will be charged with Contempt of Congress. Now, if you wish to avoid similar charges, are you prepared to proceed with the hearing?

BOYCE: . . . Yes, sir. I would just like the record to reflect my request for postponement.

SEN. GREG WALDEN (D-OR): Duly noted, and we can all hope that at some point today, your co-founder will deign to join us. He is certainly earning his reputation for intellectual hubris.

BOYCE: I just want to point out, it's not really hubris if it's earned, is it? No offense or anything, but Adhi is smarter than anyone in this room.