To The Lions - book cover
Action & Adventure
  • Publisher : Raven Books
  • Published : 23 Jan 2020
  • Pages : 448
  • ISBN-10 : 1526602113
  • ISBN-13 : 9781526602114
  • Language : English

To The Lions


'Sensational! I loved it. Superbly plotted, and what a brilliant series lead! A sure hit'
Clare Mackintosh

'Completely riveting. A breath-holding rollercoaster of a read, which opens doors and windows into the way the world is that are genuinely shocking'
Manda Scott, author of A Treachery of Spies

A journalist must follow the clues, no matter how far that takes her.

Casey Benedict, star reporter at the Post, has infiltrated the lives and exposed the lies of countless politicians and power players. Using her network of contacts, Casey is always on the search for the next big story, no matter how much danger this might place her in, no matter what cost emotionally.

Tipped off by an overheard conversation at an exclusive London nightclub, she begins to investigate the apparent suicide of a wealthy young British man, whose death has left his fiancée and family devastated.

Casey's determined hunt for the truth will take her from the glitz of St-Tropez to the deserts of Libya and on to the very darkest corners of the human mind.

Readers Top Reviews

This is a highly impressive debut novel by Holly Watt. Given her background in political and investigative journalism you are inclined to believe the author’s insights into the cut-throat world inhabited by investigative journalists as well as the contrived schemes they come up with to tease out a story. In this case the background is that of refugee camps north Africa. The desperate plight of people from war-stricken lands who have no choice but risk the hazardous trek to such camps and beyond is poignantly described. This is a well-researched book and the author appears also to be calling on first-hand experience of the settings and subject matter. The main character is portrayed as determined not only to uncover the story but also to involve herself in the action - acting as agent provocateur rather than being merely a witness to and scribe of events. At the nub of the narrative, the question is posed as to whether the end justifies the means and the answer, whilst not surprising, is shocking in this instance. This is a page turner and I am prompted to read the second in the series about the main character, Casey Benedict, an obsessed newshound and her colleague, Miranda who, somewhat miraculously, is there to save the day (twice). Almost 5 stars but lacking credibility in a couple of key elements of the action. Nevertheless, it’s a thought-provoking and enjoyable read.
TCPSteve Duke
This was a disappointment given the high review score. The plot was from the start was simply not believable and continued in that vein. Unlikeable stereotyped characters that were equally implausible. Nothing happened between pages 50 and 150. I give it two stars for some newsroom banter, but it they want us to think journalists can suddenly act like poor man’s secret agents is it rather ridiculous. It was not ‘pacy’, or ‘a rollercoaster’ and certainly not a ‘touch of la Carre’ per the cover. As for a trail of ‘political corruption’, well there is zero politics, making me question if those quoted had read the book. How this won the CWA Steel Dagger’ is beyond me given some far better books about.
Kindle RickGPacisse
Human hunting--not a new concept in literature or movies. In 1924 Richard Cornell wrote a short story called The Most Dangerous Game upon which many movies such as The Naked Man, The Running Man and, even to some extent, The Hunger Games are based. In 2016, a leading tourism expert predicted in a UK newspaper that hunting humans may well be big business in about 100years. It could be used at stag dos, tourist offerings, professional community building or even as a televised reality program! In this book, Watt combines these concepts with the story of the lives of people such as Marie Colvin, an American war correspondent killed in Syria, about whom a documentary has recently been made. Here are two women journalists working for the London Post who lie and manipulate others to track down big stories about world issues. One, I'd say the main character of the piece, Casey, is incognito as a glitzy playgirl, tracking down a tale, when she overhears from the neighboring booth, an American, quite drunkenly regaling his fellow high rollers with a story of picking off a human with a sniper rifle for kicks. Although she cannot believe it possible she takes the tidbit to her editor and she and fellow journalistic detective, Miranda, decide to pursue the story. They are, at first, pounding the pavement, hitting the phones and internet only in England but soon the trail leads to the deserts of Libya and the refugee camps there. The women head to Northern Africa in the company of Casey's former love, a retired soldier who seems to have PTSD though it is never quite spelled out. Unlike the movies and stories that began this review, the prey here is a single person residing in a fenced in camp miles into the desert. Unsuspecting, so not running, like a fish in a bowl, with no place to run if they knew of the danger. Sort of like those ritzy nature preserves in which animals are kept safe and fed for the sole purchase of being shot by a rich " hunter ". Only here the game is human, but the " hunter " is still rich and seeking to mark off the thrill of the kill on the bucket list. Unlike Marie Colvin, Miranda and Casey are not heavy smokers, drinkers or involved in serial, short lived sexual relations. Miranda is married, but we never meet her husband and he certainly isn't of any importance to either her or the story or the reader. Casey, on the other hand, is portrayed as being hopelessly in love with Ed, the retired soldier, although he uses and manipulates him despite his obvious fragility. She pushes him on and on, even though she knows one of the hunters became so despondent after a kill that he committed suicide. To be honest, Ed was the only human and humane character in the entire book. Miranda wanted the story, Casey proclaims she wanted to end the business of human killing through the story. Miranda is the most honest but both are rele...
Jerry Hudson
Can’t wait for the next novel by this author. The plot was riveting and beyond belief. I remember a movie years ago with a similar plotted hunt.
BluebellThe Night Ga
This is a debut novel, the first in a series featuring investigating journalist Cassandra Benedict - Casey for short - employed by "The Post", a major London newspaper. Casey is as tough, cynical, and manipulative as they come, has visited many of the most dangerous corners of the world, and faced numerous scary situations when working undercover. She is the type who stops at nothing to get a good story. One night in an exclusive club, chasing another potential story, she happen to overhear a disturbing conversation about an organised hunt somewhere that's using people as targets. This incident sends Casey, her collegue Miranda and ex-soldier Ed, the man Casey loves but can't get (or at least not yet) on an extremely dangerous journey that eventually ends up in a refugee camp in the Libyan desert. The book is a fast-paced action thriller that introduces some inconcivably evil characters, and includes graphic descriptions of violence and brutality. It also gives an insight into the life of a war zone reporter, as well as what goes on in a news room. This is a world that the author, Holly Watt, knows well, and she writes quite well, too. There are, however, a number of clichées, an abundance of swear words, and a few spelling mistakes that should have been weeded out. In addition, the book is uneccesary long, all of 448 pages. Summing up, To the Lions is exciting enough, and I'm sure it will attract many readers, although not so much this reader. Action thrillers are simply not my cup of tea, so for me this series begins and ends with the first book.