Together - book cover
  • Publisher : Kyle Books
  • Published : 27 Jul 2021
  • Pages : 64
  • ISBN-10 : 0857839446
  • ISBN-13 : 9780857839442
  • Language : English


A gentle and philosophical look at the events of 2020, and how we can deal with the challenges that life throws us in general. A book to share with the friends and family that we have been missing.

A beautiful book to connect us after such a challenging time.

'Dark clouds were looming in the distance. We watched them gather, and we wondered... When will it come? How long will it last?'

A monumental storm brings huge and sudden change. We follow a man and his dog through the uncertainty that it brings to their lives. Through their eyes, we see the difficulties of being apart, the rollercoaster of emotions that we can all relate to, and the realisation that by pulling together we can move through difficult times with new perspective, hope and an appreciation of what matters most in life.


Readers Top Reviews

Patchi C.
This book is a beautiful celebration of love, kindness and simplicity. The artwork in stunning, mesmerising and meditative. It reminds us, with incredible sensitivity, that sunny or stormy days are always made better when we are together. It's impossible not to feel good after reading it.
andrew quinn
Had been waiting for this for some time - having followed Adam’s work for a few years now and his stunning sketching style and illustrations - it’s been nice to see it tied together through a story and a lovely metaphorical narrative for something everyone’s been going through. If you like sketching or drawing then this book and his work will certainly inspire to pick up a pen again and get back to drawing.
Mr A.Jo_bells
It's a lovely looking book and if it wasn't for this fact then I'm afraid that I'd be passing it on as it really wasn't for me. I watched a video where the artist described both his grandfather and his dog and this motivated me to buy the book. The book feels much less than this and this in part is due to the non-story which is just full of generalised platitudes about the last year and a bit. Maybe I'm just a miserable old cynic whose heart doesn't swell at clapping or rainbows, but the quality of the book, the artwork and the paper itself is in my view done a disservice by a pretty anodyne read.
Such an uplifting book about the current pandemic circumstances. Filled with breathtaking drawings that really touch the heart. I love the rough but crisp and meticulously detailed technique. This is definitely a book you want to keep to show to your future children and grandchildren to explain this lonely, yet hopeful time.
Scott Murray
The drawings and thoughts are beautiful. It seems written for children, but appropriate for all. Positive, despite (or because of) difficult times.