A Forever Kind of Love (Stanislaskis) - book cover
  • Publisher : Silhouette; Reissue edition
  • Published : 28 Sep 2021
  • Pages : 448
  • ISBN-10 : 1335230998
  • ISBN-13 : 9781335230997
  • Language : English

A Forever Kind of Love (Stanislaskis)

The Stanislaski dynasty lives on as the next generation looks for love!

Waiting for Nick

Frederica Kimball has had a crush on Nicholas LeBeck since they were kids. Once a reckless teenager, Nick has cleaned up his act and is now one of the most sought-after composers on Broadway. So when Freddie is offered the opportunity to work on a musical with Nick, she wastes no time. She moves to New York City to be closer to Nick…and to be independent for once. Freddie is tired of being looked at like a helpless child and determined to prove she's not a little girl anymore. If only Nick would see things that way, too…
Considering Kate

Kate Stanislaski Kimball is ready for change. After years in the spotlight, Kate retires from her job as a prima ballerina and decides to open a dance studio in her small hometown. She finally owns the historic building she admired as a kid but needs help fixing it up—which comes in the form of handsome contractor Brody O'Connell. Kate is attracted to Brody the first time she sees him, though Brody insists he's not interested. But no matter how professional Brody tries to keep their relationship, there's no denying the connection he feels with Kate. 

Readers Top Reviews

I feel like the author demonized the black girl in this book. In the "true" story of Raina's 5th grade life this black child bullies her to no end, producing anxiety and the eventual need for a therapist. This characterization of the only significant black girl in the book reinforces racial stereotypes to a young and impressionable age group. I think the author could have used her poetic licence to do the responsible thing. But she chose to do the opposite. My child tells me the author and the bully become friends at the end. But for me, it's too late; the damage has been done.
I started out reading her books "Sisters" and "Smile" They were my favorite books at the time! Raina's Sister book took place when Raina was in High School. I was a bit worrried this would take place is late High School, but it did not. Luckily, she rewinded in time to an appropriate age, which I very highly enjoyed. She writes lots of my favorite books! She then wrote the graphic version of th baby sitters club. Now I not onky have the ones she wrote, but also almost all of the originals. Definatley can not wait for her next book to come out! This book shows many realistic things all people can go through in their lives and I could relate to some of them. Please read, I PROMISE you will not regret it.
Daughter loves these books! My girl is 9 and began reading these last year, third grade. I love these books because they opened her to the world of reading in her own. She struggled with reading for a bit although she always loved books. With these she will sit and read..and finish in a day or two! But she re-read them and is also into reading other books by Raina. So very thankful for this author, hoping this love for reading stays with her.
Erin McClureMinnesot
All of her other books are well written, long, great plot and overall amazing. I was expecting this to be so good, knock yout socks off AMAZING!!! But heres my honest review, it wasn't , I wouldnt recommend buying it becuase it is short, the plot is confusing and I'm kinda confused. *spoiler* She gets anxiety and panic attacks based off germs, bullies, and a stomach flu and long story short, the bully becomes her freind and her bff moves away, she goes to a thearpist and some girl gets her period. This is all based in the 4th and 5th grade *spoiler over*. Good book if you like short reads, might be better for a younger age group. Overall, I dont think its worth $7.99. Her other books are OUT OF THIS WOLRD!!!!!!!!
CyndiCecilia Mak
It’s A great book, any book by Raina Telgemeier is a great book in my (I’m a teacher, and Raina is one of the students’ favorites) opinion. However, very disappointed in the way I received it. It is a paperback, and was shipped in an envelope. Look on the spine and you can see where the book was bent before I even opened it or started reading it. I know it’s a paperback book, but it should come looking at least like a book not like damaged property already. Very disappointed.