All Your Perfects: A Novel - book cover
  • Publisher : Atria
  • Published : 17 Jul 2018
  • Pages : 320
  • ISBN-10 : 1501193325
  • ISBN-13 : 9781501193323
  • Language : English

All Your Perfects: A Novel


The #1 New York Times bestselling author of It Ends with Us-whose writing is "emotionally wrenching and utterly original" (Sara Shepard, New York Times bestselling author of the Pretty Little Liars series)-delivers a tour de force novel about a troubled marriage and the one old forgotten promise that might be able to save it.

Quinn and Graham's perfect love is threatened by their imperfect marriage. The memories, mistakes, and secrets that they have built up over the years are now tearing them apart. The one thing that could save them might also be the very thing that pushes their marriage beyond the point of repair.

All Your Perfects is a profound novel about a damaged couple whose potential future hinges on promises made in the past. This is a heartbreaking page-turner that asks: Can a resounding love with a perfect beginning survive a lifetime between two imperfect people?

Editorial Reviews

Praise for All Your Perfects

"Colleen Hoover returns with an emotionally raw page-turner." -- Jamie Blynn, Us Weekly

"Intimate and raw." ― USA Today

"Heart-wrenching...another fantastic read." ― Bustle

"Half-adorable, half gut-wrenching-and wholly a great read. Hoover captures the amazing side of a happy marriage, while at the same time connecting with the struggles of having one's expectation of 'the perfect life' not being met." ― Library Journal (starred review)

"With a deft hand, Colleen Hoover crafts the unraveling of a marriage with brutal, unflinching honesty. The genius is in how she stitches together the perfect ending. This is one beautiful story." -- Tracey Garvis Graves, New York Times bestselling author of The Girl He Used to Know

"A poignant love story…With Hoover's evocative style, readers will experience the emotion of this story while sympathizing with both Quinn and Graham." ― Booklist

"This depiction of a marriage in crisis is nearly perfect." ― Kirkus Reviews

Praise for It Ends with Us

"What a glorious and touching read, a forever keeper. The kind of book that gets handed down." ― USA Today

"It Ends with Us tackles [a] difficult subject…with romantic tenderness and emotional heft. The relationships are portrayed with compassion and honesty, and the author's note at the end that explains Hoover's personal connection to the subject matter is a must-read. Packed with riveting drama and painful truths, this book powerfully illustrates the devastation of abuse-and the strength of the survivors." ― Kirkus (starred review)

"Fans of Hoover's emotional stories, conflicted characters and intense romances will gleefully devour her new novel. If you're a Hoover newbie, this is a great place to start. It Ends with Us is a perfect example of the author's writing chops and her ability to weave together uplifting, romantic and somber plotlines. No matter your level of fandom, readers will love and respect protagonist Lily and learn something from her struggles." ― RT Book Reviews (4 stars)

"Best-selling Hoover's latest valiant and compelling…novel packs her trademark emotional punch… The power and pain of the relationship will stay with readers even as Hoover offers hope." ― Booklist

"It Ends with Us tackles tough subject matter with a deft and confident hand." ― Huffington Post

Readers Top Reviews

I thought I’d go for a light read. Boy was I mistaken. This was heartbreaking and deep. I’ve only read this authors first thriller Verity as this is more my genre. So I thought I’d read a light romance. This alternates between chapters from the “then” to the “now”. Very easy to follow may I add. I loved reading the “then” chapters, learning how they met, fell in love etc. But we learn what appears a happy family life starts to crumble under infertility problems. I got frustrated in places, I kept say.....communication......come on, talk to each other! Alas, they didn’t hear me. So this is my second Colleen Hoover book. What do I think? I think she has a great insight into human tragedies and peoples reactions from all sides. Clarity on emotions. She draws readers in, then you just can’t escape that nook because those characters become a part of your life, you need to find out what you just have to keep on reading until you’ve finished the book. I recommend this to any one who loves a romance, not a ‘soppy’ romance, one with body and girth to it.
Lisa Morganread-a
Oh. My. God. This book was exactly what I needed, exactly what I didn’t know that I needed. So when I begun reading this I instantly fell in love with Graham and Quinn. They both met each other under horrible circumstances, they both hurt the same, they both were betrayed. Watching them use each other to get through that point in their life was lovely to see even if it went no further than that night. Quinn was incredible, seriously incredible. The pain and suffering she goes through is absolutely heartbreaking, something I wouldn’t wish on anyone. Just reading what she was going through broke my damn heart. I felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest, stamped on a few times, run over by a bus and then shoved back into my chest. The topic this book is wrote around is something many women go through, things a woman shouldn’t have to go through. All Your Perfects is the first book I’ve read that covered this topic entirely. The heartbreak, the tears, the sadness, the depression and shutting down. Quinn experiences it all and you feel everything she does. Graham, oh Graham. He’s I don’t even know the word to describe him best. He’s the kind of man that you wish you could have. He’s loving, supportive and will do absolutely anything for his woman. The topic in this book is often all about the woman but never covers the mans side, they don’t mention how the man is breaking, how he’s devastated or how much he hurts but Colleen Hoover does. She shows Graham’s pain in this book and that’s the hardest part of reading this. My heart completely broke for him because not only was he going through the same thing she was, he was alone in his grief. He isn’t afraid to show his pain but always puts his woman first instead of himself. He’s a breath of fresh air is Graham and I think he’s my new favourite CoHo male. I’m absolutely in awe of this book. Colleen Hoover never fails to amaze me with her books. When I seen she was writing a new book I knew I had to get, I knew I was going to love it and I just couldn’t wait for it. Now that I’ve got it and read it I just want to rewind so I can read it all over again. I smiled at their adorable ness and love they have, I laughed at their banter and I cried for their heartbreak. This book was full of emotions. It was like getting on a rollercoaster and not being able to get off and it constantly smacking you with all the feels. I got to a certain chapter at the end and had to stop reading, I actually sobbed which in turn had my sisters turn to me panicked and asked what was wrong. I explained to them what was happening and we sat there for 5-10 minutes discussing it, I quite liked that lol I’ve never managed to get them to talk about a book with me before. Colleen Hoover has the power to suck you into the world her characters are in and make you forget abo...
G. JonesLisa Morg
When I read the online synopsis of this book I thought as an endometriosis sufferer who was infertile I would find a common link with myself. I did - but more importantly - and surpringly - it wasn’t about the infertility that I linked with. I linked with what I feel is the bigger message - look at what you have got and not on what you haven’t got. No I never had a baby and the infertility journey was awful - very similar to Quinn’s. We went on to adopt and I had a hysterectomy when she had been with us for 7 months. So yes I identified very much with Quinn’s character. Graham is a complete saint and I’m not sure men like him actually exist! I so hope they do. I sound dramatic I know but the message in the book has had a powerful positive affect on me. My husband has recently become disabled and I’ve been just looking on what we can’t do in life now - this book has given me the kick I needed to concentrate on what we can still do and get on with it. A very well written, thought provoking book that had me in tears but - has also given me a lot of hope for our future. And just to say - I don’t normally get Eureka moments from fiction!
Kindle G. JonesL
I've read Colleen books since her first book was published. I've one clicked every pre-order since. As an Endometriosis survivor who spent 6 years in the abyss of infertility, this book savaged my soul. I read books to escape the humdrum of reality. I read books to travel to different places. I read books to expand my knowledge and vocabulary. I read books for the fairytales and fantasy. I have never read a book that provided me with counseling. I don't know whether Colleen ever had infertility issues but she must or someone close to her has, because the words, the sentences and paragraphs in this book could have been written by me. Instead they haven't because I have never been able to put into real words what feelings and emotions I have endured over the last 10 years. As hard as I've tried with blogs I used to write, I've never really captured the pain and the everlasting damage or repair to my own marriage. I've never really understood my husband's side of things because I made it all about me. Thanks to the power of Kindle you can now copy text out to share it. I've shared practically the whole book and sent to my husband. He's not one for reading but I am going to beg that he reads this. This book is about marriage irrevocably altered by infertility. I got my two miracles and 4 years ago I nearly had my chance of a second miracle taken away from me. Luckily I stuck to my hope of Fairytale endings. Because I was lucky enough to get mine and I thank my blessings each day. But for the women and men who don't get that miracle or for the ones that do, this book will move you either way. It will speak to you about what the other one is thinking, thought, felt or feeling. She has somehow captured my thoughts and emotions in a sentence when I couldn't and didn't realise what those feelings and thoughts even were. The 6 years of the abyss shaped me and my husband and our marriage. I like to think it made us stronger because we weathered the storm but it was cathartic for me to revisit the abyss because I needed to handle that baggage. My marriage is 100% not perfect but it's made me realise, it really doesn't need to be. So thank you Colleen for writing a book for infertility and marriage. Thank you for the best one click of all time. You have altered my mind, expanded my knowledge and in a way my humdrum fairytale. Read this book as there aren't enough stars.
Love to Love Book
I’m sure this is a well written book. And I appreciate some people found it life changing. But, it can trigger PTSD/Depression/Anxiety. 13% into the book I had to put it down. And then I had nightmares about it. If you have had a rough marriage, miscarriage, infertility issues, infidelity, you may not be able to safely read this book. It may be because Colleen writes too well, but it’s not for everyone. I’m just coming out of an episode and can’t afford to get dragged back. Read some goodreads spoilers and learned it’s a tough read to the end. Love Colleen, and the review is not a reflection of her writing ability, just to make sure people consider that it may not be safe for them.

Short Excerpt Teaser

Chapter One Chapter One

The doorman didn't smile at me.

That thought plagues me during the entire ride up the elevator to Ethan's floor. Vincent has been my favorite doorman since Ethan moved into this apartment building. He always smiles and chats with me. But today, he simply held the door open with a stoic expression. Not even a, "Hello, Quinn. How was your trip?"

We all have bad days, I guess.

I look down at my phone and see that it's already after seven. Ethan should be home at eight, so I'll have plenty of time to surprise him with dinner. And myself. I came back a day early but decided not to tell him. We've been doing so much planning for our wedding; it's been weeks since we had an actual home-cooked meal together. Or even sex.

When I reach Ethan's floor, I pause as soon as I step out of the elevator. There's a guy pacing the hallway directly in front of Ethan's apartment. He takes three steps, then pauses and looks at the door. He takes another three steps in the other direction and pauses again. I watch him, hoping he'll leave, but he never does. He just keeps pacing back and forth, looking at Ethan's door. I don't think he's a friend of Ethan's. I would recognize him if he were.

I walk toward Ethan's apartment and clear my throat. The guy faces me and I motion toward Ethan's door to let him know I need to get past him. The guy steps aside and makes room for me but I'm careful not to make further eye contact with him. I fish around in my purse for the key. When I find it, he moves beside me, pressing a hand against the door. "Are you about to go in there?"

I glance up at him and then back at Ethan's door. Why is he asking me that? My heart begins to race at the thought of being alone in a hallway with a strange guy who's wondering if I'm about to open a door to an empty apartment. Does he know Ethan isn't home? Does he know I'm alone?

I clear my throat and try to hide my fear, even though the guy looks harmless. But I guess evil doesn't have a telling exterior, so it's hard to judge. "My fiancé lives here. He's inside," I lie.

The guy nods vigorously. "Yeah. He's inside all right." He clenches his fist and taps the wall next to the door. "Inside my fucking girlfriend."

I took a self-defense class once. The instructor taught us to slide a key between our fingers, poking outward, so if you're attacked you can stab the attacker in the eye. I do this, prepared for the psycho in front of me to lunge any second now.

He blows out a breath and I can't help but notice the air between us fills with the smell of cinnamon. What a strange thought to have in the moment before I'm attacked. What an odd lineup that would be at the police station. "Oh, I can't really tell you what my attacker was wearing, but his breath smelled good. Like Big Red."

"You have the wrong apartment," I tell him, hoping he'll walk away without an argument.

He shakes his head. Tiny little fast shakes that indicate I couldn't be more wrong and he couldn't be more right. "I have the right apartment. I'm positive. Does your fiancé drive a blue Volvo?"

Okay, so he's stalking Ethan? My mouth is dry. Water would be nice.

"Is he about six foot tall? Black hair, wears a North Face jacket that's too big for him?"

I press a hand against my stomach. Vodka would be nice.

"Does your fiancé work for Dr. Van Kemp?"

Now I'm the one shaking my head. Not only does Ethan work for Dr. Van Kemp… his father is Dr. Van Kemp. How does this guy know so much about Ethan?

"My girlfriend works with him," he says, glancing at the apartment door with disgust. "More than works with him, apparently."

"Ethan wouldn't…"

I'm interrupted by it. The fucking.

I hear Ethan's name being called out in a faint voice. At least it's faint from this side of the door. Ethan's bedroom is against the far side of his apartment, which indicates that whoever she is, she isn't being quiet about it. She's screaming his name.

While he fucks her.

I immediately back away from the door. The reality of what is happening inside Ethan's apartment makes me dizzy. It makes my whole world unstable. My past, my present, my future-all of it is spinning out of control. The guy grips my arm and stabilizes me. "You okay?" He steadies me against the wall. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have blurted it out like that."

I open my mouth, but uncertainty is all that comes...