America's Cultural Revolution: How the Radical Left Conquered Everything - book cover
  • Publisher : Broadside Books
  • Published : 18 Jul 2023
  • Pages : 352
  • ISBN-10 : 0063227533
  • ISBN-13 : 9780063227538
  • Language : English

America's Cultural Revolution: How the Radical Left Conquered Everything

America's most effective conservative intellectual proves once and for all that Marxist radicals have taken over our nation's institutions.

In the 1960s, Mao launched China's Cultural Revolution. Cities grew overcrowded. Technocrats demanded progress from above. Anyone opposed was sent to be "re-educated." China's revolution was bloody, fast, and a failure, but what if America started a revolution at the same time, based on the same bad ideas, and it's just been slower, calmer, and more effective?

In his powerful new book, Christopher F. Rufo uncovers the hidden history of left-wing intellectuals and activists who systematically took control of America's institutions to undermine them from within.America's Cultural Revolution finally answers so many of the questions normal Americans have, such as:

• Why is nearly every major corporation bending the knee to a far-left agenda?

• How did DEI suddenly become the department no institution can continue without?

• Why is race the main thing America's rich, white elite wants to talk about? 

• When did the left adopt all this doublespeak, saying progress is a lack of progress, equality is not equality, speech is violence, and violence is speech?

• Has the goal of the left, for a century, actually been the destruction of every Western institution? 

Readers may not know the names of Herbert Marcuse, Angela Davis, Paulo Freire, and Derrick Bell, but they will recognize the ideas they spread. How their radical, destructive ideology slowly worked its way from prisons to academia to classrooms to your human resources department will come as a shock.

Failing to act soon, Rufo warns, could allow the radical left to achieve their ultimate objective: replacing constitutional equality with a race-based redistribution system overseen by bureaucratic ‘diversity and inclusion' officials. Most Americans don't want this, but most Americans are no longer in control of our institutions. If the mainstream media's depiction of a failing dystopia in need of a fresh start never sounded right to you, this expose and call to arms is the book you've been looking for. 

Editorial Reviews

"Christopher Rufo is in fact one of the most effective journalists and filmmakers in the country." - Tucker Carlson

"Christopher Rufo … has done more than anybody else in our country on exposing CRT." - Governor Ron DeSantis

"The most important and effective conservative activist in the country." - Bari Weiss

"International-class troublemaker and policy advisor on the culture war." - Dr. Jordan Peterson

"One of the most important journalists in the country." - Ben Shapiro

"Christopher Rufo has had an extremely significant impact on our political discourse." - Glenn Greenwald

"The country's pre-eminent critic of critical race theory." - The New York Times

"The most important intellectual entrepreneur on the political right today." - Vox

"One of the most gifted conservative polemicists of his generation." - The Atlantic

Readers Top Reviews

Adam HJoseph Myren
If you want a frame work to understand the insanity we are seeing around us there is no better book. The writing style is very accessible and he is a master story teller. This should be be required reading for ANY school that is teaching CRT or AntiRacist materials. We need more perspectives like this to balance out so much of what is already our there. Any one who has college kids should requiring them to read it as a counter weight to the prevailing ideology being pushed on at universities.
T E 23
Had to sit through a "training"??? Feel like you have been shamed for choosing to be a White Person?? Scared to speak out?? Wondering how things could get so crazy, and mixed up?? This book really helps to answer that question. It also confirms what you may already feel. Yeah - things have gotten crazy. It is not just your imagination. I can certainly understand how the rich and the powerful would feel very threatened by this expose. Read this book.
I watched Chris write this book in the light hours of the morning for a year. It is by far the best thing he has ever written. Incredibly well researched, thorough and vast reaching, this is a serious look at why and how American culture has lost its way to radicals. A fascinating read and truly meaningful addition to American political discourse today.
Beautifully written. A coherent and in depth explanation of where we are politically and culturally in America today. Perhaps more importantly, we learn how we got to this point and how we can change for the better. An inspirational book to help us become more involved in promoting faith, family, and freedom in our country.
Hector Falcon
This is an excellent work. The author did meticulous research and gives the reader an understanding of how original Marxist ideology has been altered in order to implement a cultural revolution in America. Rufo describes how Communist radical Herbert Marcuse and associates realized a violent revolution would never succeed in America, as it had in other nations. So, they changed their strategy. They realized only a top-down cultural revolution could succeed in which the values of the American people would initially be undermined and changed. Americans could then be divided as a people and we would fight against each other resulting in chaos and the need for a communist state to restore order. Their strategy was to take over leadership positions of power and influence within the American culture. They then pushed their Marxist “progressive” agenda within the nation. Rufo takes the reader on a historic overview of how these committed Marxist radicals have been working to bring down America over an extended period of time. He shows how they have largely succeeded in much of their agenda to change American values and culture. They have also largely succeeded in dividing us. They have made us vulnerable to the slow-motion cultural revolution and increasing violence which we see happening in our nation today. However, Rufo does not just present the history of the grave problem facing Americans today. At the end of the book, he also presents a strategy for fighting back. He describes how important it is for all Americans get involved in the battle to reclaim America. He presents specific strategies we can implement to prevent a Marxist takeover of America and aggressively fight back. The only reservation I have is Rufo did not address the lack of a more aggressive Christian leadership to confront the cultural battle. Most church leaders have largely given up the culture war while Christianity remains the most potent antidote to communist ideology. I highly recommend this book. It is an easy read but contains well-researched content to back his theme. Buy several copies and give them to leaders within your social circles who can, and will, make a difference.