Ejaculate Responsibly: A Whole New Way to Think About Abortion - book cover
  • Publisher : Workman Publishing Company
  • Published : 18 Oct 2022
  • Pages : 144
  • ISBN-10 : 1523523182
  • ISBN-13 : 9781523523184
  • Language : English

Ejaculate Responsibly: A Whole New Way to Think About Abortion

In Ejaculate Responsibly, Gabrielle Blair offers a provocative reframing of the abortion issue in post-Roe America. In a series of 28 brief arguments, she deftly makes the case for moving the abortion debate away from controlling and legislating women's bodies and instead directs the focus on men's lack of accountability in preventing unwanted pregnancies.

Highly readable, accessible, funny, and unflinching, Blair builds her argument by walking readers through the basics of fertility (men are 50 times more fertile than women), the unfair burden placed on women when it comes to preventing pregnancy (90% of the birth control market is for women), the wrongheaded stigmas around birth control for men (condoms make sex less pleasurable, vasectomies are scary and emasculating), and the counterintuitive reality that men, who are fertile 100% of the time, take little to no responsibility for preventing pregnancy. 

The result is a compelling and convincing case for placing the responsibility-and burden-of preventing unwanted pregnancies away from women and onto men.

Editorial Reviews

"Blair's fresh reframe should be required reading for any person who has sex, wants to have sex or is raising someone who might have sex in the future. This slender book has what it takes to be the foundation for a movement."―Washington Post

"Flashes of acerbic humor and eye-opening statistics bolster Blair's common-sense case. This polemic has the power to change minds."―Publishers Weekly

"Slim but mighty tome"―Booklist

Readers Top Reviews

Forever, there has been an unfair burden of pregnancy placed on women. Gabrielle Blair flips the conversation around abortion to where it always should have been - to men. The first time I read this argument, I was blown away. Because why hasn't this been thought of before? I just can't recommend this book enough. This book is for everyone, - whichever 'pro' you are on the abortion issue. Buy this for yourself, and all the men and women in your life. Seriously.
Eleanor RichardsK
This book represents a profound cultural shift away from legislating and regulating women's bodies, to instead discussing men's responsibility for unwanted pregnancies, shifting the focus to how MEN can prevent unwanted pregnancies (and thus abortions), via condoms, vasectomies, and so many more things that men never want to discuss, because they've always considered abortion a "women's issue." Guess what guys? YOU are always fertile, and YOU can always cause an unwanted pregnancies! Time to shift the conversation to controlling YOUR bodies, and then abortions won't be needed and women won't have to go through the pain of an unwanted pregnancy. Brilliant arguments in this book that every woman and man (and teenager) should read.
Ann FisherEleanor
Finally, someone looks at the age old issue of unwanted pregnancy and abortion and presents a solution that is insightful, honest, and logical …. and, oh so very simple. No woman wants to face the prospects of an unwanted pregnancy and abortion, and they shouldn’t have to. Gabrielle Blair offers the answer, and her solution should not be something we shy away from. She speaks truth and asks for change…… change in how we think about reproductive rights and personal responsibility. This is certainly not something to fear. All of society could benefit from taking a step back, and realize that how we have handled unwanted pregnancies in the past has been completely unproductive and harmful. This insightful little book opens our minds and hearts to change. Change that is long overdue. I strongly encourage you to read what she has to say and be open to a new way of thinking.
Stephanie PorterA
This is one of those moments where you go, well duh, why have I never thought of it that way. It’s also the same feeling I felt when I read her Twitter thread that was the germination of this must-read book. Also… it’s a short book. EASY PEASY read. Ejaculate is also fun to say. This book is much needed. It reframes the abortion and reproductive accountability conflicts and lays it out so clearly. Like why couldn’t I have thought of this. Oh… right, growing up in a patriarchal society and in a religiously conservative/authoritative background does a number on calm, logical thinking. Sigh. These thoughts and clear arguments are long overdue for all of us, thank heavens Gabrielle Blair boldly brings them to our attention. These also fit perfectly as stocking-stuffers. Cheers!
123456Stephanie P
This book and it’s concepts feel so….obvious? But yet it’s a completely new way of looking at, talking about, and consideration of unwanted pregnancies. EJACULATION IS VOLUNTARY, OVULATION IS NOT. So why in the F*%# have we always blamed unwanted pregnancy on the girl or woman? And why on earth are we only regulating women’s bodies? Especially in the case of rape, to be further victimized by our government in being forced to carry a baby to term and deliver it (an excruciating experience even in the best, most wanted circumstances) is so draconian and cruel. My husband scoffed when he saw this arrive, I think probably because the title is so provocative but I immediately challenged him on it. He came around pretty quickly, realizing that it is just the patriarchal society that is engrained in his mind to have the knee jerk reaction he had, but in reality is so flawed and deeply unfair to women. I am so, SO grateful to have this book out in the world. I am so hopeful that it will truly bring about a paradigm shift in the way we all think about reproduction and a woman’s right to reproductive healthcare. As a mother of a young son, this will be required reading as soon he is old enough to actually read it. I’m thankful it’s short and accessible so hopefully as many people as possible will read it.

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