Arabian Nights - book cover
  • Publisher : Barnes & Noble; New edition
  • Published : 01 Jan 2016
  • Pages : 0
  • ISBN-10 : 1435156234
  • ISBN-13 : 9781435156234
  • Language : English

Arabian Nights

Readers Top Reviews

D. GuvJustinSylwi
There are at least two different versions of this book with the same covers. One is the 2006 version the other is the 2016 version. The difference can be seen in a few different areas. The most noticeable is the inside cover art is much different as are is the illustrations inside. The 2006 version also has Arabic writing on the front and back cover. The 2016 replaces that writing with stylized loops and swirls. I guess for the 2016 version they wanted to avoid any controversy that having a book about Arabia with Arabic writing on the cover might cause. The big difference with the illustrations is the 2006 version has very risqué and what could be considered racist pictures, though totally accurate to the details in the story. The 2016 version has illustrations that different events in the book that are very tame and mostly unimportant to the plot. The editors really really changed the illustrations and it was clearly to be more PC despite the fact that this book is absolutely not PC. This book has very sexist, racist, and bigoted views of everyone not of high standing in the Arabic world of the time. The descriptions are very vivid and the pictures in the old version accurately depict what the text describes. The biggest difference is the addition and omission of different stories in each version. I originally received the 2016 version and had read almost half of it before accidentally water damaging the book to the point where it didn't shut all the way. So I ordered another copy and received the 2006 version. I immediately noticed the different illustrations and then noticed they have different stories in each. For the most part the text is exactly the same, word for word, page for page with the exception of the 7th voyage of Sinbad where the 2016 version adds three pages of an 8th voyage that wasn't really a voyage and did nothing to add to the story (so I'm not sure why that was added) and that finished with him calling it the 7th voyage (weird). There are about three different places where different stories were used. So I am currently reading the stories from the old version that weren't in the new version. The old version's alternate stories were better in my opinion, however they're all very engaging (once you get used to the racist, sexist, and bigoted storytelling of the time, region, and author.
AnankahD. GuvJust
NOT FOR CHILDREN!!! I did not know until recently that there are many versions of this title. I had read an entertaining text version when I was a girl and purchased this copy translated by Burton with the lovely blue cover as a gift for a co-workers' child. This is NOT the same! It IS absolutely one of the original translations, but it is best for an academic adult reader who will understand the context of Victorian Era racism and the not even bordering pornographic descriptions of adultery, etc. Caveat Emptor!!! Do not buy this version thinking it is going to be appropriate for kids or even teens! It is barely appropriate for adults. The translator was an expert linguist, but a colorful fellow (whose biography is also a fascinating read) and the content of the text is stained by the culture and times in which he lived. I can recommend this copy only to open minded and academically tolerant adults looking for a historical version that is more about Victorian morality than Arab or Asian culture, but stay far away if you were looking for a Middle Eastern companion to your Grimms Fairytales. This is NOT it! Again... NOT FOR CHILDREN!!!
Grace NGrace NAna
I love the gold on the edges of the paper! The book has a beautiful cover! The book has a big collection of stories in one. Would recommend for adults to read only, though. As some stories in the book are inappropriate for children to read.