Children of the Fox (Thieves of Shadow) - book cover
Science Fiction & Fantasy
  • Publisher : Viking Books for Young Readers
  • Published : 05 Oct 2021
  • Pages : 416
  • ISBN-10 : 0593327519
  • ISBN-13 : 9780593327517
  • Language : English

Children of the Fox (Thieves of Shadow)

NPR Best Book of the Year
Amazon Best Book of the Month
"This stunning tale of betrayal, trickery, and friendship takes the reader on a wild ride." -School Library Journal
Ocean's Eleven meets The False Prince in this thrilling heist story for young readers, in which five kids with unusual talents are brought together to commit an impossible crime. Failure is unacceptable ... but success could be deadly.

From the bestselling author of the Blackthorn Key series, this magic-infused fantasy brings together a ragtag group of kids to pull off a crime so difficult, countless adults have already tried and failed. Lured by the promise of more money than they've ever dreamed of, five young criminals are hired to steal a heavily guarded treasure from the most powerful sorcerer in the city. There's Callan the con artist, Meriel the expert at acrobatics (and knives!), Gareth the researcher, Lachlan who can obtain anything, and Foxtail, whose mysterious eyeless mask doesn't hinder her ability to climb walls like a spider. Though their shadowy backgrounds mean that they've never trusted anyone but themselves, the five must learn to rely on each other in order to get the job done.

But as Callan has been warned most of his life, it's best to stay away from magic. It can turn on you at any moment, and make you think you're the one running the con game, when in reality you're the one being fooled. Faced with these unsurmountable odds, can the friends pull off this legendary heist, or has their luck finally run out?

Editorial Reviews

NPR Best Book of the Year
Amazon Best Book of the Month

★ "In a sharp-witted series opener, Sands crafts an adventure with mythological undertones and a heist framework. The protagonists' natural chemistry as they learn to collaborate and trust one another helps to ground the epic story, especially once it leans more heavily into fantasy elements, while Callan's narrative voice adds just the right amount of self-aware humor."
-Publishers Weekly (starred review)

"Kevin Sands brings mystery, magic and a pretty major con-job to his first fantasy novel, a story where things are never quite as they seem. It's not easy to create an entirely new mythology, but Sands does a fine job with this first installment in his new series. Be prepared for an exciting read."

"This high-energy thriller is perfect for younger fans of Six of Crows, the movie Ocean's Eleven, and other inside-job narratives. Readers will be sure to delight in narrator Callan's sharp wit and snappy voice as they are introduced to the rest of the crew and their unusual skills. Cryptic messages, creepy characters, and unexpected but endearing friendships abound."

"Sands has created a rip-roaring story full of frantic twists and turns that leave readers questioning what is real and what is not. The magic is believable, and the world is easy to imagine. And one cannot help but root for these young protagonists whose lives have been so difficult and yet who manage to hope for a better future. A fabulous choice."
-School Library Journal

"In a world of Spellweavers and airships, a team comes together for a legendary heist...Callan is an excellent narrator, constantly observing body language for tells that reveal secrets as the kids plan an elaborate, multistage operation to break into a seemingly unbreakable location, all with a life-changing financial prize on the line."
-Kirkus Reviews

Readers Top Reviews

Children of the Fox is a fantastic fantasy heist novel. Going into this book, I had some pretty high expectations. My brother loves Kevin Sands's Blackthorn Key series. Children of the Fox was being given comp titles of The False Prince and Peter Nimble (two of my favorite books) and Ocean's 11 (I enjoy a good heist). So I was very excited to read it. Did it absolutely stun me and completely blow me away? No. But it was really good, and I will be reading the rest of the series. It was a solid 4-star read. The characters were all nicely well-rounded, and they all worked together well. I would have actually liked to see a little bit more initial friction between the crew members and how they could play off of each other in other ways. The plot was great. The heist was done really well, and like in every good con story, the reader doesn't know everything that is going on. Sands also did a nice job of tying the story world mythology and plot together. While the ending resolves the plot question, it definitely sets things up for the next book and the rest of the series. The worldbuilding was a neat blend of steampunk and fantasy. For those of you who are wary about what types of magic systems you read, the magic system does have to do with using someone's or something's energy/soul. If you enjoy a good heist story or fantasy, consider reading Children of the Fox. Cautions: moderate, non-graphic violence; see magic note above
Jessica at Cracking
Though Children of the Fox is about five kids, it unfolds from Callan’s point of view. Callan is just the sort of storyteller you want jumping into a new series. He’s clear, smart and has just the right amount of snark to grab your attention. But there’s more to him than his slightly irreverent attitude. As the book progresses, so does his complexity. On the flip side, there are hints of something more with the other kids, but most of their stories stay hidden — fingers crossed more will be explored in later books. Still, they’re more than one note, and they provide variety and depth throughout. There’s a lot going on with Children of the Fox, and it should appeal to readers who like more intricate stories. I recommend it for kids in third or fourth grade and up. Children of the Fox is an exciting read from beginning to end. It’s fast-paced, full of magic and adventure, and it’s the first book in a planned series (Thieves of Shadow), so readers will have plenty to look forward to. Children of the Fox will be on my holiday gift list, and you should add it to yours now.
Purchased for a picky 9-yo boy reader who likes adventure, (as he puts it) "the strange" and otherwise interesting characters/storyline. He finished quickly and wanted more. Win!
Elizabeth Layton
A real page turner. The characters are lovely and there is a good mix of action and humour. We have been enjoying the BlackThorn Key series and stumbled onto this gem also

Short Excerpt Teaser

For years afterward, all I remembered was the snake.

I heard its hiss first. The soft sssssss barely registered over my panting, the thumping of my heart. I ignored it, thinking the sound was blood rushing in my ears. Or maybe it was the Old Man, huddled next to me in the bedroom, both of us squeezed inside the long wicker basket, his own chest heaving, out of breath.

We'd sprinted a full mile before breaking into that house, looking for a place to hide. I was six years old at the time. I'd been with the Old Man for a month and a half, and though he'd begun to teach me his trade, I wasn't any good at it yet. So we did a lot of running back then.

The air in the basket was cloying, scented with musk. I re-member thinking it was an odd smell for a clothes hamper. Too strong, too animal. I curled up in a ball, breathing into my sleeve, trying to fend off the reek and muffle my breath at the same time.

But the hissing in my ears wasn't me. I realized that the moment the snake touched me.

It slithered over my foot. Startled, I jerked my leg, but the snakehad already wrapped around my ankle. It wound its way up my calf, its hiss growing louder, more insistent.


I reached for the Old Man beside me. My left hand grasped his shirt. My right still clutched the enchanted coin we'd swindled from the spice merchant. Its edge dug into my fingers, the emperor's face pressed against my palm. It glowed, that coin, shining through my skin, giving my flesh a faint halo of blue.

The Old Man said nothing. He peered through the gaps in the wicker, listening, as the front door banged open below.

Heavy boots clomped on the floorboards. Whoever owned this home was out, unable to protest as the Stickmen--the city guard--began tearing the place apart.

I barely listened. The snake climbed higher, up to my untucked shirt. It slithered inside, smooth scales slinking around my waist.

I couldn't take it. I had to scream. I knew if I did, the Stickmen below would find us--and that would be so much worse. But I had to scream. Ihad to.

Suddenly, the Old Man leaned into me, his breath hot on my ear.

"Did you ever hear that story?" he whispered. "Fox and Bear and the Crystal Stream?"

Terror froze the scream on my lips. The Stickmen--they'll hear you, I wanted to say, but my tongue wouldn't move. My mouth was dry and bitter.

A bottle shattered downstairs, shards of glass plinking across the floorboards. One of the Stickmen cursed in a gravelly voice. "D'you think they're hiding in the wine? Idiot."

The snake coiled higher. It slid over my stomach, my sides, the scars that covered my back. My scars hurt--they always hurt--but as I listened to the crashing of the Stickmen below, my scars burned with the memory of how they'd got there.

And still the snake slithered upward.


"It's a good story," the Old Man whispered. "From long ago, when Fox and Bear were still friends. One day, Shuna the Fox, thepatron Spirit of merchants--and thieves--and Artha the Bear, the patron Spirit of Spellweavers, were atop the Snowy Mountain--"

Be quiet, Old Man, I thought.

"--when the Bear said to her friend, ‘Let's have a race. Fastest one down the mountain wins.' "

Be quiet.

"Shuna looked up at the Bear with a grin. ‘What will I win?' she asked."

The snake squeezed me as it climbed, sliding over the scars on my ribs.


"The Bear laughed," the Old Man said, his words coming faster and faster. " ‘The race is not yet run, Shuna. But if you'd like a wager, I have some honey. And I saw you picking strawberries yesterday. Whoever wins gets the lot.' "

What are you doing? Be quiet. Be quiet!

"Shuna decided this was a good bet. After all, though the Bear was big and strong, the Fox was agile, and she knew she was faster than her friend. No sooner had the Fox agreed--"

One of the Stickmen reached the steps. He'd run out of things to smash downstairs. Now he was coming up.<...