Minecraft: The Mountain: An Official Minecraft Novel - book cover
Science Fiction & Fantasy
  • Publisher : Del Rey
  • Published : 05 Apr 2022
  • Pages : 272
  • ISBN-10 : 0593159179
  • ISBN-13 : 9780593159170
  • Language : English

Minecraft: The Mountain: An Official Minecraft Novel

In the thrilling sequel to the New York Times bestselling novel Minecraft: The Island, a stranded hero stumbles upon another castaway-and discovers that teamwork might just be the secret to survival.
Wandering a vast, icy tundra, the explorer has never felt more alone. Is there anything out here? Did I do the right thing by leaving the safety of my island? Should I give up and go back? So many questions, and no time to ponder-not when dark is falling and dangerous mobs are on the horizon.
Gurgling zombies and snarling wolves lurk in the night, and they're closing in. With nowhere to hide, the lone traveler flees up a mountain, trapped and out of options . . . until a mysterious figure arrives, fighting off the horde singlehandedly. The unexpected savior is Summer, a fellow castaway and master of survival in these frozen wastes.
Excited to find another person in this strange, blocky world, the explorer teams up with Summer, whose impressive mountain fortress as a safe haven . . . for now. But teamwork is a new skill for two people used to working alone. If they want to make it home, they will have to learn to work together-or risk losing everything.

Readers Top Reviews

Laura Timmerma
8yr old loves all the minecraft books, they are fantastic for his interest and advanced reading. I started reading them now, and enjoy them as well.
RaeRae Laura Ti
As a first gen gamer (since the 80’s) I was excited to pick up these 2 books by Max Brooks, I only read the intros and the back covers and I knew this would be an excellent choice for our grandsons Easter basket (13yr). He actually smiled when he walked in our kitchen and started looking them over. I am looking forward to reading them when he is finished. They seem well written, filled with adventure and humor. We love playing Minecraft and I absolutely enjoy all my warcraft (lore) books so I decided to give these a try to get him back into reading . Fast shipping , about 2/3 days, and arrived in excellent condition. I think these are great for pre-teens and up. As far as I can tell they are just good family friendly (clean) outlooks on what it must be like to start an adventure in the good Ol world of Minecraft .
Pen NameFrancois
One of my favorite books! Finally a sequel to Minecraft The Island. This book was amazing you have to read it! Especially if you play Minecraft if you don’t play Minecraft it might be a little confusing but it’s an overall great story but read Minecraft the island first it’s better (just my opinion) I hope it doesn’t take the author 4 years to make the next book tho because this one is a cliffhanger lol
Pen NameFranco
As one of the biggest fans of Minecraft: The Island (bought it years ago) I find Max Brooks an amazing author. This book was beautiful. Everything from the clear personalities of the characters to the humorous dialogue to the exciting and terrifying events makes this an absolutely masterpiece. In fact, the only thing I wish was different about the book was the length. It was amazing- make it longer!

Short Excerpt Teaser



The feeling changed everything.

It'd been about a day and a half since I'd left my little block-shaped shore, and I don't mind admitting that I was barely seconds from going back.

It wasn't the first time I'd turned tail and ran-well, paddled. A few days after landing on that strange, new land, I'd learned enough about crafting to accidentally produce a boat like the one I was riding in now. That time I'd been so inexperienced, so scared and frazzled and eager to escape, that I'd rushed right down to the beach and set off at full speed for the horizon.

And nearly gotten myself lost at sea.

This time, what felt like a lifetime later, I'd been determined not to repeat that same impulsive mistake. I'd spent a week provisioning myself for a long journey. I had plenty of food, tools, raw materials for crafting, and, most important, navigation aids like a compass and a nearly blank map. I say "nearly" because my little island appeared in the map's far east corner. And I mean "appeared." The moment I'd lifted it off the crafting table, the entire tan surface filled with a perfect, top-down re-creation of my island.

And me! I was on there, represented by a small white arrow that turned and moved along with me in real life. I remember thinking, This is awesome, and with the compass, I'll never be lost!

Following the manual I'd found in the mineshaft, I'd learned how to expand the map by surrounding the original copy with eight more pieces of sugarcane paper. I'd done it several times, until the island had shrunken to a little brown and green speck, surrounded by a thin blue ring and then a giant, blank space. So small in such a big, unexplored world. I still remember that mix of emotion, fear tinged with excitement. What's out there?

I'd have to wait another few weeks before finding out. That's how long it took me to write down my first book, leaving it to whomever might follow me. It was a record of all my adventures, and the lessons that came with them. And that last lesson was the one that drove me back to sea:

Growth doesn't come from a comfort zone, but from leaving it.

It sounded so cool at the time, so brave and true.

It rang in my head as I said goodbye to my animal friends, rowing west, turning occasionally to see everything I'd known fade slowly into the distance.

Smaller and smaller. Just like on the map. First went the lowlands, then the hill, then my house on top of the hill, and then, finally, the cobblestone observation tower that stretched far up into the clouds.

"Growth doesn't come from a comfort zone," I said, turning back to the now setting sun, "but from leaving it."

I don't know how many times I repeated that phrase, aloud and in my head, as the sun dipped, the sky darkened, and the pale crescent moon-shaped like my island, I thought with an odd pang of homesickness-rose behind me.


There's gotta be land out there, I told myself. Sooner or later, you'll spy something up ahead. It wasn't fear that slowed me down. At least, that's what I told myself. You don't want to miss something in the dark. Another island, low, and without a hill. It might be the start of a larger chain. Too fast and you'll pass right by.

That's what I thought, scanning back and forth while being extra careful not to veer off course. The compass helped, its red-tipped needle pointing straight back to my original spawn point. The map helped too, filling in a straight, thick unbroken blue line as I went, almost as if by magic. "No land," it silently told me, "not yet." I thought about stopping altogether, taking a break, waiting for dawn. At least then I could be sure not to bypass any land in the dark. I still wasn't one hundred percent sure that the map's vision was the same as mine. If I can see even a little bit beyond what it marked . . . ​

That's when I ran off the edge!

Of the map, I mean. Not the world.

The next time I checked, I saw that I'd paddled right off the western border of the paper. My interactive arrow was now a static circle. When had that happened? How long ago had I checked it? I should have been calculating distance and time, keeping track of the where and when.

And what if I DID run off the edge of the world? Didn't people used to think my world-my real, original spawn point-was flat? Didn't some dumb dumbs still insist that was true, even though a universe of evidence proved them wrong? But there was no evidence in this world, no proof that it was round. So much was different here: gravity, bodily functions, even time-each day's only twenty minutes! For all I knew, this ocean might just end at a giant waterfall, one that I couldn't ...