The Titan's Curse (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Book 3) - book cover
Science Fiction & Fantasy
  • Publisher : Hyperion Books for Children; Reprint edition
  • Published : 08 Apr 2008
  • Pages : 352
  • ISBN-10 : 1423101480
  • ISBN-13 : 9781423101482
  • Language : English

The Titan's Curse (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Book 3)

When the goddess Artemis goes missing, she is believed to have been kidnapped. And now it's up to Percy and his friends to find out what happened. Who is powerful enough to kidnap a goddess? They must find Artemis before the winter solstice, when her influence on the Olympian Council could swing an important vote on the war with the titans. Not only that, but first Percy will have to solve the mystery of a rare monster that Artemis was hunting when she disappeared-a monster rumored to be so powerful it could destroy Olympus forever.

Please note: While the cover of the book may vary the content is the same.

Editorial Reviews

"In a feat worthy of his heroic subjects, Riordan crafts a sequel stronger than his compelling debut."

"Perfectly paced, with electrifying moments chasing each other like heartbeats."

Readers Top Reviews

Reader 44ElleEmma
My 9 year old son adores these. He is not massively bookish but he has now got through 3 in the series and requested more. I've read a chapter or 2 to him to see what they are like. As expected, good accessible with enough action to keep you interested. The interweaving of Greek mythology into a modern day setting is clever (sort of like blending vegetables into dinner so the kids don't notice!) I would recommend. But really the recommendation is that it keeps boys interested in reading...
Bonnie and ClydeR
Spoilers contained! Percy thailia and annabeth arrive at west overhall and battle a manticore called dr thorn. they bsttle it and the hunters arrive but annabeth falls of a cliff and captured by the generel (atlas) and luke. ARTEMIS wants to slay a monster but she gets captured by the generel and luke. percy and zoe nightshads thalia and grover go ln a quest to rescue artemis and annabeth. im not gonna say more so go find it out by yoursdlves .Btw i have a xbox one and my gamertag is kingsharkboy136 and my roblox on pc is DJcrazy56
ElizabethBonnie a
My fifth grader has read all the Harry Potter books but often spends his time reading graphic novels which are, in my opinion, of questionable literary value. I'm not complaining - I mean he does read so there's that, but I was very pleased that he started on these and is reading through them on his own. He says they are not as good as Harry Potter (I mean, it is a high bar) but he does really like them and they seem interesting and don't have any questionable material that you wouldn't want your fifth grader reading. Overall very pleased.
What I love about this book is that it is finally breaking away from all the Harry Potter similarities! It feels like a refreshing new world which makes it as exciting to read as the first book! Lots of new mystery, characters, and nonstop adventures! These books are very plot/quest oriented which has not given much depth to demigod life in the previous two books. This book, The Titan's Curse, draws on its own history (two previous books) to help create a more complete world and characters which is thankfully absent of the familiar tricks and charicatures used in other fantasy novels (namely, Harry Potter similarities!). I love this book. I am SO happy the series is coming into its own. As in previous books, Percy's narrative is humorous, enduring, and relatible. The author assumes the reader has a basic knowledge of Greek mythology. New characters and villains are woven in so you are kept guessing, like Percy, about their true identity and their past until the end. "The General" for instance, has lots of clues about who he is throughout the book, but its hard to piece it all together unless you have alot of knowledge about the mythos. Now, some of the author's characters' identities (like Nico and Bianca's god parent) are easier to discover on your own. Thankfully, the author does not draw this mystery out too long as you kind of know by the middle of the story. Overall, I really enjoyed the journey this book took me on. The ending gave you new suprises as well as wrapped everything together so you were not left with questions, just enticement to start the next book!!! Percy is a loyal person who realizes he has survived because so many other people (mortal and demigods) have helped him. He's humble and is a nice, average kid, which is an excellent character to lead this series. Its refreshing to read these wonderful characters Riordan creates. I also loved Dionysus' conversation with Percy outside Camp Half-Blood, "You heroes never change. You accuse us gods of being vain. You should look at yourselves." Its a side of Greek gods I've been waiting to see (showing morals and inner feelings more than just the typical drunken rulers endlessly falling in love with mortals) as well as a powerful metaphor for society (always blaming God for the bad times in the world instead of looking to what we are doing to the world). It also adds great depth to a character you've seen so against Percy the entire series so far. Brilliant and exciting!
My fifth grader HATES reading! It is a chore to get him to pick up a book - any book. He is also very easily distracted. So, I have to sit with him to read a chapter and switch reading aloud every few pages. We finished reading all the Harry Potter books and I was looking for a book that had a boy as the main character. In my opinion, this is a much easier read than Harry Potter but it is just as enjoyable for both of us. One warning: the first book was a bit difficult to get through because of all the mythical backstories. Overall very pleased. We intend on getting the next book.

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