Restart - book cover
Growing Up & Facts of Life
  • Publisher : Scholastic Press; Scholastic edition
  • Published : 27 Mar 2018
  • Pages : 256
  • ISBN-10 : 1338053809
  • ISBN-13 : 9781338053807
  • Language : English


The amazing New York Times bestseller about what you can do when life gives you a second chance.

Chase's memory just went out the window. Chase doesn't remember falling off the roof. He doesn't remember hitting his head. He doesn't, in fact, remember anything. He wakes up in a hospital room and suddenly has to learn his whole life all over again . . . starting with his own name. He knows he's Chase. But who is Chase? When he gets back to school, he sees that different kids have very different reactions to his return. Some kids treat him like a hero. Some kids are clearly afraid of him. One girl in particular is so angry with him that she pours her frozen yogurt on his head the first chance she gets. Pretty soon, it's not only a question of who Chase is--it's a question of who he was . . . and who he's going to be. From the #1 bestselling author of Swindle and Slacker, Restart is the spectacular story of a kid with a messy past who has to figure out what it means to get a clean start.

Editorial Reviews

Praise for Restart:* "A fresh approach to the familiar topic of bullying, kept credible by believable characters and events, with typical Korman humor and just the right touch of mystery." -- School Library Journal, starred review"In this compelling and sometimes hmorous tale of nature and identity, Korman offers an intriguing exploration of the potential for redemption." -- Publishers Weekly"Korman's trademark humor makes this an appealing read." -- Kirkus Reviews Praise for Swindle:"Scary, funny, and hysterical adventures!" -- Chicago Tribune"Pure fun from top to bottom." -- School Library JournalPraise for The Hypnotists:"Fast-paced . . . an entertaining mix of intense action and goofy fun." -- Publishers WeeklyPraise for Ungifted:"A gem for readers looking for a book where the underdog comes out on top." -- VOYA"Funny and insightful." -- Publishers WeeklyPraise for Schooled:* "This rewarding novel features an engaging main character and some memorable moments of comedy, tenderness, and reflection." -- Booklist, starred review

Readers Top Reviews

LizValMaria MaguireJ
A really fun, enjoyable read with a strong positive message of how it’s possible for anyone to turn their life around for the better
Heather EAH2113
I bought this for my daughter who read another book by this author and thought she would enjoy his other work. She begged me over and over to get this book. When she reads a book that she enjoys she has realized that generally she likes the style of the author and will find additional books to explore by that same author, but in this case, this specific book did not catch her interest and turned her interest away from the author. It was disappointing that an earlier work of this author was so captivating to her and then this book and others since have been lacking.
Fogerty Fanatic
This is an excellent book on so many different levels. One, I love the different perspectives Mr. Korman used throughout this novel. As a sixth grade teacher, I love the type of literature that allows me to showcase perspective in not just the typical 1st/2nd/3rd person point of view, but when different characters relate the same experience and give their version of events. Two, self-reflection plays a huge part in this story and I enjoyed the authenticity displayed by Chase as he begins to realize the person he was before the accident and how his past actions have impacted the way people respond to him. Thirdly, this book offers multiple opportunities for the reader to make connections. As I read this, I flashed back to my own awkward moments in junior high school. My only complaint about this book is the ending, but I won't give it away. For me, the ending seemed a bit contrived and could have been a bit more developed. A great read not only for young readers, but adults also!
I bought this book for my son to read, but decided to pre-read it myself first. Very good book! It is about a boy named Chase who was captain of the football team and a really "big deal" around school. He accidentally falls off a roof, bumping his head and getting amnesia. When he goes back to school, some kids seem fearful of him, and some treat him like a hero... Not remembering anything, and not being able to play football right away due to the concussion, Chase decides to join a new club, and, in doing so, makes some new friends and discovers he's good at (and enjoys!) more than just football. He also learns about his past, and learns that maybe he wasn't the nicest person before. This book does have some great points for discussion! Bullying seems to be becoming way more common in a lot of schools, but not only that, there are characters whose ideas are a bit surprising (queue dad.) Chase has to make some hard decisions regarding some mistakes he has made in the past, and also decide who he wants to be in the future. Great job, Gordon Korman! Thankful to have books like this for our kids to read and to learn from.
A Reader
I've enjoyed Korman's books since I first read SWINDLE a few years ago. RESTART shows his growth and development as a writer. This story deals plausibly with ethical dilemmas, prejudice, bullying, and growing up with more depth and insight than I expected. Although I dislike stories written in first-person, present tense, Korman handles it so skillfully that I barely noticed this trendy affectation so prevalent today in modern juvenile fiction. His viewpoint changes are more deftly handled than in a few of his other books, such as UNGIFTED. There's no repetition, and the plot is well served by the various perspectives. Chase is a protagonist that I--as an adult reader--could root for without feeling impatient, and I didn't have to wallow in excessive teenage angst.

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