Dear Santa: A Novel - book cover
  • Publisher : Ballantine Books
  • Published : 19 Oct 2021
  • Pages : 272
  • ISBN-10 : 1984818813
  • ISBN-13 : 9781984818812
  • Language : English

Dear Santa: A Novel

A special holiday wish list brings about hope, love, and second chances in this nostalgic novel from the queen of Christmas stories, #1 New York Times bestselling author Debbie Macomber.

Lindy Carmichael isn’t feeling particularly joyful when she returns home to Wenatchee, Washington, for Christmas. The man she thought was “the one” has cheated on her with her best friend, and she feels completely devoid of creativity in her graphic-design job. Not even carolers or Christmas cookies can cheer her up—but Lindy’s mother, Ellen, remembers an old tradition that might lift her daughter's spirits.
Reading through a box of childhood letters to Santa and reminiscing about what she'd wished for as a young girl may be just the inspiration Lindy needs. With Ellen's encouragement, she decides to write a new letter to Santa, one that will encourage her to have faith and believe just as she’d done all those years ago. Little does Lindy know that this exercise in gratitude will cause her wishes to unfold before her in miraculous ways. And, thanks to some fateful twists of Christmas magic—especially an unexpected connection with a handsome former classmate—Lindy ultimately realizes that there is truly no place like home for the holidays.
In Dear Santa, Debbie Macomber celebrates the joys of Christmas blessings, old and new.

Readers Top Reviews

J. CochraneKindle
Can’t wait to see this as a hallmark Christmas movie. Cute story to get you in the Christmas spirit! Bravo
Mark Maederer
Debbie Macomber has done it again! “Dear Santa” is a truly heart warming holiday story filled with all of the fuzzy love wishes of Lindy who is surprised by Santa’s granting of her wishes. This one is going directly to my book group! Thank you Debbie and I enjoyed ever second and couldn’t put this book down until I was finished! Happy Holidays, JoMarie Maederer
Lyn Penny
What a wonderful story! Debbie Macomber out did herself with this story. It is a bit of Christmas magic for two young people. Santa really does read the letters. This story proves it.
J Boss
I’ve been looking forward to the delivery of this new novel from Debbie Macomber, and it did not disappoint. I can envision it as another beloved Hallmark Christmas movie. The pandemic has been hard on all of us, my family is no exception. I see glimpses of scriptures in the challenges and life lessons. Thank you for another getaway and respite from the troubles of this world and reminding us to focus on all the blessings that surround us, if we just look for them.
A sweet holiday story. Lindy recaptures her belief in Christmas and all the joy it brings as she spends time at home with her family and friends. She falls in love by going back to her childhood roots of writing a letter to Santa and connecting with the first boy who loved her. This is a warm and lovely story filled with Christmas spirit.

Short Excerpt Teaser

Chapter One

"Home." The moment Lindy Carmichael turned down Apple Orchard Lane in Wenatchee, Washington, she released a deep sigh. An immediate sense of familiar warmth and welcome filled her. She had two full weeks off to celebrate Christmas and New Year's with her family. If ever she needed a break, it was this year. And what a truly terrible, awful year it had been.

Three years ago, after working for several small companies, Lindy had been hired for her dream job with a marketing and website design company. Her degree in computer science, with a specialty in graphics and visualization, plus her work history, was tailor-made for Media Blast. Confident that her creative talent would be a company asset, she'd been sure she'd fit right in. While she loved her job and the opportunity it afforded her, she couldn't help feeling underappreciated. Just before Lindy left for vacation, she'd submitted a campaign for the Ferguson Group, one of their largest accounts. This opportunity to prove her worth was exactly what she'd been waiting for. If her proposal was chosen, then she would get the recognition she deserved. Lindy had never been a quitter. Her dad had once told her that if she did more than she was paid to do, her hard work would eventually be noticed. With time, she'd be rewarded for what she did. Lindy held on to that philosophy and had given this job her all.

Pushing thoughts of work problems from her mind, she pulled in to the driveway of the home where she'd spent the majority of her life. Twinkling lights lining the edge of the roofline greeted her, along with twin reindeer who stood guard over the snow-covered lawn. A large evergreen wreath with silver and blue bulbs hung on the front door. Home for Christmas. This was exactly what she needed to escape the doldrums that had plagued her over the last six months.

Lindy hadn't completely exited her car before the front door flew open and her mother and Beau, the family dog, hurried toward her on the freshly shoveled driveway. Her mother's arms reached for Lindy, while Beau braced his front legs against her thighs, tail wagging, craving her attention. With barely enough time to inhale the shockingly cold air, Lindy was pulled inside the warm house by her mother, who then enveloped her in a full-body hug. Beau barked his welcome, running circles around her, yipping his excitement.

"I didn't think you'd ever get here," Ellen Carmichael said, helping Lindy off with her coat. "How was the pass? I checked the weather conditions, and it was snowing over Snoqualmie. Did you have any trouble? I worry that you don't have snow tires . . . ​I realize you don't need them living in Seattle, but it's a must this side of the mountains."

"Mom, my goodness, give me a minute to catch my breath," Lindy said, giggling. Home. To be surrounded by love was what she needed most. The kitchen was warm, and her mother had a batch of freshly baked cookies lined up in rows on the countertop. Baking was an expression of love in Lindy's family. Her mother started early for the annual Christmas Eve gathering with longtime friends. Each family would leave with an overflowing plate of homemade cookies.

"Did you eat breakfast?" her mother asked her, as she reached for the coffeepot.

"No. I wanted to get on the road as soon as it was daylight." Traffic over Snoqualmie Pass could be a problem in winter, and it was often closed due to avalanche concerns. Lindy felt the earlier she got out of Seattle and to the other side of the mountain, the better.

"Then sit down and I'll fry you up-"

Lindy cut her mother off, eyeing the cookies on the countertop. "Coffee and a couple of those thumbprints will carry me until lunchtime."

Her mother opened the cupboard for a mug, while Lindy helped herself to her favorite Christmas cookies.

Sitting across from her, Lindy smiled at her mother. This was what she'd held in her mind for the last several months while she weathered the storms life had tossed at her. Home and Christmas. This was the perfect combination to help her out of this deep emotional slump.

Her position with Media Blast was only the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Not wanting her mother to fret, Lindy had kept the majority of her various troubles since summer to herself. Nor was she looking to share them the minute she arrived home. Maybe in a few days, after she'd soaked in the serenity of being at home, she would feel inclined to explain.

After sampling the first cookie, Lindy closed her eyes. "I swear I could eat a dozen of these."

"But you won't. I have lunch planned."

Only then did Lindy notice the simmering pot on the stove. "Did you make pasta e fagioli?" The soup, made with cannellini and kidney beans and small pas...