November 9: A Novel - book cover
Women's Fiction
  • Publisher : Atria
  • Published : 10 Nov 2015
  • Pages : 320
  • ISBN-10 : 1501110349
  • ISBN-13 : 9781501110344
  • Language : English

November 9: A Novel

Beloved #1 New York Times bestselling author Colleen Hoover returns with an unforgettable love story between a writer and his unexpected muse. Fallon meets Ben, an aspiring novelist, the day before her scheduled cross-country move. Their untimely attraction leads them to spend Fallon?s last day in L.A. together, and her eventful life becomes the creative inspiration Ben has always sought for his novel. Over time and amidst the various relationships and tribulations of their own separate lives, they continue to meet on the same date every year. Until one day Fallon becomes unsure if Ben has been telling her the truth or fabricating a perfect reality for the sake of the ultimate plot twist.
Can Ben?s relationship with Fallon?and simultaneously his novel?be consid-ered a love story if it ends in heartbreak?

Editorial Reviews

"Hoover joins the ranks of such luminaries as Jennifer Weiner and Jojo Moyes, with a dash of Gillian Flynn. Sure to please a plethora of readers." ― Library Journal, Starred Review

"November 9 is yet another breathtaking novel by Colleen Hoover that's full of blushing, gushing, and heartache. I loved every page and breathed in every beautiful word." -- Anna Todd, New York Times bestselling author of the After series

"If you haven't read November 9 yet, then, apologies to your busy schedule, but you're going to have to put everything down and spend the next day devouring it." ― RT Book Reviews, Seal of Excellence Winner

"Colleen Hoover's one-of-a-kind style of storytelling shines with November 9... I dare you not to fall in love with Ben and Fallon." ― Vilma's Book Blog

Readers Top Reviews

Sarah - Kindle and K
Once again I was blown away by this authors words. In the early part of this story it felt a lot like self pity and deprecation and I felt ugh! no! I can't continue if its going to be the woe is me but then it turned around revealing a massive plot twist then my heart broke into a million pieces and I grabbed the tissues. I love how this author suddenly just hits you out of left field with a solid ball of emotion. The interconnected way these two characters lives have crossed over year after year is true romance. Very much a slow burn. What I further love about this authors stories is the uniqueness, you never know where its going to go but you know at some point you are going to be awash with emotions. Love books with all the feels!
How?! How does Colleen do it?! Time and time again she writes these unbelievable stories that are so farfetched as to be realistic! She drags you in. She builds you up. Then, she tears it all apart. She breaks your heart. She makes you love, trust and then makes you fall. You fall so hard you break apart. You cry. You ugly cry. You hurt. Whatever you expect, she takes you in a completely different, unexpected direction that tears you up into little, tiny, broken pieces. I can never read her books when they are first released. I have to wait. Wait until I am emotionally ready because I do not look forward to the heartbreak I will soon feel when I delve in to the cover and read the first words. She always grabs you from the very first sentence, the first paragraph, the first page and then she doesn’t let you go. There is a rhythm to her stories. A wave of emotion you must ride only to come out wondering what the heck she was thinking. How could she write something so intense? Especially when she swears she does not have all the feels?! How?! The story of Fallon and Benton is no exception. It starts off as crazy as all the other stories. You fall in love with the characters, you watch them grow, then Colleen takes them to a place you did not foresee and breaks your heart in all the worst and best ways. That is all I can say without giving anything away.
Tracy B
I am the first to admit that I haven't read a COHO book in awhile. And I can totally see how this book had over 600 5-star reviews in a week. I'll be honest here and say that I was reading and about halfway in - I was about to throw in the towel. I kept asking myself "Why is everyone so in love with this book?" and then at 58% - It hit me! It slammed right into me when I wasn't looking. My heart ached. I couldn't breath and my tears were flowing. That's the moment I KNEW this book was going to be amazing. I had been hit by a train and even behind the tears in my eyes I continued to read. I kept saying to COHO - "How could you do this to me?".... because she can hear all of us while we read her books....right? Just when I had come to terms with the events that happened. Around 78% I was hit again and took me by complete surprise! My heart was ripped out 100 % this time and I knew COHO wasn't' giving it back. Twice now! I was aching... I was crying again......and I tried to piece it back together. I wasn't sure what I felt at this point. As much as I was mad - it was a game changer. I grabbed what was left of my heart and my emotions and carried on. I read thinking that whether these two got their HEA or not. I had to continue. I had to know what happens. THREE TIMES! Three times and you are OUT! COHO sucker punched me a third time from left field! Evil.... yes COHO...Evil =) And no matter how many times she hit me.... and how many times I sat there stunned with an aching heart and tears flowing like faucets. I knew that all of this led to their ending......and ending that left me with hope that if and when we meet those characters again on the Next November 9 that our hearts will be happy and that everything they went through together will have been worth it. That Nov 9 is now a day of Happiness. This story is going to make you sad and cry! Be prepared. We've all felt this before when reading a COHO book. It's a story about two people whose lives cross paths and each year something new about themselves is revealed while you read. It's about loving, losing, healing and forgiving. Can two people become friends? Fall in love? Overcome some obstacles that are meant to tear each of them down? Do Ben and Fallon get a HEA like in the books Fallon reads? In my mind I was left not knowing.....Will their story continue? Or are we left with only our imagination? This story had EPIC first kisses...a Book BF worthy Alpha Male...Epic Goodbyes........ it gave me ALL THE FEELS! ALL OF THEM! It's full of angst - love - heartache- twists & turns. It's told in dual POV and I loved that. This book is Totally worth every FIVE star review it gets. Click It Up! You won't be sorry! Especially if you love a good cry and a book full of every emotion possible! Definitely one tha...

Short Excerpt Teaser

November 9 Fallon
I wonder what kind of sound it would make if I were to smash this glass against the side of his head.

It's a thick glass. His head is hard. The potential for a nice big THUD is there.

I wonder if he would bleed. There are napkins on the table, but not the good kind that could soak up a lot of blood.

"So, yeah. I'm a little shocked, but it's happening," he says.

His voice causes my grip to tighten around the glass in hopes that it stays in my hand and doesn't actually end up against the side of his skull.

"Fallon?" He clears his throat and tries to soften his words, but they still come at me like knives. "Are you going to say anything?"

I stab the hollow part of an ice cube with my straw, imagining that it's his head.

"What am I supposed to say?" I mumble, resembling a bratty child, rather than the eighteen-year-old adult that I am. "Do you want me to congratulate you?"

My back meets the booth behind me and I fold my arms across my chest. I look at him and wonder if the regret I see in his eyes is a result of disappointing me or if he's simply acting again. It's only been five minutes since he sat down, and he's already turned his side of the booth into his stage. And once again, I'm forced to be his audience.

His fingers drum the sides of his coffee cup as he watches me silently for several beats.




He thinks I'll eventually give in and tell him what he wants to hear, but he hasn't been around me enough in the last two years to know that I'm not that girl anymore.

When I refuse to acknowledge his performance, he eventually sighs and drops his elbows to the table. "Well, I thought you'd be happy for me."

I force a quick shake of my head. "Happy for you?"

He can't be serious.

He shrugs, and a smug smile takes over his already irritating expression. "I didn't know I had it in me to become a father again."

A loud burst of disbelieving laughter escapes my mouth. "Releasing sperm into the vagina of a twenty-four-year-old does not a father make," I say, somewhat bitterly.

His smug smile disappears, and he leans back and cocks his head to the side. The head-cock was always his go-to move when he wasn't sure how to react onscreen. "Just look like you're contemplating something deep and it'll pass for almost any emotion. Sad, introspective, apologetic, sympathetic." He must not recall that he was my acting coach for most of my life, and this look was one of the first he taught me.

"You don't think I have the right to call myself a father?" He sounds offended by my response. "What does that make me to you, then?"

I treat his question as rhetorical and stab at another piece of ice. I skillfully slip it up my straw and then slide the piece of ice into my mouth. I bite into it with a loud, uncaring crunch. Surely he doesn't expect me to answer that question. He hasn't been a "father" since the night my acting career came to a standstill when I was just sixteen. And if I'm being honest with myself, I'm not even sure he was much of a father before that night, either. We were more like acting coach and student.

One of his hands finds its way through the expensive implanted follicles of hair that line his forehead. "Why are you doing this?" He's becoming increasingly annoyed with my attitude by the second. "Are you still pissed that I didn't show up for your graduation? I already told you, I had a scheduling conflict."

"No," I reply evenly. "I didn't invite you to my graduation."

He pulls back, looking at me incredulously. "Why not?"

"I only had four tickets."

"And?" he says. "I'm your father. Why the hell wouldn't you invite me to your high school graduation?"

"You wouldn't have come."

"You don't know that," he fires back.

"You didn't come."

He rolls his eyes. "Well of course I didn't, Fallon. I wasn't invited."

I sigh heavily. "You're impossible. Now I understand why Mom left you."

He gives his head a slight shake. "Your mother left me because I slept with her best friend. My personality had nothing to do with it."

I don't even know what to say to that. The man has absolutely zero remorse. I both hate and envy it. In a way, I wish I were more like him and less like my mother. He's oblivious to his many flaws, whereas mine are the focal point of my life. My flaws are what wake me up in the morning and what keep me awake every night.

"Who had the salmon?" the waiter asks. Impeccable timing.

I lift my ...