Death & Texas (A Death & Texas Western) - book cover
Action & Adventure
  • Publisher : Pinnacle
  • Published : 22 Feb 2022
  • Pages : 320
  • ISBN-10 : 0786048506
  • ISBN-13 : 9780786048502
  • Language : English

Death & Texas (A Death & Texas Western)

From the bestselling chroniclers of the American West comes a brand new series of gun-blazing adventures that could only happen in Texas. Meet Cullen McCabe, a Lone Star sheriff who learned-the hard way-that there are two sure things in life…

The great state of Texas is a land of opportunity. For outlaws. And horse thieves. And cattle rustlers. Not to mention bank robbers, train robbers, and anything-that-ain't-nailed-down robbers. The state's governor, Richard B. Hubbard, is at the end of his rope. He wants to clean up Texas once and for all-and he's desperate enough to try something crazy: hire a man who can do what the Texas Rangers can't. A man not tied down by a wife or children. Or rules. Who's not afraid to go outside the law. Who will protect the good people of Texas at any cost-and put the blast on anyone who gets in his way…

Readers Top Reviews

Norman Beavers
I was amazed from the beginning of this western story and enjoyed it all the way to the end. Although I can't remember all the books written since Bill Johnstone left us, I feel this is the best. Unfortunately, I can't match this writer's technique with any of the many Western writers I've read in the past fifty years, and only Chuck West comes to mind. Anyway, the only thing missing was the good guy didn't get the girl; but he will have more good deeds to perform!
Westerns are a unique and intriguing genre in the world of fiction. There are some tales that grab your attention, make your heart gallop, and keep one turning pages for hours. Somehow in the mix of so many authors and stories, the Johnstone’s have risen to become the cream of the crop! In a new series, readers are introduced to a man who was on a particular mission, one of vengeance or justice? You decide. The character’s name is Cullen McCabe who was the sheriff hunting down the man who destroyed his future by taking the ones he loved. Now McCabe must find something to do with himself and make a living too. He must find a reason to go on and he doesn’t know it yet, but he doesn’t have long to wait. When he travels into town to get supplies, he receives a telegram that says the governor of Texas wants to meet with him. Curious, as no other information is revealed as to the why of the summons, McCabe throws caution to the wind and goes to meet the man and hopefully discover the reason for the telegram and its urgency. In a rough and rugged land, a time where each day living was precarious, readers will be drawn into the world of Cullen McCabe and his new life. I don’t want to ruin the fun of reading the book by stating what is inside as I believe the joy of reading comes from enjoying the journey of the characters in a story. Here is the first book in a new series by the Johnstone’s and one I think you will enjoy. The action, adventure, danger, mystery and more are all packed in the novel which is the reason I kept turning the pages. Perhaps when you finish this adventure, you will consider reading other Johnstone westerns as there are many to choose from. There are also other stories in different genres written by the Johnstone’s that I personally had a ball reading and stayed up many a night captivated by the tales! So, if you’re looking for something to read, look no further!
Anthony J Carmeci J
Have been a fan of your books for many years . I have every book of 98% of all your series .This new series is a winner and can't wait to read more about Cullen .