Dr. Kellyann's Bone Broth Breakthrough: Turn Back the Clock, Reset the Scale, Replenish Your Power - book cover
Main Courses & Side Dishes
  • Publisher : Rodale Books
  • Published : 27 Dec 2022
  • Pages : 304
  • ISBN-10 : 0593579127
  • ISBN-13 : 9780593579121
  • Language : English

Dr. Kellyann's Bone Broth Breakthrough: Turn Back the Clock, Reset the Scale, Replenish Your Power

PUBLISHERS WEEKLY BESTSELLER • The definitive guide to the healing benefits of bone broth on weight loss, wrinkles, digestion, fatigue, libido, and stress, by the author of the New York Times bestselling Dr. Kellyann's Bone Broth Diet

"Dr. Kellyann is a no-BS author, one who walks the walk in her own life and is always ready with the right advice to help us rediscover ourselves and transform."-Mario Lopez

Twenty years ago, Dr. Kellyann Petrucci seemed to freeze time: Her skin looked firmer and smoother, she had a noticeably youthful glow, the weight creep that she'd been experiencing stopped in its tracks, and she consistently had more energy. No, she didn't make a deal with the devil! She made a deal with her cells. She discovered a way to give them exactly what they needed: Bone broth.

As she puts it, bone broth is concentrated healing: the antioxidants in it promote "slim-gestion" and digestive health, its collagen naturally plumps skin and reduces wrinkle, and its stress-reducing properties make it a stamina-supporting change agent. Adding this healing elixir to your daily diet is the single greatest thing you can do to transform your health and defy your age.

Drawing on Dr. Kellyann's decades of wellness practice, her own health transformation journey, and new research about the power of this ancient wonder ingredient, Dr. Kellyann's Bone Broth Breakthrough presents a paradigm shift in the way you think about aging and weight loss. Guiding you to better tune into what your own body needs, Dr. Kellyann puts bone broth and a host of thoughtful, effective lifestyle recommendations to work on the most common female health concerns-including weight management, aging skin, digestion woes, fatigue, lack of libido, and stress. She offers 35 easy-to-make and delicious broth-based recipes that are customized to mitigate these persistent issues as well as advice for building a nourishing, delicious "happy plate" and meal plan tips that work for your busy lifestyle.

Empowering and actionable, Dr. Kellyann's Bone Broth Breakthrough is an essential, simmer-and-sip blueprint for looking leaner, feeling stronger, and living with renewed energy now and forever.

Editorial Reviews

"There's a reason we can't get enough of Dr. Kellyann-when it comes to looking and feeling our best, her advice is easy-to-follow, delicious (bring on the youth-restoring, mineral-rich, gut-healing bone broth), and the proof is in the pudding! I'll have what she's having."-Daphne Oz, co-host, The Good Dish

"Dr. Kellyann-an expert I trust-understands the connection between beauty and gut health, and, in this book, shows you how to make that connection for yourself."-Molly Sims

"The kind of beauty Dr. Kellyann wants for her patients and readers is so much more than skin deep. This is a program to inspire confidence right alongside weight loss, great skin, and boosted energy."-Anthony Youn, MD, FACS

"We all need someone like Dr. Kellyann in our lives. She is straight shooter, she has a big heart, and she sees potential everywhere. When she tells you how to live the bone broth lifestyle, or prioritize stamina-care, or find your body vibe, she brings both science and soul to every shred of advice."-JJ Virgin

Readers Top Reviews

Virginia KildoyleJan
This book was the perfect follow up to Dr. KellyAnn’s Bone Broth Diet book. After loosing 40lbs on her program this BREAKTHROUGH edition is just that - helping me continue this lifestyle and enlightened me on self care. Learning how important sleep is was eye opening. Nutrition, sleep, movement and stamina care. Before I plan a meal I now think 1. What about this meal will nourish me? 2 will it give me everything I need? 3 what about it will make me happy? This is such a great source of tried and true things that really work. I guarantee you will not regret purchasing this book. I’m sure glad I did!
Rashida Hudson
I really enjoyed and truly appreciated this book from Doctor Kellyann. I am currently on a new journey with my lifestyle where I am taking my power back and being more caring, and appreciative of my body’s temple. With Doctor KellyAnn’s book, I am able to understand the “why” overall health is so critical in one’s journey to living a healthier and happier lifestyle. In this book, Doctor KellyAnn is not just talking, and Only talking about Bone Broth, but she ties it in with everything else and “why” everything else comes full circle with implementing Bone Broth into your everyday lifestyle. So, if one would only like to know only of Bone Broth and recipes, I would suggest to read Doctor KellyAnn’s previous book, “The Bone Broth Diet” but if you are wanting, and searching for the “Why” Bone Broth is truly beneficial, then I highly recommend you purchase her new Book “ Doctor KellyAnn’s Bone Broth Breakthrough” since starting this new journey/new lifestyle, I don’t feel alone, and this book is something I can always reference to again, and again! Thank you Doctor KellyAnn !!
justmedianne peronaS
Only about a fourth of this book is about bone broth. There's unfortunately a great deal of general health advice that's common knowledge or easy to find elsewhere. I watched her special on PBS and was expecting something entirely different.
Trish J.
I haven't had time to read it all yet, but what I have read and skimmed through I love this book. I also have the Bone Broth Diet book and loved it. I refer back to it often.

Short Excerpt Teaser

Chapter 1

What's That Magic?

What's that special magic that some women have?

You know the ones I'm talking about. They have a magnetism that draws people to them. Even when it seems like everybody else is battling bloat, constipation, thinning hair, crepe-y skin, and belly fat, they look and feel amazing. Theirs is an ethereal beauty that transcends weight, height, or age.

When you see someone walking through the world with this kind of beauty and energy, you want to know more about her, to get closer. You want to talk and laugh with her. You want to know about her workout, her makeup, her hairdresser, her posture, her life. And you want to know what the heck she eats. I mean, is this an edamame-only situation? Or does she only eat before noon? What is the combination of nutrients nourishing her to this totally boss life? Like bystanders from the diner scene in When Harry Met Sally, you're thinking, I'll have what she's having, because she is flourishing.

Women like this are beautiful, but what they're all about runs even deeper. Their attitude, confidence, fitness, humor, strength-it's all a part of that "it factor."

Years ago when I was living in London, I would pop on the Eurostar for a quick train ride to France. I loved it there because I was so enthralled with the sexy culture. I kept hearing a French saying: "je ne sais quoi." Technically it translates to, "I don't know what," but it's used to describe an indefinable, attractive, extraordinary characteristic (as in, "She had an irresistible je ne sais quoi").

The woman with je ne sais quoi walks down the street and feels light on her feet, at peace with who she is. She radiates positive energy. Her eyes sparkle. You know whatever is happening on the inside must be good because, on the outside, she's magnetic. I fell in love with this idea-and I became desperate to help my patients find it. Yes, I wanted them to reach a healthy weight and get their biometrics in order, but after we achieved that, I wanted more for them. I wanted them to have je ne sais quoi.

I always want you to take your health journey one step further. When I say I believe you can have it all, that's not lip service. And I've seen it enough times to know you can do it. This is a touchstone in both my personal and professional life. When I'm helping a patient achieve a transformation, there are all the deliberate steps we take to reach a goal, and then there's that moment when the je ne sais quoi comes into play. You start moving through the world with a little more ease and confidence-and then, there it is, just as surely as if you'd flipped a switch.

Hard to believe it was a humble, ancient food that helped me get to this place in my life and bring so many amazing people through their own transformations, but that's exactly what happened. Reading about, cooking, sipping, and sharing the benefits of bone broth were all changes that opened me up little by little to a new lifestyle-one that makes me feel refreshed, attractive, and strong.

This is the concept that inspired me to write these pages, to dig into what happened to me-what has happened to thousands of patients and readers who've had breakthroughs like mine. I did it because I know full well that the "it factor" women we admire have doesn't just happen on Day 21 or 30 of a diet or fitness plan. In fact, that's when it's just beginning. That's when the momentum of those first successes starts trending toward a version of her who doesn't just tentatively look better and feel better. She is better. The changes are obvious on the outside-but they're also soul deep.

That kind of breakthrough, built on the small act of adding one nourishing, replenishing thing to your life to kick off that cascade of good things, is what I want for you. I believe you can achieve it and maintain it. And I'm here to walk you through the growth and changes that will make it possible.

Are You Interrupted?

True confession: I'm a closet profiler. Call it a gift or call it a curse, but if I'm meeting you, talking with you, or even watching you walk down the street, chances are I'm trying to understand your mood, your story, and your energy. My intentions, I promise, are good. After more than two decades of guiding people through health and beauty transformations, I've learned to embrace this habit that helps me triage new patients and clients.

In other words, I see you. When I see a woman who's walking on air, I want to jump up and down for her, ask questions, and take notes. When I see someone who's obviously feeling low, I wonder what's dragging her down and what it would take to lift her up.

I know there's a way,...