Gnar Country: Growing Old, Staying Rad - book cover
  • Publisher : Harper Wave
  • Published : 28 Feb 2023
  • Pages : 304
  • ISBN-10 : 0063272903
  • ISBN-13 : 9780063272903
  • Language : English

Gnar Country: Growing Old, Staying Rad

The New York Times bestselling author and human performance expert tests his knowledge and theories on his own aging body in a quest to become an expert skier at age fifty-three.

Gnar: adjective, short for "gnarly," def: any environment or situation that is high in perceived risk and high in actual risk.

Country: noun, def: any defined territory, landscape or terrain, fictitious or real.

Cutting-edge discoveries in embodied cognition, flow science, and network neuroscience have revolutionized how we think about peak performance aging. On paper, these discoveries should allow older athletes to progress in supposedly "impossible" activities like park skiing (think: jumps and tricks.) To see if theory worked in practice, Kotler conducted his own ass-on-the-line experiment in applied neuroscience and later-in-life skill acquisition: He tried to teach an old dog some new tricks.

Recently, top pros have been performing well past a previously considered prime: World-class athletes such as Kelly Slater, the greatest surfer of all time, is winning competitions in his fifties; Tom Brady can beat players half his age. But what about the rest of us?

Steven Kotler has been studying human performance for thirty years, and taught hundreds of thousands of people at all skill levels, age groups, and walks of life, how to achieve peak performance. Could his own advice work for him?

Gnar Country is the chronicle of his experience pushing his own aging body past preconceived limits. It's a book about goals and grit and progression. It's an antidote for weariness that is inspiring, practical, and, often hilarious. It is about growing old and staying rad. It's a feverish reading experience that makes you put down the book, get out there, and move. Whether hurtling down a mountain side, running your first 10K race, or taking your career to new heights, Kotler challenges us to test ourselves, surpass our limits, and achieve our own impossible, whatever it might be. Part personal journey, part science experiment, part how-to guide, Kotler takes us on his punk rock, high-velocity joy-ride for a better life in spite-and often in defiance of-the perceived limitations of the aging human body.

Editorial Reviews

"Gnar Country is a tour-de-force! Startling discoveries about peak performance aging, deep insights into h?uman psychology, and a wonderfully written, laugh-out-loud, page-turning adventure story-only Steven Kotler could dream up and pull off a book this ambitious, smart, and useful!" - Peter Diamandis, founder of the XPRIZE, cofounder of Singularity University, and New York Times bestselling author

"There are so many who write, but don't do. Not Steven Kotler-he is the antithesis of an "armchair expert," a man who always lives what he writes, and in the case of Gnar Country, writes what he lives. In this refreshingly raw narrative, Kotler personally proves that aging is actually a gateway to exploring new levels of our performance potential-and shows us how to do it. Gnar Country gets you excited to grow older!" - Rich Diviney, retired Navy SEAL commander and bestselling author of The Attributes: 25 Hidden Drivers of Optimal Performance

"This book is a trail map for anyone who's driven to be better at anything. I laughed, winced, and flowed right along with Kotler on his audacious quest to perform at his absolute best at an age when decline seems to be the accepted norm. Screw what people say you can or can't do past 50...This joyride of a story leaves you with just enough science-backed practical tools to take you where no one believes you can go. If he can shatter his own belief of what's possible, so can you." - Rebecca Rusch, 7x world champion ultra-endurance athlete and author of Rusch to Glory

"At an age when many adults have already checked into the sofa ride, Steven Kotler went back to school-the old school, the hard knocks school. His innate curiosity, combined with decades of sensitivity and self-awareness drew meaningful lessons from difficult and dangerous situations. Age-associated physical and psychological decline appears inevitable, but Steven demonstrates a different Way, and encourages us all to hold ‘em, not fold ‘em. After all, there will be nothing worse than knowing you could have but didn't, that now you can't and you're still alive to wish you had." - Mark Twight, alpinist, author, podcast host, and physical trainer (300

Readers Top Reviews

Paul J. ZakNichol
Kotler is the master of flow states and maximizing human performance. So, what about older person (like Kotler) do to gain mastery? Push the limit, get hurt sometimes, get a trainer, recovery, and have a ball doing it. It is, as he says, a "what not to do book". Also, HILARIOUS.
JoshuaPaul J. Zak
I’ve seen enough people in my life deteriorate to be concerned about what “growing old” will be like. This book flips the script. Without hype, without promising miracles, without pretending like aging doesn’t happen - Kotler shows us how it’s possible for us to age in a way that makes the latter years the best years. Prior to reading this, saying something like that seemed impossible. I’m glad to be proven wrong.
Charlie F.Charlie
Gnar Country is proof there are still great writers, researchers, and journalists in the world. Kotler is all three. Heading towards 50 you start to really analyze the next chapter. The recounting of his journey towards aging is told with humor, rawness, and laced with research. This is a game-changer.
CareyCharlie F.Ch
Steven Kotler got me again in another in-depth guide on how to perform like a superhuman. But this time hilarious AND educational through the lens of his experimentation 😅. The book is chock full of applicable advice and inspiring stories on how you can continue to learn, thrive, and build in your older years. Would recommend to young and old alike.
Kelsey WymanKelse
This book was surprising in the best way possible. At first glance it seems to be about skiing... but it's much more than that. Kotler guides you through a suite of peak performance aging lessons all through his personal stories. The research mentioned is SO interesting and I definitely went down several rabbit holes guided by references in the 'Notes' section.

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