Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Irish) (Irish Edition) - book cover
Science Fiction & Fantasy
  • Publisher : Bloomsbury Children's Books; UK ed. edition
  • Published : 29 Jan 2015
  • Pages : 272
  • ISBN-10 : 1408866196
  • ISBN-13 : 9781408866191
  • Language : Irish

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Irish) (Irish Edition)

Bhí cónaí ar mhuintir Dursley in uimhir a ceathair Privet Drive …'

The first words of J.K. Rowling's timeless classic are familiar to readers the world over as 'Mr and Mrs Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive ...' Learners and lovers of the Irish language will delight in Máire Nic Mhaoláin's sparkling Irish language translation of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, which perfectly captures the wit and invention of the original, now reissued with stunning new cover art from Jonny Duddle.

Editorial Reviews

"The next generation of Gaelscoil students will be fortunate enough to get to know Harry in their own language … The English-language classic has been transformed into an Irish-language classic" ―Irish Times

Readers Top Reviews

ShaneColm McConnellA
I got this to work on learning Irish. I honestly have barely scratched it, because it is at a higher level of Irish than what I know, but it helps to read a story that I already know, so I can compare their usage of Irish with my understanding of what it should say in English. I intend at some point to go through it with references in hand, until I can read it without aid.
Andrew Farrell
learning Irish and this is great, please anyone and everyone who finds the rest of the series in Irish, please let me know!
S. Blackmon
Yay! It's finally here! How can I review the plot of this book when everyone already knows it so well? This is the magical book in the series where JK Rowling introduces the wizarding world and all the vocabulary that goes with it (Muggles, Quidditch, Owl Post...). It's a treat to be able to read it in Irish, now. If you are still in the learning stages of your Irish, or are only three quarters of the way through Learning Irish by Michael O'Siadhail, try this: read the Irish version of Harry Potter and have the English version right beside you. It's easier than trying to reverse-conjugate so you can look up the root in the dictionary. The only catch is you probably should have the ENGLISH version and not the American, since there are some differences, but those are only in word choice. I'm using the American version, myself. This is a great tribute to a language that twirls out of your mouth and sings in the air. I'm thrilled this book is out now. If you don't know any Irish at all, here's an idea or two for you. Either get this book to motivate you to learn the language, or get this book to show your support for the dying languages of the world.
La La in the Library
I bought this for my translated Harry Potter book collection, and it arrived in perfect condition.