Home Body - book cover
  • Publisher : Andrews McMeel Publishing; First Paperback Edition
  • Published : 17 Nov 2020
  • Pages : 192
  • ISBN-10 : 1449486800
  • ISBN-13 : 9781449486808
  • Language : English

Home Body

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From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of milk and honey and the sun and her flowers comes her greatly anticipated third collection of poetry.

rupi kaur constantly embraces growth, and in home body, she walks readers through a reflective and intimate journey visiting the past, the present, and the potential of the self. home body is a collection of raw, honest conversations with oneself - reminding readers to fill up on love, acceptance, community, family, and embrace change. illustrated by the author, themes of nature and nurture, light and dark, rest here.

i dive into the well of my body
and end up in another world
everything i need
already exists in me
there's no need
to look anywhere else

- home

Readers Top Reviews

funki_munkiEleanor G
I have no words... I can never tire of reading Rupi Kaur’s poetry. It’s the perfect blend of motivating, uplifting and heartbreaking, sometimes only in one line. She makes me feel things and see things as I never before thought I could. Please never stop writing!
I love rupis previous works such as milk and honey and was aware that her poems do tend to be short and rather quote like. However this book was a bit of a bummer, I found a lot of the poems were simple phrases I've said my whole life. Poems as short as 3 words which to me is a complete waste of a page : wouldn't be as bad if they put 4 or 5 of them on one page. I also felt a lot of the poems were just reworded versions of others in the book.. However, I did enjoy the book. There are themes such as sexual assault which I think is an amazing thing to be talking about and showing women (and men) that you are not what has happened to you etc. But overall, would I recommend this? Over her other books, no.
Katiesandra serraFai
I loved her other books and have read them many times so I bought this novel excited for another deep dive into her poetry. This book did not give me any of the feelings I felt reading the other books. There were a few good poems but most of the Poetry was preachy and unrelatable. Some poetry was a single sentence on her political beliefs. Waste of paper for one sentence. The book talks about saving the planet while it is ironically a waste itself.
I’ll probably be the only one to say this but I feel as though maybe rupi Kaur felt a lot of pressure to write another book to appease her fans. This book seemed rushed and some things were a let down. And after reading that rupi writes about issues women face but some that she may not have personally experienced takes away from us that have gone through those things . Like how can you write about a pain we went through with just one or two sentences . I’m very saddened by this.
Lisa Van Ahn
She might not be for everyone. And she doesn't claim or try to be. I love that. And for me, she speaks into my heart, the very depths of me. With every turn of the page I fall deeper in love with her words, and how she expresses the silent, still, parts that live inside all of us, true to the feminine experience. I can't recommend this book more than saying I received it today, read the entire thing, and will continue to read it over and over. I will not loan it out (something I do with ALL books), instead I will buy it for all my women, and favorite men who can receive her words with an open heart. Again, she might not be for everyone. But she IS actually for everyone. If you're there. You're there. Until then, move on. When you're ready, come back, to the alchemy of these words into golden nuggets of life wisdoms. You'll know when it's your time. When you're willing to hear that you are enough.