Katharine Parr, The Sixth Wife: A Novel (Six Tudor Queens) - book cover
  • Publisher : Ballantine Books
  • Published : 10 May 2022
  • Pages : 560
  • ISBN-10 : 1101966653
  • ISBN-13 : 9781101966655
  • Language : English

Katharine Parr, The Sixth Wife: A Novel (Six Tudor Queens)

Bestselling author and acclaimed historian Alison Weir brings her Tudor Queens series to a close with the remarkable story of Henry VIII's sixth and final wife, who manages to survive him and remarry, only to be thrown into a romantic intrigue that threatens the very throne of England.

"A superb read and a remarkable end to a brilliant series."-Historical Novel Society

Having sent his much-beloved but deceitful young wife Katheryn Howard to her beheading, King Henry fixes his lonely eyes on a more mature woman, thirty-year-old, twice-widowed Katharine Parr. She, however, is in love with Sir Thomas Seymour, brother to the late Queen Jane. Aware of his rival, Henry sends him abroad, leaving Katharine no choice but to become Henry's sixth queen in 1543. The king is no longer in any condition to father a child, but Katharine is content to mother his three children, Mary, Elizabeth, and the longed-for male heir, Edward.

Four years into the marriage, Henry dies, leaving England's throne to nine-year-old Edward-a puppet in the hands of ruthlessly ambitious royal courtiers-and Katharine's life takes a more complicated turn. Thrilled at this renewed opportunity to wed her first love, Katharine doesn't realize that Sir Thomas now sees her as a mere stepping stone to the throne, his eye actually set on bedding and wedding fourteen-year-old Elizabeth. The princess is innocently flattered by his attentions, allowing him into her bedroom, to the shock of her household. The result is a tangled tale of love and a struggle for power, bringing to a close the dramatic and violent reign of Henry VIII.

Editorial Reviews

"Like its predecessors, this is a detailed and convincing portrait of an extraordinary life. Taken as a whole, this series is a serious achievement."-The Times

"Weir delivers engaging historical characters, filling the white spaces of their lives with believable interests, convincing motivation, and realistic daily routines. . . . The conversations are sparkling, gripping and word-perfect. . . . This masterly novel seamlessly blends history into the story's fabric. A superb read and a remarkable end to a brilliant series."-Historical Novel Society

"This brilliant series has brought Henry VIII's six wives to life as never before. This novel will enthrall and inspire, just as much as it will break your heart"-Tracy Borman, author of The Private Lives of the Tudors

"Katharine Parr deserves better than to be known just as Henry VIII's sixth wife-the one who survived. And there's no one better placed than Alison Weir to restore her to her rightful place"-Sarah Gristwood, author of Game of Queens

"For the first time I felt as though, thanks to Alison's skillful writing and storytelling, I came to ‘know' Katharine"-Nicola Tallis, author of Uncrowned Queen

"A tour de force . . . If you think you know everything about Henry VIII's last queen, you're in for a wonderful treat-you don't!"-Susan Ronald, author of The Pirate Queen

"An absorbing and fascinating read, meticulously researched as is always the case with Alison's work, and she really made Katharine live"-Sarah Rayne, author of A Dark Diving

"Engaging and deeply researched . . . Weir brings her expertise of the Tudor era to bear with rich detail and historical perspective on politics and religion, and the many intelligent conversations between Katherine and Henry VIII add to the charm. With a mercurial, captivating king as hook, Weir serves up a sharp and lucid blend of grim fact and stylish fiction."-Publishers Weekly

Readers Top Reviews

Andy161Bev.T.susan o
A widow twice over, Katharine Parr finds herself in love with one man but marrying another: Henry VIII. For Katharine, this is the will of God but does come with danger. Katharine is of the Protestant persuasion. With two wives set aside and another two executed, will she survive? We know she does, but Weir shows us how Katharine Parr: The Sixth Wife is the final instalment in her Six Queens series. One of the pleasures of this series has been seeing the Queen's lives before their marriage. With Katharine, this is particularly fascinating as she was widowed twice before becoming Queen and remarried after Henry's death. There is a large cast, and Katharine's interactions with her family, friends and stepdaughters are all a highlight. The parts detailing Katharine's first two marriages were fascinating. Her first marriage's unhappiness is a good contrast to her second, where we witness her growing interest in religion and the reformation and independence. Her experience during the Pilgrimage of Grace is well-used and must have been harrowing. Katharine became Queen at a volatile time. Her mercurial husband, whom she does come to love, is surrounded by vying factions that almost unseat her. Desperate for a child, she takes active steps to build a family, and we see a lot of Mary and Elizabeth. Weir helps explain the complex myriad of religious beliefs and the Henrician Court and Europe. The scenes are detailed and believable and really do “bring history to life.” Katharine emerges as a robust and well-developed character, and as the end of the series, it is thus quite sad but satisfying. I thoroughly enjoyed this final instalment and would recommend it highly. I am grateful to both NetGalley and Headline for the eARC.
Two husbands dead, a boy and a sick man. And now Katharine is free to make her own choice. The ageing King’s eye falls upon her. She cannot refuse him or betray that she wanted another. She becomes the sixth wife – a queen and a friend. Henry loves and trusts her. But Katharine is hiding another secret in her heart, a deeply held faith that could see her burn. Here we have it then, the final book in Weir’s exquisite ‘Six Tudor Queens’ series. We all knew it was coming but that does not mean it is any easier to bid the series farewell. It is one of my favourite series and takes pride of place on my shelves, not least because they are such beautiful books! This is the story of Katharine Parr, the wife who survived. I was eagerly anticipating getting stuck into this and I did eventually but it took me a little longer than I expected. I cannot specify why but there is something about this that did not quite gel and the flow of the book did not seem natural. That is my only negative in this otherwise wonderful read and I did get used to the style. Weir really does capture the Tudor period splendidly. The atmosphere and people are brought vividly to life and I just loved immersing myself in the Tudor world. With historical fiction it is always great to read the dialogue and see how authors interpret they might have spoken, with this instalment in particular, it felt like an insight into the hearts and minds of the people Weir writes about. We all know the story of Katharine Parr but Weir adds a touch of fiction to her life story and brings it to life. I loved reading about Katharine and those around her. We all know the ending and yet I still felt nervous about what would happen next and what the outcome would be, a sign of a great historical novel in my eyes. ‘Katharine Parr’ brings us the last in this stunning historical fiction series. Whilst this was not my favourite of the series, it is still a really enjoyable read and one that is exceptionally crafted. I would expect nothing less from Weir. Thank you to NetGalley and Headline for an advance copy.
PetuniaMathew WMathe
I like Alison Weir and have enjoyed this Six Tudor Wives Series for the most part, but was disappointed with this installment. Katherine Parr and Anne of Cleves are my favorite of KHVIII’s six wives. Both were clever and showed great class and wisdom in handling that tyrant. But I much preferred Philippa Gregory’s book on Katherine Parr. This book by Weir was almost twice as long as it should have been, and made Katherine look like a passive-aggressive and manipulative woman with an over-inflated opinion of herself. I have a hard time believing she was so set on being Regent for little King Edward after KH passed. She didn't stand a chance against the Seymours. It makes me sad that such an intelligent woman threw all caution to the wind when it came to the charming but pervy Thomas Seymour, and then made excuses for his outrageous behavior towards a young Elizabeth. I wish we knew what happened to baby Mary Seymour. There’s a really obvious editing error that should have been caught before publishing on page 276 regarding “a palatial manner” (manor).
The last of a series of books, extremely well written and probably the best of all the Tudor queens, Katharine Parr, The Sixth Wife is a fascinating look into her life. This is an in depth story of her balancing act between King Henry's withdrawal from being a Catholic but not being a Protestant. She herself favored being a Protestant and felt all people had the right to read the Bible which the king did not. This book by Alison Weir, begins with her early life and delves into all her marriages. Her first marriage to Edward Burgh, heir of Gainsborough, a young, albeit gay man who does his best to deny his attraction for men to deliver a male heir. This was not to be however and he dies at an early age. Katharine then marries a much older man, whom she dearly loves, Lord John Latimer. He has an older daughter and son from a prior marriage and thinks nothing of the fact that Katherine cannot seem to bear him any children. They have a good marriage but this to ends when John sadly dies but not before King Henry meets Katherine after he has had Katherine Howard's life ended so tragically. She has also met Thomas Seymour during this time and has agreed to marry him when her year of mourning ends but King Henry steps in much to her horror. She and Tom are very attracted to each other as she has never been attracted to another before-she knows how the young Katherine Howard died and is fearful. Weir writes as if she were there watching the marriage between Parr and King Henry and witnesses how this fearful woman begins to love the king who relies on her gentleness and her determination to bring his family together. Parr befriends the Princesses Mary, Elizabeth and Prince Edward seeing them as deeply wounded children and is determined to bring the princesses back into the line of succession. Only after the King's death, is Parr able to marry Tom Seymour. Thomas however, sees her as a way to power and more riches. Finally she is able to bear a child...
cat lover
I pre ordered this book as soon as its release was announced, as I enjoyed others from this series. This is not the first book about Katharine Parr that I've read. I'm quite familiar with the Tudor historical fiction. Previously, I read the following about Katharine Parr: The Secret Keeper: A Novel of Kateryn Parr (Ladies in Waiting Book 2) by Sandra Byrd The Taming of the Queen (The Plantagenet and Tudor Novels) by Philippa Gregory Both were very interesting and informative, but only this book by Alison Weir gave me an insight into Katharine's early life. Her childhood, first and second marriages, the relations within her family. As little is known of her prior to her illustrious marriage to Henry VIII, most books usually deal with her life after she married him. In this book, Weir made the effort to understand Katharine as a unique person and not just a companion to Henry VIII. Katharine was also a stepmother to Elizabeth I who went on to become IMO the greatest monarch England has ever had. With her great learning and strong character Katharine was one of a very special circle of unique people who inspired young Elizabeth to achieve greatness. For those who are interested in Elizabeth's younger years I recommend The Lady Elizabeth: A Novel (Elizabeth I) by Alison Weir.

Short Excerpt Teaser

Chapter 1


Katharine was five when death cast its black shadow over her life. It was a terrible time of fear and grief when the dread plague known as the sweating sickness ravaged London. She squeezed herself into a corner as the house at Blackfriars was boarded up against the pestilence, and shrank at the tolling of the bells of the city's churches and the smell of the herbal medicines made by Mother just in case anyone in the household was struck down. Young as she was, she understood the gravity of the situation. Set to her easy tasks in the still room, she had heard the adults talking in the kitchen beyond, heard them speak of the speed with which the sweat could kill, of people just dropping dead in the street without warning. She learned that even the King had fled from London. She knew, as well as anyone else, the signs of the disease, watched herself in case she felt shivery, or dizzy, or thirsty, or developed a headache and other pains. She knew too that, if she lived for a whole day and night with the sweat, she would recover. That would be her only hope.

She was utterly thankful that Mother had returned from serving the Queen. In her calm, reassuring presence, things did not seem as frightening. Mother had taught Katharine and her four-­year-­old brother William a special prayer: "Lighten mine eyes, O Lord, lest I sleep the sleep of death." Each day, they had to confess their little sins to Dr. Melton, the chaplain, so that they might always be in a state of grace, ready to meet their Maker. Two-­year-­old Anne was too young to say meaningful prayers, but Mother made up for that, praying over her youngest every evening as she held her to her swollen belly. Katharine knew there would be another baby brother or sister soon. She was hoping that the horrible sweating sickness would be gone before the child arrived-­and that it would be a girl. But the plague raged on, even into November, which was when Father fell ill of the sweat.

Banned from the sickroom for fear of infection, Katharine watched her mother bustling in and out with bowls of steaming water and towels. She watched the front door being unboarded to admit the physician and, two days later, her father's lawyer, both of them with clove-­scented linen bound around the lower part of their faces. She was aware of a hush descending on the house and the need to go about quietly.

The next day brought her beloved Uncle William, Father's younger brother, and Father Cuthbert Tunstall, as the children knew him. The priest was placid, wise, and gentle, with a clean-­shaven face and a crooked nose. He was not only their kinsman, but a great friend to them all and a very important man, for he served King Henry. Katharine adored him as much as she did Uncle William, who was rather portly and had twinkling eyes and a merry round face. Both men were very kind, assuring the children that Father was safe in God's hands and that God could be trusted to do what was right for him. It was a lesson Katharine would always remember. But she did not miss the tear in the eye of her rough-­mannered, soldierly uncle.

It was hard to accept that God knew best when, that evening, Mother, bravely stifling her sobs, told them that Father had died and gone to Heaven. The house was draped in black and everyone put on mourning clothes. When Katharine heard the great bell tolling at the nearby Blackfriars monastery, she knew it was for her father. Uncle William told her that it would toll thirty-­four times, one for every year of Sir Thomas Parr's life.

The children did not attend the burial in the chapel of St. Anne in the Blackfriars, which was where Father had wanted to be buried, next to their older brother, who had died at birth. They watched their mother, her fair hair hidden beneath a nun-­like headdress and black veil, walk out of the door, leaning heavily on Uncle William's arm. Little Will was crying, and Katharine was dangerously near tears herself, striving to come to terms with the fact that her father would never wake up and that she would never see him again. She wanted to remember him as he was when he was alive and well.

He had been clever and learned-­a great man at the court of King Henry. He had been close to the King, as Mother was close to the Queen, who was Katharine's godmother and took a special interest in her, even though Katharine had never met her. Both her parents had spent much time at court; Mother even had her own chambers there, and Katharine now wondered if she would return to her duties.

It did not matter to her that her father had been rich and important; it was the debonair man with laughter lines about his eyes whom she would reme...