Tom Clancy Chain of Command (A Jack Ryan Novel) - book cover
  • Publisher : Berkley
  • Published : 25 Oct 2022
  • Pages : 544
  • ISBN-10 : 0593188179
  • ISBN-13 : 9780593188170
  • Language : English

Tom Clancy Chain of Command (A Jack Ryan Novel)

The United States has stared down many threats with President Jack Ryan at the helm, but what if he's not there when we need him? That's the question facing a nation in the most shocking entry in Tom Clancy's #1 New York Times bestselling series.

A shadowy billionaire uses his fortune to further his corrupt ambitions. Along the way, he's toppled democratically elected governments and exacerbated divisions within stable nations. The competitors he's destroyed, the people he's hurt, they're all just marks on a ledger. Now, he's ready to implement his most ambitious plan of all. There's only one force standing in his way-President Jack Ryan.

How do you compel a man like Jack Ryan to bend? He's personally faced down everything from the Russian navy to cartel killers. It will take more than political headwinds or media disfavor to cause him to turn from his duty to the American people, but every man has an Achilles heel. Jack Ryan's is his family.

The answer is as simple as it is shocking. The billionaire has assembled an international team of the most ruthless mercenaries alive. Their mission-kidnap the First Lady.

Readers Top Reviews

Kindle Great rea
Another very Outstanding Book in the Jack Ryan Series of Books. It was very hard to put down, even when going to bed.
Mikio MiyakiKindl
“Chain Of Command” is about throwing a stone at us who are suffering the pandemic. Concerned about the quality and stable supply of generic drugs, the US government is considering revising the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law. On the other hand, the unscrupulous pharmaceutical companies, which have made huge fortunes so far, are launching all sorts of attacks to thwart the bill. The kidnapping of FLOTUS is positioned at the top of various attacks. Regardless of movements within the United States, the Campus members are initially pursuing a war criminal in Argentina. The Campus members, who were keenly aware of the shortage of personnel through their work in Argentina, began to consider increasing the number of actual combat units by two or three. And as things progress, the existence of a private military organization called “The Camarilla” becomes apparent. Everyone would expect a fierce battle between the Campus and the Camarilla, but this time it is a general public woman and a brave police officer who will lead them to collapse. Mark Cameron depicts the Camarilla making elaborate plans and repeated training in carrying out operation “Nightingale.” Ironically, it was the lack of exit strategies that led them to collapse. Mark Cameron keeps track of the situation like a sudden pass away of the Vice President, or mishap falling upon the family of the President. He gives detailed explanation how the administration will react or be forced to act in order to bring out fair decision from the President, which is very interesting and informative for non-American readers. The case was settled and all the intrigues were sanctioned. However, Gil, who is considered to be one of the members of the Camarilla, escaped from the pursuit. Will he reappear in the future episodes? In this episode, Ryan’s nemesis Chadwick fell to the Camarilla’s poisonous fangs. Chadwick became the target of an attack as a result of a temporary partnership with Ryan to pass the bill. It is worried about how she will appear in future stories, although she saved her life. Kelsey Callahan, who appears in Cameron’s past two works, appear three times. Moreover, this time she was assigned as a member of Ding and Dom’s investigation team. Can’t she be a candidate for a new member of the Campus. As a Japanese, I would like to support the progress between Yukiko Monzaki and Jack Jr., but I can understand the difficulty of romance that transcends nationality between spies. Despite the twists and turns, we are welcoming Chilly as a new member of the Campus. We look forward to his sprint in the coming episode.
Edward LawsonMiki
Tom Clancy would be proud, this was a great read! I cannot wait for the next thriller by this author.
SinereKy1Edward L
This is a another in a line of great Tom Clancy books which continue to amaze me and capture my mind. Keep it moving. On to the next one. Awesome!
Agree with most of the other positive reviews: Marc Cameron got this series back on track! Good balance of good storytelling and character development. Cameron did a good job building suspense and creating a must read, page-turner. It’s like reading an older Clancy novel, like Rainbow Six. Loved the ending!

Short Excerpt Teaser


Washington Air Route Traffic Control Center

Leesburg, Virginia

Time to decide: sixteen minutes.

Tim Goode grabbed the edge of the desk and pushed his padded chair away from the radar console, rolling it forward and back, bleeding off nervous energy while he took a scant moment to study the electronic blip moving northeast. At least once a day some clueless pilot flew their little Cessna or Piper or Beechcraft across the imaginary line that fenced the United States capital.

"Bewitched, ballsy, or bewildered?" Goode muttered under his breath, rolling his chair all the way forward again. A low growl rumbled in his chest.

Seriously, dude? All you gotta do is look at the chart . . .

Dozens of blips and corresponding transponder codes moved across his scope. It wasn't like this moron was the only aircraft he had to worry about at the moment.

Goode adjusted the mic on his headset-as if that would do any good-and tried the radio for the third time.

"Aircraft on a sixty-degree south of Nokesville, identify yourself on this frequency."

Nada. Nothing. NORDO.

Aircraft were not permitted within thirty nautical miles of the Washington Reagan Airport VOR-the SFRA, or Special Flight Rules Area-unless they met three specific criteria. They needed a flight plan. They had to be in communications with air traffic control. And their transponder had to squawk on the assigned frequency.

This inbound numbnuts was batting zero for three-and making a beeline for the capital at a hundred and twenty knots, covering two miles every minute.

Goode waved over his shoulder for a supervisor with his left hand. His right moved for the computer mouse on his desk, activating the red and green signaling lasers located around the SFRA. Aided by radar tracking, the intense beams were aimed directly at the offending aircraft, warning the pilot to make an immediate one-hundred-eighty-degree turn.

See it-flee it.

This guy continued inbound with no response, undeterred by the warning lights.

At this point, Goode reported this Track of Interest to the Air National Guard duty officer at the Eastern Air Defense Sector, or EADS, 390 miles to the north in Rome, New York. Her name was Lieutenant Mary Wong. Both were frequent fliers when it came to SFRA incursions, and the two had spoken many times before.

"Got another TOI for you," Goode said, getting down to business with the particulars. "Bullseye two-four-zero degrees for thirty-one nautical miles. Airspeed 120 knots."

Bullseye was the VOR at Reagan National Airport, the center of the restricted airspace circle.

Lieutenant Wong kept Goode on and notified her commander, who had a direct line to the United States Coast Guard Blackjack helicopter crews at Reagan and the F-16s with the 121st Fighter Squadron at Andrews. Both of these units were immediately placed on a heightened state of alert.

It cost the American taxpayer over fifty thousand dollars to scramble a single F-16, so no one took the action lightly-nor would they hesitate once certain trip wires were crossed.

"Who is this guy?" Lieutenant Wong said. "He's bullseye two-four-zero degrees for . . ." She paused, then spoke again. "Still NORDO?"

Goode tried the offending aircraft on the radio once more before answering Wong. "Correct," he said. "Either he's having radio problems or he's ignoring me altogether."

Wong was in deep conversation with her supervisor, ticking down the checklist of responses for an incursion into restricted airspace. Goode watched the green dot, expecting to see a Coastie MH-65 launch on his screen at any moment.

Time to decide: twelve minutes.

The inbound Track of Interest met the criteria for an immediate Operation Noble Eagle (ONE) conference call. Lieutenant Wong began by contacting 601st Air Operations Center at Tyndall Air Force Base-Continental U.S. NORAD Region (CONR) headquarters near Panama City, Florida, where Lieutenant General Rhett Farrer served as the CFACC, or Combined Forces Air Component Commander.

The commander of NORAD/NORTHCOM, four-star general Mike Hopkin, was enduring a root canal at a specialist off base in Colorado Springs at that moment, so his J-5, Major General Steven Armstrong (the joint director of policy and planning), stood in for him on the phone in the N2C2-NORAD/NORTHCOM Command Center. In this capacity, General Armstrong was armed with Civilian Aircraft Engagement Authority-a benign way of saying he'd been delegated the responsibility from the secretary of defense through General Hopkin to give the shootdown order so an F-16 Falcon could blow this little four-seater civilian airplane out of the

Neither Goode nor Lieutenant Wong spoke...