Preacher's Purge (Preacher/First Mountain Man) - book cover
Action & Adventure
  • Publisher : Pinnacle
  • Published : 27 Dec 2022
  • Pages : 368
  • ISBN-10 : 0786049863
  • ISBN-13 : 9780786049868
  • Language : English

Preacher's Purge (Preacher/First Mountain Man)

Legendary national bestselling Western authors William W. Johnstone and J.A. Johnstone return with the blazing new installment in their long-running series featuring Preacher, the First Mountain Man, a pioneering hero who embodies the Johnstone brand – and the American Frontier.

When greed overtakes men's souls, it falls to the righteous mountaineer known as Preacher to rain fire and brimstone upon them from the barrels of his guns . . .

Preacher has agreed to escort Barnaby Cooper through Dakota Territory's hills to establish a trading post. Accompanied by his friends Lorenzo and Tall Dog, the mountain man hopes they'll be able to protect Cooper from Sioux warriors who don't want any white man trespassing on their sacred grounds.
But the Sioux aren't the only hostiles staking their claim in the region. Englishman Albion Shaw knows there's gold in the hills. And with a band of cutthroat killers to do his bidding, Shaw has enough manpower and firepower to keep both trappers and tribes from settling on the land where he can build an empire.
But Shaw didn't reckon on crossing a man like Preacher. A man who not only knows what it takes to survive in the wilderness, but a man who will fight for freedom and justice to his very last breath-and his very last bullet . . .

Readers Top Reviews

Jacqui Murray
In Preacher's Purge (Pinnacle Books 2022), Book 28 of William Johnstone's Preacher/The First Mountain Man series, Preacher and his traveling companions, Tall Owl and Lorenzo, plan to spend a few days relaxing at a fort after a difficult job. As often happens, a friendly drink at the local saloon ends up in their being imprisoned for a fight they didn't start. Their get-out-of-jail-free card is that they lead a wagon train with engineers and Eastern businessmen intent on setting up a trading post in the middle of Sioux ceremonial lands. Preacher turns it down at first as a hopeless venture until he finds that a woman will be going along who will need protecting and another man has been lost and the group is hoping to find him. Preacher gathers a few hard men he knows he can count on and sets out, hoping the trip isn't as bad as he expects it to be. It is. Preacher stories are always interesting with big fights, impossible odds, angry Indians, and Preacher trying to balance who should die and who needs saving. His morals are unquestionable, his values commendable, but in the Wild West, what's right and moral doesn't always matter. It falls to Preacher to find fair solutions where none seem to exist. This is another great story I thoroughly enjoyed.
This is another book in the "Preacher" series by the Johnstone family. This one is a little different that some of the other Preacher stories. Here he, along with a couple of friends, take on the dubious task of guiding a group of Easterners deep into Sioux/Blackfeet country to establish a trading post. While this might ordinarily be OK the group lacks any real leadership and the overbearing wife of one of them creates untold issues, including wanting her husband to kill Preacher!! But being the man he is and once he has agreed, albeit reluctantly, to lead them, he does his best to keep them alive not only from the Native Americans who might not want them there to a group of British mercenaries that are looking for gold in what will become known as the Black Hills of SD. Preacher, along with his human companions as well as Horse and Dog are put to the test with mostly greenhorns to lead but with men who try to exert control. There is a lot of death and killing as one might expect in a Western novel set in this time in a wild area. Definitely recommend it, especially if you like reading about Preacher and his exploits. It reads rather quickly and is hard to put down once you start. The reader wants to know what issue is next!! I was provided a pre-publication copy by Net Galley for an honest review.