Last Stage to El Paso (A Red Ryan Western) - book cover
Action & Adventure
  • Publisher : Pinnacle
  • Published : 28 Dec 2021
  • Pages : 352
  • ISBN-10 : 0786048964
  • ISBN-13 : 9780786048960
  • Language : English

Last Stage to El Paso (A Red Ryan Western)

From legendary Western writers William W. Johnstone and J.A. Johnstone, the fifth high-speed, blood-soaked Red Ryan adventure takes you to the lawless frontier, when every stagecoach was a moving target, every passenger needed protection, and it took a brave man with a fast draw to ride shotgun. Guarding a foolhardy troupe of performers aboard the Grey Ghost stagecoach, Red Ryan's next-and possibly last-trip is a Wild West-style road trip across 400 deadly miles...


Riding shotgun, Red Ryan leads a doomed stagecoach of the damned on the longest, deadliest journey of his life…


According to local legend, the stagecoach known as the Gray Ghost is either haunted, cursed, or just plain unlucky. Each of its last three drivers and three more riding shotgun came to a violent, bloody end. And now it's Red Ryan's turn to guard five foolhardy passengers on the stage's next-and possibly last-trip. The travelers are a small troupe of performers with dark histories of their own: a song-and-dance man with a drinking problem, a juggler with a secret, a knife thrower with a past, and a beautiful fan dancer who's on the run from a one-eyed, vengeance-seeking outlaw . . .
Red's not the superstitious type. But with Apaches on the warpath with bloodlust-and a one-eyed cutthroat killer on his trail-this 400 mile journey is like something straight out of his worst nightmare. And all the roads lead straight to hell…

Readers Top Reviews

Last Stage to El Paso is another entertaining western from William W. Johnstone and J.A. Johnstone. This one is in the Red Ryan series but Texas John Slaughter is also in it. This is not one of the best series but it have some fun elements and I must say I like the way that the author have different series with various professions in them. This way you can get a glimpse into various aspects of everyday life in the old west although fiction. This time Red and his driver is taking a haunted stagecoach to Houston and they are hunted by the mafia. There are some fun scenes in Houston in regards to new inventions and the old ways. I must thank @kensingtonbooks @netgalley #Pinnacle for giving me this advance copy and @williamw.j.a.johnstone for writing it. #NetGalley #Kensington #LastStageToElPaso #WilliamWJohnstone #JAJohnstone #Western #RedRyan
Red Ryan and Buttons Muldoon work for the Abe Patterson and Son Stage Company. Each trip brings more than these two men expect. The series kicks off with Riding Shotgun, followed by Backstabbers, Bullet For A Stranger and A Quiet Little Town. Each book has a self-contained tale and reading the books in order brings insight into character development and background. Either way, the adventures these two stagecoach men get into make reading them pure fun and thrilling! In the newest installment, the two are tasked with driving a stagecoach that is grey in color and thought to bring bad luck. Ryan and Buttons are to take a troupe to Houston so they can showcase their act and perhaps sell something that one of the passengers has stolen from the Sicilian mafia. Assassins are on the trail of the stagecoach to take back what was stolen and bring the woman who took it back to the boss. Miss Erica Hall not only wants to show case her fan dance to a powerful man in Houston, but she also wants him to protect her from the assassins and maybe help sell the purloined merchandise. The stage sets off on the frontier with Buttons handling the reins and Red riding shotgun. The climax isn’t just the known folks after the stage and Miss Hall, it’s the unknown threats that always want to stop a stage! If these two men from the frontier arrive in Houston, Ryan and Buttons may find themselves embroiled in more than they thought. I recommend the series simply to enjoy the interaction of Buttons Muldoon and Red Ryan with a host of various characters who ride the stagecoach. It is a western that has the flair of the Old West, along with mystery, suspense and laughs. Red Ryan and Buttons Muldoon are Irishmen who don’t take anything from anyone and are tough as nails. I hope there are more novels with them coming from the pen of Johnstone!