Leopard's Scar (A Leopard Novel) - book cover
Women's Fiction
  • Publisher : Berkley
  • Published : 29 Nov 2022
  • Pages : 432
  • ISBN-10 : 0593439198
  • ISBN-13 : 9780593439197
  • Language : English

Leopard's Scar (A Leopard Novel)

Animal attraction takes over in this exhilarating Leopard novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Christine Feehan.

The moment Meiling sees Gedeon she knows he's a leopard shifter-just as she knows she can't trust him. Meiling doesn't take chances, life has taught her better than that. So why does she find herself rescuing this deadly, gorgeous man, when she knows she'd be better off leaving him to die?

Gedeon is used to women throwing themselves at him, not throwing his injured body over their beautiful, deceptively strong shoulders and carrying him to safety. He might be embarrassed, if he wasn't so aroused by the very thought of this feisty lotus blossom.

As they strike up a working relationship that suits them both, Gedeon starts to rely on Meiling for just about everything. But when her hidden nature rises to the surface, the connection that links them shifts into an all-consuming desire. And neither will escape unmarked. . . .

Readers Top Reviews

Kindle Kindle M
I have enjoyed this latest instalment of this series Pleased to say the author has done away with the 50℅ of mindless sex scenes to pad out the length of her books in recent years. I loved the 2 main characters and thought they were perfect for each other flaws & all. Good storyline with attention to detail so I could picture what I was reading in my head But! There was such a lot of repetition, so much so that I ended up rolling my eyes and skipping pages after being given the same information 4 or 5 times but I suppose it's a small niggle given that Ms Feehan has greatly improved her books in this readers humble opinion in the last couple of years after seeming to get somewhat lost for a while I have read every book this author has written & I enjoy them very much. My advice as always is to start with the first book in this series as they follow on from each other and follow a timeline so your enjoyment of this latest book will be greatly enhanced Enjoy 😉
Mary HeronKindle
Gedeon is a new character to the series as is Meiling. They are both leopards but solitary not part of a lair, living alone trusting no one. Gedeon is a fixed her goes anywhere and does whatever is needed to fulfil his clients requests................... Provided he agrees with what they want done, he has his own moral standards and will not compromise them and if he finds his clients have received him or played him false he has no problem disposing of them. Meiling is also a fixed but she works underground mainly helping rescue people from dangerous and deadly situations. The two run across each other while they are both working separate jobs but she to circumstances end up working together to escape a dangerous situation. Gedeon immediately feels a connection to Meiling he recognises her as a leopard female ........... Even though her leopard has not risen yet. Having never expected to ever meet the female that he senses is his mate Gedeon is determined to do whatever is necessary to keep Meiling in his life. He initially makes her his business partner, a move which allows him to keep her close and for her.to get to know him but pretty soon enemies from the past are circling and what they want is Meiling............ Dead.................. Another two compelling characters and we get to revisit several characters from previous books.
carolMary HeronKi
I am a life long fan of CF. This shifter book was a bit unusual in my opinion. Felt like she had written first part as a short story. Then went back after a bit and continued it. Even though I was not a fan of the characters I felt they were suited for each other. Personally I wished some of dark and violent parts were not as all or nothing. The ending discussion of next steps in life did not make sense. No way would he want his family in among snakes. Now I would understand logic of making him a clean up man,, and one setting security plans up. Or testing vulnerable access. On a personal note. I have lived in dark areas. 100% unrealistic that women, children would not be safe from abuse, if they were in among drug trafficking. When addicts hit bottom and need a fix, they will sell there body, soul for it. So there is no way "just xyz..." criminal would not be abusing them. Hopefully CF does some research by talking to master of actual criminal organization heads and how they operate it. Not neat and tidy in real life. Abuse happens on all levels of income, difference is lower income you go. Less space btw homes, and people you can hide behind to cover it up.
Maureen Gianinioc
Gedeon and Meiling are the perfect balance of individual strengths, intelligence, and vulnerabilities that bring them together but also drive the internal conflicts keeping them apart until the desire, revelations, and emotions they discover push them over the edge and they work to figure out how it all fits together. Love this journey with all its twists! All balanced with External conflicts that also keep the pages turning in suspense, fed by the world they belong to, the partnership they form, those they help and hunt. We learn more about them and leopard lore as they connect with other favorite leopards and danger closes in. Those who hunt her, despise her existence and how she could threaten their power target her through others. This powerful duo becomes determined to remove the threats to her and others permanently. The hunters become the hunted! Love karma being delivered leopard style! An exciting adventure with one of my favorite couples to date, I throughly enjoyed getting to know Gedeon and Meiling. A story of romance, humor, action, emotion on all scales, discovery and growth as individuals and a couple as they weave themselves into the threads of the series. Great story and I can't wait to see what comes next!
AdaiahMaureen Gia
Meiling Chang has moved from place to place knowing she's being hunted but not understanding the reason why. Meiling promised to meet her cousin Libby in Columbia, but when she arrives, she realizes her cousin's been kidnapped by sex traffickers. Finding her cousin dead, she realizes that there are other women being held captive in a jungle camp. Meiling's faster, and stronger than most Leopards but can she defeat 10 men with weapons? Gedeon Voslov arrives to pick up money for his employee not realizing what he walked into. Enraged he shifts and kills the men in the camp, but not before they kill all the women. Gedeon is injured when a bomb explodes. What follows is Meiling rescuing Gedeon and getting them both out of the country and to New Orleans to Gedeon's home. As Gedeon heals they get to know each other and Gedeon offers Meiling a job, and partnership as investigator, retriever, and sometimes as rescuer. Their friendship grows as well as their love. But they both are so damaged from lack of love and all types of abuse, it's difficult for them to communicate and understand each other. Mistakes, and bad decisions are made, but this opens the way for them both to become open, vulnerable to each other and they both grow from it, and truly become a mated pair as well as partners. Meiling is still being hunted but the hunted become the hunter as with her mate they go after the Dragon Throne Clan who want her killed because of what they know about her and lineage.

Short Excerpt Teaser


Meiling Chang stared in horror at the dead bodies in the open grave, dumped as if they were so much garbage. Five women. One was her cousin, her last relative on earth. She'd been too late tracking her. By how long? By the look of her, Libby had endured far too much before her life had been ended.

Meiling crouched at the edge of the mass grave, ignoring the black swarms of flies, beetles and maggots that fed in abundance on the bodies. Ants teemed over them. Overhead, large birds circled, some already sitting in the trees, beady eyes staring at the bodies, all too ready to pick them clean. The jungle was prepared to take care of business.

She wanted to scream in outrage until her vocal cords were shredded. Inside, where no one would ever hear or know, that was exactly what she did. She remained silent and small, huddled there in the shadows where it would take extraordinary vision for anyone to see her.

Her fists clenched helplessly on her thighs. She didn't move them, even when she wanted to pound them. Feel pain. Make it real. Drive the pain deep and brand it forever in her bones the way it was in her heart and soul. She didn't dare move. She was surrounded by the enemy. There were thirty of them and one of her.

She was so silly. Stupid. Just say it. She was a misfit. She didn't belong. Not anywhere. She had heard it from birth, and this proved it. She should be in that grave, not Libby, not her beautiful cousin. Libby was a golden swan. Tall and elegant. She moved like a summer breeze. Her hair was a golden waterfall of sleek silk. She could talk to anyone and charm them instantly. How could her life end by being thrown into a pit in the middle of the jungle? It made no sense. None of this made any sense. Why hadn't Libby listened to her just one time?

Grief stabbed at her. Along with it came the deep-down need for vengeance. She burned with terrible emotion. No matter how hard she tried to push it away, grief stabbed at her like ice picks, demanding retaliation. She had one pistol. She wasn't certain the damn thing actually worked. Thirty against one. She didn't even have thirty bullets.

She couldn't just go away and leave the other women in those dirty little huts she'd discovered, not now that she knew what was happening to them. But what could she do? She waited, trying not to breathe in the smell of rotting flesh and decay until the men patrolling around the third hut went away. When they did, she eased back into the foliage. Giant green leaves resembling elephant ears covered her body. She crawled through the thick stems, wincing as the prickly stalks stuck in her skin.

The huts were a good distance from one another. The youngest girls were kept in filthy conditions in a makeshift, nearly see-through hovel that appeared to have been hastily thrown up at the last minute to shelter them. It was mostly made up of leftover boards from the other two cabins built for the young women. One held four women. They appeared to be in their early twenties. The second cabin, the one Libby had most likely occupied, held five women or girls in it. All were chained to beds and appeared to be drugged. They were anywhere from twenty to sixteen years old.

The huts were each about a mile apart, most likely so the women knew nothing about the others. They were always kept isolated, drugged and chained. There was no hope of escape from their dreadful situation. Most of them accepted their fate. A few, like Libby, fought it and eventually died or were killed by the men who had taken them. They were a ragged lot, and no one knew where they were. The moment someone came looking, either they were moved, or they were killed and buried in a mass grave no one would find. Either way, those making their money off them would never be caught or punished.

Meiling had seen it happen so many times. In her land, in her neighboring land, the power had always shifted to the corrupt males, those willing to commit violence in order to get their way. She moved to a vantage point above the first hut, where the twenty-year-old women were kept. If she could somehow manage to free them first and enlist their aid, she might have a chance to free the youngest ones in the third hut before tackling the teens.

She wiped the beads of sweat from her face. The sweat was trickling down her throat into the valley between her breasts, which was quite a feat since she was extremely slender. She wanted to laugh, but she knew that was hysteria and she refused to give in to it. The heat, the insects and losing Libby had created a kind of surreal effect she was trying to stave off.

It took her a good half hour to work up th...