Maybe Someday (1) - book cover
  • Publisher : Atria Books
  • Published : 18 Mar 2014
  • Pages : 384
  • ISBN-10 : 1476753164
  • ISBN-13 : 9781476753164
  • Language : English

Maybe Someday (1)

From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of It Ends with Us comes a passionate tale of friendship, betrayal, and romance.

At twenty-two years old, Sydney is enjoying a great life: She's in college, working a steady job, in love with her wonderful boyfriend, Hunter, and rooming with her best friend, Tori. But everything changes when she discovers that Hunter is cheating on her-and she's forced to decide what her next move should be.

Soon, Sydney finds herself captivated by her mysterious and attractive neighbor, Ridge. She can't take her eyes off him or stop listening to the passionate way he plays his guitar every evening out on his balcony. And there's something about Sydney that Ridge can't ignore, either. They soon find themselves needing each other in more ways than one.

Editorial Reviews

"I've read everything Colleen Hoover has ever written, and each new book becomes my instant favorite. Her pacing is perfect and her characters leap off the page. I devour her words like candy." -- Tracey Garvis Graves ― New York Times bestselling author of On the Island and Covet

"Hoover is one of the freshest voices in new-adult fiction, and [Maybe Someday] resonates with true emotion, unforgettable characters and just the right amount of sexual tension." -- Kirkus

"How can I even begin to discuss a book that has shot to the top of my list of favorite books ever…another magical, perfect story that will grab your heartstrings and will not let go until the very end…Maybe Someday is SO much more than just a book…[it] is an unforgettable reading and listening experience." -- The Book Bellas, blog review

"Colleen has really taken this book to a whole new level. It's also fair to say… BEST COLLEEN HOOVER BOOK!!!" -- Emily-Jane's Book Corner, blog review

"Maybe Someday couldn't have been any more agonizing , beautiful, and INSPIRING! It was pure perfection. Every time I read a book by Colleen, her words and characters steal a little piece of my heart. But with Maybe Someday, I think a part of my soul was taken as well." -- Bookworm Betties, blog review

"I actually went and pre-ordered the audio book as soon as I finished reading, because to hear two narrators tell me the story and sing the songs for me will make the experience even better!" -- Unconventional Book Views, blog review

"The whole experience-the words, the music-spoke to me in ways that no other book has." -- Schmexy Girl Book Blog, blog review

"Maybe Someday is new adult gold, destined to become a classic in the genre." -- Addicted 2 Heroines, blog review

"Every now and then a book comes along that just leaves me breathless. " -- USA TODAY, Happy Ever After, blog review

"If one can be in love with a book then Maybe Someday has done that for me. I fell head over heels in love with this novel and I know who ever else reads it will be just as affected as I was." -- Once Upon a Twilight, blog review

"Ms. Hoover never fails to impress me with the beauty of her stories. Maybe Someday is special, and has been added to my favorites list!" -- A Bookish Escape, blog review

"There are not enough stars in the sky to even rate Maybe Someday appropriately, but I hope my review gives this novel the justice and acknowledgement that it deserves...most importantly, I hope after reading this review you will decide to purchase the novel. I...

Readers Top Reviews

Siobhan Davis
Is there a cure for a Colleen Hoover addiction because I think I have one. Lol. Stayed up until 5.38am reading this. Yes, 5.38am. I can't put her books down - they are utterly unputdownable. And man, how does she pack so much emotion into her words? This book damn near ripped my heart right out of my chest. I felt the pain and heartache. Loved Ridge even though what he was doing wasn't right to either girl, but it was such a complicated situation. I love how this book explored the concept of being in love with two different people at the same time. It was messy and raw and it hurt like hell. Loved all the witty banter, Colleen writes amazing dialogue. Another winner for my library. Now, let me see, which CH book will I read next? This quote, which is one of my favorites from the book, pretty much sums up the dilemma at the heart of this story: "Desire is easy to fight. Especially when the only weapon desire possesses is attraction. It's not so easy when you're trying to win a war against the heart."
SinéadSiobhan Dav
So I was a Colleen Hoover virgin until I read this story. I came across her on Facebook of all places and liked her page, I found myself laughing at every post. And I thought. I need to read this woman's work! I started with maybe someday because the reviews were outstanding. And I don't even think those reviews done this author or this book justice. This book was phenomenal. In every sense of the word. I (very stupidly) started reading this at 11:30 pm and decided to forgo sleep just to finish it. (My husband and kids LOVE me today ha.) I've never been so moved and so enamoured with a story before. I felt like crying when it ended. Seriously. Moved. Thank you so much for this wonderful story! I bought it on kindle but now I'm going to get it on paperback just to keep there with me always. I sound like a lunatic but seriously. This book was it.
Carolina Oliveira
I was so excited to start reading this book but it left me so distressed and frustrated. I can't believe how many 5 star reviews have been left on this book as I cannot understand why. I absolutely cannot stand love triangles but I can tolerate them sometimes when I feel like the characters have true chemistry/love. The main male character has a girlfriend, and the main female character has just been cheated on. THIS BOOK GLORIFIES CHEATING and right until the end of the book I was left feeling as though the female character was only chosen as a second choice because the guy's girlfriend left him. The only reason I'm giving this book 1 star is because I liked how this book was connected to songs, and because of the interactions between the two main characters via texts/Facebook due to one of them being deaf. Other than this, this book was so disappointing and I would never recommend this to young people as it highlights that things like cheating are okay.
Sianny bananyCaro
Sydney finds out that her boyfriend of two years has been cheating on her with her roommate. On her 22nd birthday nonetheless. Standing outside in the pouring rain with all her worldly possessions, her neighbour, Ridge, offers her a place to stay for the night. She reluctantly accepts as she has nowhere else to go. The next day she meets his other roommates, and it turns out that they actually have a spare room so she becomes their newest recruit. Ridge, although deaf, writes music for his brother’s band but has had writer’s block with the lyrics recently. And recently Sydney has been helping him. It just seems to come so naturally to her that Ridge knows he can’t let her go. Their friendship blossoms along with their mutual attraction and deeper feelings…but Ridge has a girlfriend. A girlfriend of five years that he loves intensely and is fiercely loyal to. So why won’t his heart listen and stop falling for Sydney? Well this was heart-wrenching! A slow burn with sooooo much build-up it felt like I might combust! It was heavy on the romance, tension, and chemistry. I think I felt every one of their emotions alongside them. Torn for Ridge with his heart split in two, heartbroken for Sydney, loving a man she couldn’t have. I think I actually held my breath each time she reminded herself how to breathe! Colleen Hoover, you are an evil woman for making me cry.
Sandy FarmerSiann
You guys I’m not even sure this review is going to make any sense, but I’m going to try to sort through my thoughts. First off, let me say that out of all of Colleen Hoover’s books, Maybe Someday is the one I was most excited for and most looking forward to getting. Music was such a big influence in my own developing relationship with my husband even before we started dating and leading all the way up to our wedding. Because of this, the idea of reading a book that even kind of has a similar storyline—two people falling in love over music, being able to say through the lyrics of a song what they can’t bring themselves to say to each other’s faces—was something that I was ecstatic about. But I’ve also discussed a bit in the past about how my expectations can alter how I feel about a book. All of that being said, I think Maybe Someday needs a slightly different process for my review. I’m going to break this down. Cover: 4/5 – It’s not necessarily the most visually appealing book cover necessarily for me. By that I mean had I just been browsing books by cover and didn’t know anything about the synopsis or about Colleen Hoover, I’m not sure if I would stop on this one to check it out or not. However, this cover definitely covers the span of the book. The way Ridge’s hand covers Sydney's. The sheet music. And the kissing shown through the letters. It all spells out the key things you need to know. Originality of Overall Concept: 5/5 – While the idea of using song lyrics in a book is not completely original, the idea of having an all original soundtrack, with actual original songs performed and recorded…yeah that’s completely original. And to be honest it’s one of those “I wish I had thought of that” moments. Music: 4.5/5 – Reading the lyrics within the story made sense, but there was just something missing. Once I scanned my QR Code and listened to the song WHILE reading the lyrics it made so much more sense. The music behind the lyrics does so much to set the tone. I’m not 100% sure that I would seek out every one of these songs were they not connected to this story, but there are definitely several that need to be added to my regular play list. (Sidebar- Griffin Peterson…you need to get your music on Pandora. Thank you very much.) Characters: 4/5 – How I feel about the main characters, Sydney and Ridge, is so completely tied to how I feel about the story itself. So I’ll discuss that later. The side characters were fleshed out as most of Colleen Hoover’s side characters are. Warren was my favorite as I’m sure most people will agree. Bridgette, Tori, and Brenan didn’t make enough appearances for me to firmly establish much feeling about any of them. Hunter was a huge DB. And Maggie…well…I’m not really sure how I felt about her. Would I be surprise if Maggie gets her own book? Absolutely not. Would I read that book? I most cer...

Short Excerpt Teaser

Chapter 1 1. TWO WEEKS EARLIER Sydney
I slide open my balcony door and step outside, thankful that the sun has already dipped behind the building next door, cooling the air to what could pass as a perfect fall temperature. Almost on cue, the sound of his guitar floats across the courtyard as I take a seat and lean back into the patio lounger. I tell Tori I come out here to get homework done, because I don't want to admit that the guitar is the only reason I'm outside every night at eight, like clockwork.

For weeks now, the guy in the apartment across the courtyard has sat on his balcony and played for at least an hour. Every night, I sit outside and listen.

I've noticed a few other neighbors come out to their balconies when he's playing, but no one is as loyal as I am. I don't understand how someone could hear these songs and not crave them day after day. Then again, music has always been a passion of mine, so maybe I'm just a little more infatuated with his sound than other people are. I've played the piano for as long as I can remember, and although I've never shared it with anyone, I love writing music. I even switched my major to music education two years ago. My plan is to be an elementary music teacher, although if my father had his way, I'd still be prelaw.

"A life of mediocrity is a waste of a life," he said when I informed him that I was changing my major.

A life of mediocrity. I find that more amusing than insulting, since he seems to be the most dissatisfied person I've ever known. And he's a lawyer. Go figure.

One of the familiar songs ends and the guy with the guitar begins to play something he's never played before. I've grown accustomed to his unofficial playlist since he seems to practice the same songs in the same order night after night. However, I've never heard him play this particular song before. The way he's repeating the same chords makes me think he's creating the song right here on the spot. I like that I'm witnessing this, especially since after only a few chords, it's already my new favorite. All his songs sound like originals. I wonder if he performs them locally or if he just writes them for fun.

I lean forward in the chair, rest my arms on the edge of the balcony, and watch him. His balcony is directly across the courtyard, far enough away that I don't feel weird when I watch him but close enough that I make sure I'm never watching him when Hunter's around. I don't think Hunter would like the fact that I've developed a tiny crush on this guy's talent.

I can't deny it, though. Anyone who watches how passionately this guy plays would crush on his talent. The way he keeps his eyes closed the entire time, focusing intently on every stroke against every guitar string. I like it best when he sits cross-legged with the guitar upright between his legs. He pulls it against his chest and plays it like a stand-up bass, keeping his eyes closed the whole time. It's so mesmerizing to watch him that sometimes I catch myself holding my breath, and I don't even realize I'm doing it until I'm gasping for air.

It also doesn't help that he's cute. At least, he seems cute from here. His light brown hair is unruly and moves with him, falling across his forehead every time he looks down at his guitar. He's too far away to distinguish eye color or distinct features, but the details don't matter when coupled with the passion he has for his music. There's a confidence to him that I find compelling. I've always admired musicians who are able to tune out everyone and everything around them and pour all of their focus into their music. To be able to shut the world off and allow yourself to be completely swept away is something I've always wanted the confidence to do, but I just don't have it.

This guy has it. He's confident and talented. I've always been a sucker for musicians, but more in a fantasy way. They're a different breed. A breed that rarely makes for good boyfriends.

He glances at me as if he can hear my thoughts, and then a slow grin appears across his face. He never once pauses the song while he continues to watch me. The eye contact makes me blush, so I drop my arms and pull my notebook back onto my lap and look down at it. I hate that he just caught me staring so hard. Not that I was doing anything wrong; it just feels odd for him to know I was watching him. I glance up again, and he's still watching me, but he's not smiling anymore. The way he's staring causes my heart to speed up, so I look away and focus on my notebook.

Way to be a creeper, Sydney.

"There's my girl," a comforting voice says from behind me. I lean my head...