None Shall Sleep - book cover
Literature & Fiction
  • Publisher : Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
  • Published : 28 Sep 2021
  • Pages : 400
  • ISBN-10 : 0316497843
  • ISBN-13 : 9780316497848
  • Language : English

None Shall Sleep

The Silence of the Lambs meets Sadie in this riveting psychological thriller about two teenagers teaming up with the FBI to track down juvenile serial killers.

In 1982, two teenagers-serial killer survivor Emma Lewis and US Marshal candidate Travis Bell-are recruited by the FBI to interview convicted juvenile killers and provide insight and advice on cold cases. From the start, Emma and Travis develop a quick friendship, gaining information from juvenile murderers that even the FBI can't crack. But when the team is called in to give advice on an active case-a serial killer who exclusively hunts teenagers-things begin to unravel. Working against the clock, they must turn to one of the country's most notorious incarcerated murderers for help: teenage sociopath Simon Gutmunsson.

Despite Travis's objections, Emma becomes the conduit between Simon and the FBI team. But while Simon seems to be giving them the information they need to save lives, he's an expert manipulator playing a very long game...and he has his sights set on Emma.

Captivating, harrowing, and chilling, None Shall Sleep is an all-too-timely exploration of not only the monsters that live among us, but also the monsters that live inside us.

Editorial Reviews

Praise for None Shall Sleep:

"A YA Silence of the Lambs that blew me away with its daring premise, gripped me with its twists and turns, and kept me up all night until its stunning conclusion. Ellie Marney brings the serial killer thriller to YA with riveting suspense and sizzling style. Don't read this book in the dark!"―C.S. Pacat, USA Today bestselling author of Fence

"...The tightly plotted story moves inexorably forward with shocking twists. Vivid, chilling, and important."―Kirkus Reviews

"Marney (Circus of Arts) has created a thrilling cat-and-mouse story in this taut, Silence of the Lambs-like thriller.... Marney also skillfully creates engaging and complex characters as well as a budding romance that tenderly juxtaposes the overarching plot."―Publishers Weekly

Readers Top Reviews

Letícia BennatonC. A
Loved this book and the author itself! Amazing story with very well constructed characters. If you like Mindhunter you'll definitely love this one"
The young protagonists are drawn into a skilfully plotted serial killer drama. It is a bit gruesome but manageable in my not too scary world. Don’t be put off if you see it advertised as a YA novel - it is definitely also an older person’s thriller.
Kaleena @ Reader Vor
I can’t put my finger on it, but there is something about the writing style that… resonates with me. It’s fast paced with an almost procedural feel to it with the third person narrative. The book flew by and I literally lost track of time for HOURS because I was so invested in the story. “People take their motivation where they find it, Emma, and life is full of motivation. But they have to be inclined to begin with, don’t you think?” Often times I find crime procedurals sacrifice character development for plot, but Ellie Marney crafted an entire cast of characters who come alive on the page regardless of their “pagetime.” Every person was described so you could picture them (racially diverse as well, although it is worth it to mention the sexist and racist comments that come out of the serial killers’ mouths) and at times it almost felt like I was reading nonfiction accounts with how alive everyone felt. I love Emma, Bell, and Cooper so much and was incredibly invested in their well-being, which made for an incredibly tense read! Emma and Bell both have dealt with their own traumas and their work on Cooper’s interview unit brings new challenges to their recovery. It was interesting to watch these two strangers learn to work together, form bonds, and begin to lean on one another. “The idea of being part of a team is tempting. It’s the isolation of the thing that eats away at you: being alone on the island of the mind.” Now… we have to talk about Simon Gutmunsson, the teenaged serial killer known as The Artist. Honestly I am afraid to say this, but he is kind of endearing and likeable despite being clearly terrible. He’s got the charisma of Hannibal Lector and has so many layers to him, you can’t help but be captivated by him. His chapters were among my favorite to read, and I worry what that says about me. While in overall tone the book reads more like an adult novel with eighteen-year-olds, the author does a good job infusing these characters with teenage impulsivity. Their experiences forced them to grow up fast and it is obvious they were good picks for the special unit as they have a knack for the work. Despite their immediate success, they’re still inexperienced and government offices are nothing if not bureaucratic nightmares. I appreciated the clash of teenaged “I Know What’s Best” butting heads with FBI leadership, as well as Cooper’s message of needing to learn to navigate tough people in the workplace. That’s a lesson I wish I’d learned much earlier in life! “And this focus on the perpetrators sticks in her throat. It’s like the victims get forgotten. Why is it always about the killers?” One thing that I really appreciate is Emma’s concern with victimology, and if this is a series that continues it would be so interesting to watch victimology gain traction. “There are no li...
The last victim of a serial killer and a family member of another victim recruited for behavioural science unit. Their given task gets more and more serious than what they've hoped for... An alright read. Love the characters and it's timely development.
Shannon Hollinger
The cover & title of this one don’t do it justice. I was expecting a somewhat hokey teen slasher. What I got was the YA The Silence Of The Lambs! Creepy, suspenseful & atmospheric in an eerie Hannibal Lecter perfect villain that you can’t quite hate kind of way! I love the use of an incomplete sentence for effect, this author does at times take it to extremes. But, I got much more than I bargained for with this one, so no complaints here! So good!

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